
August 14, 2009

Trying to organize my downloads

I ended up deleting 200MB of custom hair a couple of days ago. I really don't want my game to get like my Sims 2 game... cluttered. It was a real pain going through every file, so I decided to add the file name to every post for easy reference.

I managed to get the last two pages of the "hair" label done so far. Now I'll start at the beginning and continue on until I get them all labeled. All posts should be done in a day or two.

This will make it much easier to remove hairs that you don't want anymore or remove hairs that have been updated or improved.


  1. Great idea, It is such a pain searching through downloads trying to find the right file to delete. Your work will make it all so much easier.

  2. Thank you for your work !

  3. how do I delete stuff? I went through my mods/packages and deleted tons of stuff because my game started running slow and they still show up in my game. :(

  4. That's why I originally added the CAS shots to the rar, but even that took way too much time. I figured this would make it a whole lot easier.

    I'm not sure if you have to delete the cache files for them to go away for good, since I do it pretty regularly.

    Or maybe it's a simpack file and you need to delete the ones still showing up with the launcher.

  5. Thank you very much. It's a great idea and this improvement makes everything much easier and less stresfull. Thank you again and have a nice day ;)

  6. Thanks so much. Now I can finally get rid of some transparent hairs.......YAY

  7. Thanks so much. Now I can finally get rid of some transparent hairs.......YAY

  8. Thanks so much. Now I can finally get rid of some transparent hairs.......YAY

  9. Thank you!!Thank you!! Thank you!!!
    I have the same problem I stoped playing with The sims 2 because of the tons of CC I downloaded!

    Hope you understand my bad English...

  10. Thanks so much! As an obsessive organizer myself I applaud your efforts!!!

  11. { :: Wonderful job on reorganizing the blog and links, MS3B! ;)I can imagine it took a great deal of effort to label everything and reorganize. I'm animated that you took my advice to heart =D I just hope it didn't cause you to much grief. Since my intentions were just to help. :: }

  12. OMG all My CC hair doesn't work on my Game today .

  13. It's like you've read my mind! I've actually used your blog in the past to identify hairs that look too borked in my game to bother having around. Great work, you.

  14. I thought just saving the rar files in a folder with pictures inside would be easy enough. It wasn't so, it's half selfish on my part doing it this way, but everyone benefits. I know, you can just click the link and download each file to see what the actual file name is, but this is so much easier and quicker. Now go clean out what you don't want or need:)

    I managed to get a portion done yesterday and the first page done today, so like I said the rest should be done in a day or two.

    And you didn't cause me any grief, anon. I probably won't be able to go back and comment about the download and link everything and what not, because a lot of this stuff never made it past CAS and I have no idea where some of the earlier stuff came from.

    But every download (even the ones not uploaded by me) will have the file names listed, so you can find them easily in your packages folder.

  15. um whats this about rar. i cant get my downloads 2 show up in the game cuz i dont know how. i didnt really download anything 4 sims 2 so im new 2 it

  16. rar is the WinRAR file you download before extracting the file to put in your packages folder.

    To the right under "game help" there's a great tutorial that will explain everything you need to do to set up your custom content.

  17. Oh man, you're AWESOME for this! I was going to need to go back and do this for a whole ton of files.

  18. Thank you so much! That's awesome!

    I also dont wanna my game gets like my sims2 downloads folder... I have about 18gb!

    Such a great idea. ^^

  19. come look at my blog and tell me if my sim looks like lil kim. Just leave a comment on my pasge saying yes or no

  20. OMG this will save me so much time thank you!

  21. sighs okay so i got the winrar file but it wont let me download the rcg or somthing file wat now

  22. Thank you SO much for doing this!
    It is a pain in the ass trying to find the right ones to delete when they aren't named very informatively.
    Your work is appreciated! Thank you :-)

  23. Yeah, I was already up to 900MB, so this will help. I ended up removing all the original Peggy hairs, since they were like 25 or 35MB each. That helped shrink my CC folder a bit.

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  25. Thanks for listing the file name! It's really hard to search the ones you want to delete.I've been playing Sims 3 for almost three weeks and my CC folder already taking up 320 MB. Downloaded too much CC, can't get enough of custom hairs and patterns. >_< Anyway, Thanks again!

  26. I just wanted to say that I'm taking advantage of this right now to organize my hairs, and it's EXTREMELY helpful. You are my hero.

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