
August 10, 2009

Helga Hair 01 for Females


  1. Downloaded fine when i didnt try to translate the page into english. Thanks, nice one.

  2. This site say that hair is for testing and might be bugs. Download for own risk!

  3. The hair has some gaps and black spots in CAS and in game, but it's not to noticable while playing.

  4. McAfee says this isnt a safe site and the download site is the same (a red site) i wouldn't download it, untill someone else uploads it to a safer site.

  5. Thank you, ariane. I added a warning in the post. I didn't get anything from the site, but then again, I did not download this hair...just visited the site and download page.

    Any others having problems with the site?

    I will remove it, if so. Maybe download the file myself and upload it with zshare. I know it's stealing, but giving a virus is worse in my opinion.


  7. I downloaded it earlier from the Russian site and had no problems.

  8. I downloaded it and have had no problems. I downloaded one other one from the site and it is nice too. The only issue I see with this hair that the bottom of the ponytail can seperate from the top part of the hair when the sim turns her neck.

  9. "She looks like such a slut! Why does this game insist on sexually provocative clothing for a game innocent children play"

    this doesnt come with the game you download it at the sims 3 store. All the clothes that come in the game are pretty much covering everything and there isnt anything "provocative". Well, except the bathing suits.... which arent important.

    Point is, you decide the clothes your sims have. So the "innocent kids" as you say are the parent's responsibility. Not EA's.

  10. Chill the heck out it's a game!

  11. the 2 times ive downloaded it ive had no issues or warnings pop up
