
September 26, 2009

UPDATED - NewSea 16 by Savio

Savio has added another conversion at his blog. This was also converted way back here and of course at Newsea for donation. I'm not sure if it's for both genders - I won't be able to play my game until much later:)

UPDATE: Male version added

File names:

NewSea Hair YU016m-viking-MALE_Savio


  1. I'm going to make an Avril Lavigne with this hair, thanks !

  2. wow. I usually only make male sims, but this hair is gorgeous. I'll have to go make a girl for it now :)

  3. No more floating hair plz...

  4. i agree...i dont like floating hair either lol

  5. Really nice, thank you Savio!

  6. I wish it was the flower version, but, i love this, thanks so much!!!

  7. You guys... the "floating" isn't a stylistic choice the creators make to irk you. In order for the hair to work properly, it *has* to have that float... or else it it chopped off by heavier sims. It's not fair to blame it on the creator, and it's kind of unproductive to complain about it.


  8. What actonthat said.
    Use your head jesus. :l

  9. Did not you read what I said? I have to do this cause if your sim is heavier, it will go through the body.

    I will do this while I do not figure out how to make it act like the hairs from the game. (they move if your sim is fatter or thinner)

    I do not mind if you only make skinny sims (Are not you from peggyland, are you? - in there everyone is skinny, has long and straight hairs, and nobody's ugly). There are many people in the world who like fat sims, and feel good by playing with them.

    Btw, thank you actonthat and anon. :)

    Ah, and if you do not like my work, go convert it yourself, and do not say what you do not know. :D

    Sorry, had to say.

  10. Savio,

    Most of us appreciate your work. You do what you have to do to make it work and most of it translates beautifully.

    If the people don't want the floating hair, don't download it! It's that simple. If you can do better, then do it yourself.

  11. Thank you, Anon. :) I am glad you (and anyone else) like my work. ^^

    I am really sorry for the floating hairs, but I have to do this.

  12. And there's always the other options if people want them for skinny only:)

  13. Savio, don't worry about negative comments. You're always going to have people who like your stuff and people who don't, no matter how good you are. And of course, people will always express their opinions, good or bad. If you can't improve upon the flaws they point out, or it's just impractical, ignore it. You can't please everyone.

  14. I love this version, thanks

  15. It looks so real I love it

  16. Fat people don't excist! Just really really really bigboned. OK ;)

  17. he has updated the post with the male version, and added another hair. (which im in love)

  18. looks stringy and trailer-trashy. not my style
