
September 20, 2009

Official E-petition to add more body & face morph sliders to TS3

I was hoping customization like this would show up in upcoming expansions, even though I swear the hair sliders were shown in one of the first (if not the first) trailers for The Sims 3. And let's not even get started on the "customize your Sim to look like anybody" you want. I was super-excited about that, but then, the game was released and it wasn't the case. After the excitement wore off (about two days) I ended up reinstalling The Sims 2 and played that until some custom hair, clothes, etc. started showing up. I know that has nothing to do with better customizing the facial and body structure of Sims but anyway....if you would like to sign this petition to better customize your Sims then sign the petition here.

Check out the level of customization in these two videos of EA's upcoming "All Points Bulletin" and be blown away.


  1. I remember the whole hoopla about sims 3. Getting to do this, and that. I was reeeeally hoping they had sliders to make your sims any height you want, But, whatever. I'm happy with the sims 3 as is, even though a butt load of more things should've been added. I'm sorry but not even this would have me going back to sims 2. Sims 3 is still the best sims so far, I guess i'll sign anyway.

  2. i actually like my sims how they are..i prefer them more cartooney. Those two videos are too life would kinda creep me out lol.

  3. Even though those characters they were customizing was really life like the customization features was awesome to the sliders they had the creation of your own tattoo to the length of the hair. Lol kinda wish Sims 3 had that kinda customization.

  4. I am all for better customizing my Sims. Signs!

  5. Any why couldn't we apply this to the life simulation game, exactly?


  6. Yeah. The thing is, they wouldn't have to put things as specific as 'vein enlarger'. Just, well, things like height, bust (for both sexes, because men have moobs too), thighs, a chin slider that doesn't force us to choose between 'double chin' and 'sharp enough to cut glass'. A FOREHEAD SLIDER.

    And why are we limited on skin colors? Why can't we have purple, white, or yellow sims in our game? You could have had a color wheel just like with hair and eyes. It feels weird that there isn't one, reducing us back to where we were in Sims 2.

    There's some great things that were introduced with Sims 3, but some things that were left out seem... rather glaring.

  7. I'm not saying that the game should go into this detail, but there's "cartooney" and then there's TS3 CAS without slider hacks, custom makeup, etc.

  8. I like the normal skin tones fine. I think it would be weird to have purple or green skin tones. It really creeps me out, since when was there a person born with purple or green skin tone.

  9. I think that is freakin awesome. SIGNING INDEFINITELY!

  10. MS3B, no worries- I was agreeing with you and the person above me. XD Thanks for linking!

  11. I would like to know what do the black guys have to have guns?? That kind of pisses me off.

  12. It's a shooting game so don't even try to start a "racist" fight here.

  13. I wnat the game to be a game not realistic

  14. Okay maybe I missed something but what excactly is this slider thing from? it looks really cool!

  15. hell yeah ill sign i was so upset about the the sims 3 came out its still cool as hell but not as good and it should be and man ill just buy apb just to make people

  16. WOW th@ would be AWESOME!

  17. Oh? I wish I could make such a great lady's figure. In TS3 it's either flat or fat. Sliders would be amazing.

  18. This is great and all, but I think we're getting into a whole new entity here. If we want to focus on customization like this, then maybe it should be incorperated into a whole new game. Sims 3 is GREAT the way it is.

  19. This is great and all, but I think we're getting into a whole new entity here. If we want to focus on customization like this, then maybe it should be incorporated into a whole new game. Sims 3 is GREAT the way it is.

  20. you have to be a EA rep @ anonymous up above. More sliders in CAS pls and thanks

  21. my computer barely handles sims3 as is i dont think adding more sliders will better anyones situation. get a life and get used to the game as is losers!

  22. when the sims 3 came out I think Ea played a really bad joke not only was the game glitch filled but after seeing how far people modded and changed the look of sims in the sims 2 you would think maybe they would get an idea like hmmmm maybe we should sort of expand the game and break out of the box.

  23. To the commenter a few posts back- so what you're saying is: "Hey, my computer is slow, and I have trouble running Sims 3. Some people want Sims 3 to have more flexibility in CAS. Since there's the remote possibility that this would make it harder to run on *my* computer, these people are losers! They fail so much for not thinking about what I want!"

    Many of us have aging computers. A few sliders added on isn't going to hurt it.

  24. This is the level of customization Sims 3 should have had right from the start.

    More sliders are needed! It's beyond me why you improve parts of the game, but you cut away slider from the CAS, one of the most important parts of the game. EA made a big mistake with this questionable designdecition... Lack of time? Lazyness? To create obvious limits? I don't get it..

  25. WOW! If only we could adjust our Sims that way. That would be awesome. I know when I played several other games, I could adjust their height, weight, breasts, hips, legs, waist, etc. I loved it because I could make up charactors all different ways. Oh we can only hope that EA will open their eyes and do this for us.

  26. WELL, it could simply be an add-on! like a patch or something. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DOWNLOAD IT. i was so p'oed about the furniture choices as well. sims 2 had PIANOS, HOT TUBS, AND BILLIARD TABLES. five years later, EA releases sims 3, and those items are gone. isn't the sims 3 supposed to be more advanced? it was originally supposed to come out in feb, and then we found out that it was coming out in june. i was soooo excited for it to be even better, considering the 4 month delay. i was kind of disappointed when i saw that you could not edit the height or weight, AND there was no curly hair. wow.

  27. **nvm about the weight, that was a typo haha

  28. I realy should like to sign but, when i go to login, a message apperas: you don't have permission to enter in this forum and i am officialy register in there. Please, go ahead with this petition. This sliders are amazing!

  29. ok.. it was hard for me to listen to the man talking in teh video.. becuase he was so vanilla.. BUT from what i understood.. maybe i am wrong.. is that.. THIS IS AN EA GAME!? wtf is ea doing adding this kind of customazation to a shooting game.. AND NOT THEIR OWN sims game!? also why the hell did they remove the downloads folder.. and the music folder... and the body builder thingy.. for custom content..

    now i have to download some TSR custom tool crap... which doesnt really do much yet..

    seems to me... ea couldnt afford their crack addictions with the expansions anymore.. so they created sims 3.. and made sure it was pretty much impossible for new people to start customizing... and then started up an online store that is a complete scam.

  30. Don`t download some TSR custom tool crap! You don`t know what it can be contaminated with. Delpy and Wes Hove has tools that probably can do the exactly the same and perhaps more. Plus with those tools you can be sure that you won`t get a key logger included.

  31. CAS lack of too much things.. but it's good for people who want the game to be easy,fussfree and dummyproof..but i'm standing on the wanting a higher level of customization side..

  32. I feel so cheated.. i mean this APB is just a shooting game and yet it so much better then TS3 when TS3 should be this good.. personally when i just bought TS3 i was too pretty disappointed becoz theres really not much difference with TS2 till now i'll still say the same..but TS3 CC is much better than TS2's... still it's nothing like this APB..


    You know what really bugs me? The fact that you can't make the eyes longer/slittier or rounder, if you get what I mean. EA should give us more customisation.

    I have to say, I was pretty disappointed about the lack of facial/body sliders.

  34. oh some things are so cool to do biger brests.... i make soms anime charas so its so perfect for.... i woud love to have it for my sim game...

  35. I think people here aren't considering that for APD, the player characters don't need to interact. They'll largely be interacting with NPCs, and even then there won't be a lot of body contact. In The Sims, sims need to hug, kiss, shake hands, dance, leap into each other's arms, etc., and that means their general frames need to be reliably determinable.

    While I tend to agree than not allowing the player to adjust breast size, no tattoos, etc. were decisions made to avoid accusations of prurience, demanding things like height sliders doesn't take the actual mechanics of the game into account.

  36. Mi dice che non ho i privilegi necessari.

  37. The videos are very cool but unfortunately, in order to have that level of customization, the game would have to be completely redone. As someone stated above, animations which involve interaction with items or other sims would have to be rescaled and redone or you would have lots of issues. I realize not everyone cares about the issues, but a company that released a game where when eating the fork went through the face would be seriously criticized. That said, they could probably have given us more body shape control, such as increasing the size of the chest. I believe they even told us we would be able to do that. As long as they have set parameters so the sizes are not too extreme to mess up the animations, they could have done at least that much. A petition, however, probably won't help but it might influence Sims 4. Companies are out for profit, not out to make people who already bought their game happy. :)

  38. Good points are being made here, actually, concerning the considerations about height and so on.

    Maybe, in the future, we'll figure out how to do it on our own ;)

  39. I think that its understood we won't be able to have this level of customization but that dosent mean that EA can't add more sliders to what is already present.

  40. I would like to sign wherever you ask me, but to users in a different language this forum is not available, like the comment above in italian has said. Is a shame that other games offer so many possibilities of customization and not a game that is supposed to recreate real life.

  41. That pisses me off, quite frankly. They're going to put all the customization in an MMO rather than a game where the whole point is to create people to live their lives.


  42. I think the characters in APB are a little to real looking for my taste......but the sims could still keep their cartoony look and also have more sliders and options. It wouldn't be impossible to keep everyone fairly happy anyway

  43. I agree, the characters in APB look to life like.. EA can add more sliders, but keep the content the same...APB is just a little to real for me...

  44. Anyone that doesn't want this works for EA or needs step by step instructions just signing onto their computer.

  45. I would have willingly waited another 6 months to 1 year for options like this. Shame on EA!

  46. I'm pissed and feeling a whole lot ripped off. Sims 3 sucks compared to this.

  47. the only person talking sense here is the one who said about the actual interactions that we have our sims do, that all has to be take into acount before we can do all this customisation....
    why would you wanna change the height of your character????
    then we have all the issues like pedophilia comming into it.
    everyone needs to stop whining,
    get off these forums any either play the game....

    or buy this shooting game be happy and customise your characters the way you all want.

  48. What the hell are you talking about?? What does height and pedophilia have anything to do with each other? I know a lot of short people who are adults, idiot. People just want to be able to have tall, short, and everything in between...just like real life. Since no one in real life are all the same height. That said, yes it would be somewhat hard to do seeing how it would affect how the interactions work. But when I had The Sims 2 I used SimPe to change heights all the time. So even if EA won't be able to do that, hopefully someone will be able to make a program that could allow us to do that. Even if the interactions don't look perfect I would still opt for it, seeing how it is more realistic.

  49. You're saying everyone needs to stop whining, but you're the one whining and ranting about things you obviously have hidden issues with.

  50. Hello is the first time that posts a comment and the page is super good, ie have good quality content, my comment is to give a better idea for the creation of transparent roof for the sims 3 as it had in the sims 2 and also transparent floor and needed reflextivo nadita with more thanks and if possible post please do so to download it is a better idea ....

  51. Yeah.. having sims of same height and weight is pretty lame if you ask me..The sliders in CAS really limited me..and i thought TS3 was going to be way better and more realistic than TS2..i was wrong..there's improvement but overall it's not a big deal..

  52. I can't imagine anyone being against this improvement.

  53. I have to agree. Who wouldn't want improved options?

  54. Features are added little by little with expansions and so forth. If everything was put into the game all at one time then there wouldn't be a need for expansions. This would not be profitable for EA.

    With no need for expansions the game would eventually become boring. It is nice to have the eagerness of upcoming features and expasions.

  55. This looks nice and all, but the amount of system requirements would skyrocket and not everyone's computer would be able to handle it. The base game needs to be somewhat reasonable for society to be able to play it.

    We can always count on expansions!!!

  56. We all bought this game and there is nothing we can do about it. Stop complaining, suck it up, and play it or be patient for there is more to come. If you can't handle that, then don't play it or throw it out or give the dang thing away.

  57. its all about the money...

  58. Sadly yes :( that is the way life opperates.

  59. Sadly yes :( that is the way life operates.

  60. To reach this level of customization the game need to be reformatted..expansions won't comes in sliders or genetics

  61. Yes it does need to be reformatted which is why I said previously that we are talking a whole new entity here. Expansions can add sliders and then some, but whether that will be done is another question.

  62. If Mods can be done, sliders can be done!

  63. If it's not going to happen in Sims 3 then as mentioned before, wait for Sims 4.

  64. Yeah wait for another new version of the game and be dissapointed (again). Who knows.. But, there`s always hope, just don`t get it too high up :o)

  65. Absoluetly amazing. It would be sooooo easy to make realistic, unique sims if the sims 3 worked like that!

  66. "Features are added little by little with expansions and so forth. If everything was put into the game all at one time then there wouldn't be a need for expansions. This would not be profitable for EA.

    With no need for expansions the game would eventually become boring. It is nice to have the eagerness of upcoming features and expasions."

    - Well put by the commercial patriot, lol!! But the first part is probably true unfortunately ... & though a couple of extra sliders wouldn't go astray, it probably would break the average computers resources the way it runs right now...

  67. Yes a couple of sliders are fine and all and would be great, but the demand is much higher for everyone. Seems as nobody is happy and probably never will be no matter what improvments are made.

  68. I should say demands are much higher for everyone. Doesn't just stop at the sliders. Push push push to make so many changes in such a short period of time.

  69. You wont get any sympathy from EA or any of their fanboyz (like some of those here :P )!! So I guess you'll just have to wait until some genius comes along & creates their own version or expansion of the existing CAS editor, [as happened with Sims 2] - Remember, a lot of commentators moaned about people whinging back then, but were quick to get-on-board & enjoy the later "fruits" of their labor!!

  70. One thing people are forgetting here... the In CAS creation cannot overide the ingame character attributes such as the over-cartoonised frowns and worriesome gestures, so what's the point cosidering they were designed as cartoonish in the first place?

  71. Uncanny Valley. That is all... If you don't know what it is, look it up.

    Personally, I think they did a great job with the pattern maker in TS3, but the actual content and meshes are really lacking. I'm sick of the hair conversions that end up looking horrible as people try to figure them out.

  72. maybe they're saving this for sims 4 eh???

  73. I'd say they (EA) didn't appreciate the level of customization done to TS2 from various modding sites & went of their way to restrict that from happening again this time round.. as testified to by the fact only 20 CAS sliders total were hard-coded into TS3... Possibly because of pride or probably because of certain adult content out there that the game wasn't intentionally developed for...

  74. Delphy made some breast sliders and their on just go there and they are actual sliders so yeah it is possible to make sliders. i think the main reason they didnt make height so big in sims 3 is becuz of the animation. the animation (if we had all this fancy stuff in it) would crash the game and it would be super slow.

  75. ..OK I got that wrong, Pescados awesome mod provides for 50 sliders, apparently, but Delphy argues the coding restricts available sliders to 20, or is that an extra 20?!!

  76. Did anyone else consider the fact that if they did include all those sliders it would also probably jack up the price of the game because it would take that much longer to create all those sliders? So instead of paying $50 for a game (which most people already bitch about), it would probably be closer to $75-$100.

    I'm not from EA, I'm not an EA "fanboy" But you guys gotta think logically here too. I personally love realistic Sims and would love to be able to customize them more, but I think EA was taking people's budgets into account here too.

    Also, it's a GAME guys. Come on, it's supposed to be fun. If you want that level of customization, buy Poser or use Daz3D and get your jollies out that way

  77. How in the hell does EA give this game this level of customization when we should have this for our sims! The Sims is all about character customization. Why don't we have this kind of awesomeness!! I'm furious! This is what Sims 3 sims should have been able to look like!

  78. And for Heaven's sake - They need to make a kiddie version and a more mature version already to appease those of you who don't want this kind of sweet customization.

  79. I really wish i had that level of customization in ts3. I would gladly wait another year for that, but seriously, vein sliders? WOW!

  80. You know, I'm sorta glad that the sims never went that realistic. It wouldnt feel quite the same if they changed the art style to such a realistic design.

    Though i do agree the sliders and the customisation would prove much handier.

  81. omg, it already takes me 2h hours minimum to do a family, i don't want to imagine how much time it would take me with that much customisation o.o
    only thing i think the sims really miss is different heights and....younger looking teenagers (they look too old dammit >.< its quite difficult to see the difference between adult and teens)
