
October 03, 2009

Another Hair Added at XM Sims

Go to XM Sims to download this hair for females - teen through elder

File name: XMS3-FloraHair015-TFtoEF


  1. Looks good, but the accessory is kind of superfluous. ._.

  2. Looks kinda flat, else it`s probably nice

  3. r u serious?? they left that hair clip in there?
    thanks for pointing it out savio and to think i was soo glad to finally see a nice normal hair style
    at last...i spoke too soon

  4. Anon #3, yea, I do like xmsims' hairs cause they all look normal. (the last hair - long one - it is my fav hair of all up in there)

    But Gosh, that hair clip is horrible, IMO... (hey, the hair itself is good, but the accessory made it look pretty weird)

    If I had some knowledge about meshing (milkshape, 3dmax stuff..) I could try to remove it. But as I am not a 3D program expert.. :s

  5. I get a popup for the "Virus Doctor" when I go on that site. :(

  6. Love it. With the clip in it, it looks like hair fron "the hood" - lol. Have to have it for my non-cookie-cutter neighborhood.

  7. um, how do you convert/make meshes with a mac? like what programs could i use because i really wanna try with this stuff

  8. I hope XM's going to make another version of this hair without the accessory, just like some previous hairs, since I think this looks really nice.

  9. I also get popups from my virus software when I visit that site. Be careful.

  10. XM does have one like this without the clip, check the site.

  11. I don't see it anywhere. If you are talking about Florahair14, it's not the same hair.

  12. chad and other person i get it too, when you get to that page click the X button very fast to keep it from loading completely, you should be able to see the page still and still be able to download

    it looks like a pop up ad gone mad, ive never had issues with that site before

  13. they probably do have one without the clip but its probably not converted yet
    it seems like they will be converting their hairs one by one


    heres the link to the site that doesnt automatically go to the virus pop up ad. its harmless though my computer went to it like 4 times and you can just stop it and go to your desired download

  15. No, my Avast caught it as a Trojan Horse. Won't be downloading that one - and I'm glad someone here mentioned that ridiculous bow!

    Loved the hairs til I saw the bow...

  16. I've gotten the virus ad too. Luckily, Trend Micro caught it.

    I finally managed to download the hair. I just wish the bow wasn't on there.

  17. XM has allllll those hairs on their website from the sims 2, and they manage to convert these?? Xm sims...Wake Up! I can understand that they don't want people to convert their hairs, but i promise you, if i had the right tools to convert sims 2 to sims 3 i would convert Xm's. they'll just have to be mad at me for doing it, b/c i would in a flash.

  18. I really liked this hair in Sims
    2, so I'm glad we have it for Sims 3 now. I got that annoying virus protection pop-up as well. It took a couple of tries before I could download the hair.

  19. I'm on strike from XMsims now. They gave me the first trojan on my computer, only had one warning before in almost two years.
    That ad won't hurt you if you don't click the 'x' on the actual webpage, I was in such a rush to 'x' out that I got the warning for the trojan, detected as:
    'TR/Dropper.Gen [trojan]' by Avira and then scanned and scanned making sure it was completely removed.
    I'm done with them.

  20. btw i was referring to the X in the middle of the page that you press to keep a page from loading. not the X to exit, but if this sites comes with trojans thats not good...the link i gave earlier should be good tho

  21. For firefox users, look into using the adblock plus addon, which will stop annoying pop ups like the virus doctor one. As an added bonus, it'll hide the normal ads on other websites as well. I think this exists for safari as well.

    Anyway, I do like this hair, but hope they do a version without the clip. It doesn't really seem needed.

  22. It might not be XM's fault there's adware on the site... it could mean Flora's computer got infected and she doesn't know anything about it.

  23. I really like this, the clip an' all. :)

  24. Hiii there are new Balmain shoes at oskaronedesigns !!!

  25. JS:FakeAV-BF [Trj]

    I installed the Adblock Plus and the Trojan still comes up - named above.

    I suggest the owner of this site remove this link for download.

  26. If I get it, I just go into Task Manager and end the process and if it comes up again, I keep doing it until Firefox thinks it's crashed and all the tabs get closed.

  27. I used safari browser and there was no threat when I went to the website. Downloaded it and everything without a single pop-up :/

  28. I got the same warning....

  29. Hmm. Strange... I'm using Firefox + Adblock and got no popups or anything of the sort.

  30. Glad to know I'm not the only one who got the virus ad. Luckily, ESET was able to catch it in time. <3 *pets ESET* Showed up as "NSIS/TrojanDownloader.FakeAlert.C trojan".

    Out of all the times I visited XM Sims (and I visited it frequently for Sims 2 stuff), this is the first time this actually happened. Not like I'm an expert on the matter, but perhaps it's as the anon above Alexandra's comment said.

  31. It's just a pop up. It doesn't mean there's a virus. Is just a link.

  32. I have not even been to the XM Sims website today and I got the same virus warning multiple times today. Luckily Avira caught it each time time blocking it - and I finally deleted it. This is a trojan that is getting spread all over.

  33. This happened to me like a while ago at xm i got some crazy virus actaully redirected me to a new page saying i had like 76 viruses or something and not long after norton removed a trojan virus from my system. wether the trojan was from them or elsewhere i don't know, but i wont dwonload from them anymore.

  34. Its not XMsims fault, I've seen that "Virus Doctor" multiple times over the internet. They probably don't know, and if they do, there most likely trying to fix it.

  35. I got a virus warning when I went to the XM site, also. I'm staying away for a good long time.

  36. i don't know, if you ask me, you gotta be responsible enough to know what could be happening to your customers when they go to your website. and even if its not XM's fault there's a virus message popping up, they ought to find a way to stop it or just quit.

  37. Cool, like I do my hair somtimes. I finally found a hair that resembles mine.
