
August 20, 2012

Hair Fashionista 4 by Ulker

Download at The Sims Resource - NOW FREE


  1. Not as nice as the other 3. Looks like a EA Store hair, only I prefer the store hair. xP

  2. it looks kinda nice except for the front of the hair..

  3. this person has uploaded 2 (3hairs total) hairs that are pay, not EVERY one wants to or is going to pay for this hair, its just hair but it leaves those of us who dont want/cant spend out in the dust. I love how tsr is using her to get new subscribers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. this hair is definetly not as good as the other too but its still nice :]. but still im not subscribing ;[

  6. The model eyes and nose looks real weird//

  7. i want this soo bad anyone got the link

  8. If the front gets fixed up i'll have to hunt it down on a free site.

  9. I loved this hair. I think a sentence that is only to subscribers :(

    P.S. I apologize for my English, ok.

  10. i really like this hair. Is there a link that i can download without subscribing ?

  11. 2 bad it's pay. Oh well whatever

  12. Her head is insanely large! The picture of the profile view doesn't look awful to anyone else?? It's not even a remotely realistic hairline.

  13. "Her head is insanely large"
    And exactly who did that?

    ... EA.

    Hair is HAIR, not HEAD as the people that create hair have to deal with how EA made the head.

  14. I don't know. I remember getting his first 2 hairs for free, I think they became subscription only later. Simscave does not feature TSR work, so no chance of finding these for free.

  15. You can get all of the pay TSR files from the beginning all the Way up to the 22nd here

    Please be sure to seed spread the word the more seeders the better. I didnt make this torrent, just spreading the good word.

  16. "Simscave does not feature TSR work, so no chance of finding these for free."

    Er, what? What about PMBD? Or blogs like Antonella's?

  17. Yeah Simscave won't post TSR content - you have to get it from PMBD, who hasn't updated the TSR section since earlier this month. I am hoping somebody sends them some new content soon.

  18. ""Her head is insanely large"
    And exactly who did that?

    ... EA.

    Hair is HAIR, not HEAD as the people that create hair have to deal with how EA made the head."

    No, actually, look at the picture again. It's definitely the hair making the head look so large. A pony tail that's pulled that tight should NOT add that much volume as it is adding. It's like the person put several pads around their scalp ;)

    The skull itself isn't that large. Tight pony tails should never ever be that poofy except on the tail part itself, not the pulled-tight close to the scalp part :)

  19. ^^ Lots of people wear ponytails with the front part poofed up. That doesn't seem to be quite what Ulker was going for here, but still.

  20. i don't think this is a going out on the town ponytail. this is a im painting the room, going to bed, cleaning house ponytail. it's just grabbed up and pulled together. looks good for what it represents i believe

  21. I wore my hair like this today...and I looked just as grungy lol

  22. any mediafile links?

    you have to register and stay logged for 20 hours. Then you can download it

  24. And how do you suggest we do that? it's not in english.

  25. OR... You could look all over the exchange for some sucker who is actually using this god-awful style on a sim they uploaded. Anything from TSR gets packed with the sim/house. It's an easy way to get pay items. You just can't exactly share them in a conventional way. xP

  26. Are you serious? I haven't noticed that anything from tsr gets packed with the sim. In fact if I dont have the cc of the sim I'm downloading it defaults to some awful hairstyle/outfit.

  27. "Anything from TSR gets packed with the sim/house. It's an easy way to get pay items."

    Shhhhh...they have ears everywhere. ;)

    I noticed that when I was downloading lots. Didn't know it was true for Sims, too.

  28. Does anyone know what programs ulker uses to make this hair?
    If i new i would devote myself to making hair like this and posting it for FREEE. :]


    ^^ that is it on the exchange. The hair will show up in game i think after what ppl say here.

  30. I can confirm that the above is not true.
    I downloaded a sim with this hair :
    The sims appeared in my CAS with the default ea hair because I didn't have the hairstyle installed.

  31. Odd. It worked for everything else. Ulker must have found a way to package hair differently. It works for shoes, makeup, patterns, clothing and housing stuff though

  32. Well, despite what he did I still found the other one for free download. This one will emerge too... ;)

  33. Adelle's post might have the additional CC considering it's 25.2 mb size... Though, I wasn't overly impressed with the last Ulker hair so I don't know why so many here are going gaga over this one...

  34. oh pleaseee FREEEE!

  35. I want this hair :( , someone can tell me in what page obtain it ¨? Please!!

  36. there is hair fashionista 5 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I'm not going to post the download link here. Just search keywords and use your brain.
