
October 20, 2009

Hyrianne - female elf by @Stefan

Download this Sim at Mod The Sims


  1. Awww she's really pretty.

  2. the clothing is retarded

  3. I love this creator, but I have to say I'm quite disapointed.she doesn't look like the most unique sim.In cas she looks horrible. ok not horrible but bug eyed. she was not tweaked much from an Ea default,and not a pretty one at that. I didn't know giving an sim a pink skintone and elf ears and calling fantasy made it unique. tHe nice us eof photoshop though.

    It just fustrates me b/c alot of ppl upload more unique items than this and get shot down. maybe they have a more overlooking moderator this week or something. Or maybe Stefan's creations get accepted b/c he is a poplular featured sims creator.

    Its just my opinion, of cousre. its clear many feel diffrently.
    I'm not creator yet, but in CCF I see a lot of talented creators get turend down. i'm sure if he brought it CCF he get the not unique crtic as well.

    THis wouldn't be a big deal to me if it wasn't uploaed to MTS, where there are higher standards than this for sure.

    What do you guys think? Whos your favourtite sims creator for the sims 3?

  4. I love this creator, but I have to say I'm quite disapointed.she doesn't look like the most unique sim.In cas she looks horrible. ok not horrible but bug eyed. she was not tweaked much from an Ea default,and not a pretty one at that. I didn't know giving an sim a pink skintone and elf ears and calling fantasy made it unique. tHe nice us eof photoshop though.

    It just fustrates me b/c alot of ppl upload more unique items than this and get shot down. maybe they have a more overlooking moderator this week or something. Or maybe Stefan's creations get accepted b/c he is a poplular featured sims creator.

    Its just my opinion, of cousre. its clear many feel diffrently.
    I'm not creator yet, but in CCF I see a lot of talented creators get turend down. i'm sure if he brought it CCF he get the not unique crtic as well.

    THis wouldn't be a big deal to me if it wasn't uploaed to MTS, where there are higher standards than this for sure.

    What do you guys think? Whos your favourtite sims creator for the sims 3?

  5. Hey!
    you must realize the horrid limitations of sims 3 CAS and its teh slider options.

    If you really want change Sign the pettiton on the sims 3 .com
    ANd Lets SEE you do better, instead of just talking the talk.

    In my opinion,sims 2 sims WERE alot better. but stefan got talent in the sims 3 and 2

  6. is everyone making ELVES NOW? jsut b/c of the new sliders? their nice and all but how *f-ing orginal. the next thing you know we will be flooded by claimsof supposedly halloween vampires...

  7. ^ Exactly! The ear sliders are cool and all, but I have like what, 4 elves out of 106 sims in my neighborhood?

    And if you check the creator feedback forum you'll find about 6 vampires there. :/

  8. Hey! I made an original nymph with new clothes and she wasn't posted here, but Stefan makes a normal sim with elf ears!

  9. Yes she's cute and all, but really... I don't think she's very original. I don't want to be rude, but I think that recently @stefan's sims all have a very similar look to them. You can see it's his work... there's not much unique about it and I'm surprised MTS accepted it to be honest.
