
October 15, 2009

New Donation Set at Stylist Sims

There's a new donation set at Stylist Sims. Set includes 1 female hair, 3 male outfits and 5 female outfits.


  1. Nice clothes and I love that hair.

  2. I wonder if the clothes can be colored.

  3. Wow, I can't wait to get this. So much wonferful stuff! Some of these are recolorable as I see on the pictures.

  4. me too yay

    pay sites must be destroyed

    sims cave

    google it

  5. I love these. Especially the man clohes, there are very rare and look wonderful and original.

    To the anorexic one: Make fatter Sims in your game. That's the fashion industry, and the screenshots are usually prestented on slim people.

  6. It's up

  7. I hope my mom will let me buy it all.

  8. STYLIST SIMS has the best clothing.

  9. As a mom, I advise you to save your poor mom's $$$. What the site is doing is wrong, so consider this the GREEN light for you to go get this for free.

  10. Most of these look great - except the jumpsuit outfit ... that's horrible!

  11. OMG it looks straight of of Vogue 1978.

  12. thank you anon for the simscave link, i do kind of not like that this is mainly skinny people stuff but all my sims are thin

    the mens stuff is so cute but the womens stuff does look a lil too 80s or 70s for my taste but other wise its good

  13. to the PERSON who keeps saying FLAT all the damn time, first off, grow your vocabulary, and 2nd...if you hate it so much go make your own damn custom clothes and see how people like it. I dont see you making custom content.

  14. omg so preety luv these clothes <3

  15. You know, if these were free, I definitely would download many of them on the spot. I usually don't like photoskinning, but many of these look really nice.

  16. I want the clothes!

  17. Ok, those look horrible. All of their clothes look flat, like Sims 1 clothes or something. Why would ANYONE pay or download for that? People who pay those who put no effort on their creations are lame. Plus the hairs are HORRIBLE. How can they ask to be paid for THAT¿?

    Those designs are original, but the final result is poor. I don't understand why anyone would want their sims to look like that on their game.

  18. To the last: 166 people from Simscave already wanted them (in less than 1 hour), including me. So no need to worry.

  19. I love their design! I might not wear them on my active sims but I definitely use them on my townies A LOT, especially the oversized women. Some clothes look really flattering on those fatties.

  20. @^ And those cultures are viewed as barbarians by the civilized world who continually try to convince them to change their ways.

  21. Violence is not the right way. Neither stealing. But that's how the human race is.

  22. Lets play.. Catch Me if You Can ^^

  23. Can you even bumpmap sims 3 clothes yet? Everyone bawwing that it's too flat. If you don't like it, just don't pay for it (or arr it as the case seems to be for most people)

  24. This isn't stealing. Read the TS3 EULA: redistribution of files is 100% legal. And considering how paysites blatantly violated the TS2 EULA for years before the release of TS3, NO, I do not feel that there is an underlying moral issue at play here. Paysites forfeited any claim to a moral high ground long ago.

    Also, the "FLAT" asshole needs to find a new hobby, and Stylist Sims should stick to furniture, IMO. The hair looks alright, but as usual, this download junkie has absolutely no desire for any of those clothes.

  25. the people at rosesims are the only ones (that i know of) that managed to make custom dresses that are more 3D in game (2d imo) but sadly those dress have holes that come and go when your sims move... and also they dont have a lot of custom clothing

  26. That's why they are called "donations", have you finally figure out why. Pay sites have to be destroyed!

  27. Meh. I really only want one or two of the outfits...

  28. I guess the artist is not becoming a FA at TSR fast enough, so they want moar monies nao!

    Oh well off to simscave...

  29. I'm waiting for comments, how does the hair look in the game??

  30. To that FLATHead.. You`re being unbelivable childish! Grow up!!!

  31. i LOVE stylist sims!!! :)
    wait, are the shoes included too?the strappy one?

  32. doesn't look different from any other donation set that creaters put out.

  33. I emailed the creator and he said the strappy shoes are an upcoming free item.

  34. This is actually worth buying.

  35. oh, i cant wait! i wonder when is the strappy shoes gonna be available :)

  36. The clothes are decent, but even if the hair were free, I wouldn't waste the space on it. One of the worst I've seen so far.

  37. I actually love the hair! Kinda like romantic wave I'm wearing now. It looks nice in game too. Something different, at least from those regular peggy-rosy hair

  38. Stylist Sims rules! This is the best Sims3 content so far and worth every cent!

  39. The above poster is clearly either high or made these. xD

  40. I'm not joking, this set is brilliant!

  41. Actually it is pretty impressive.

  42. The above poster is clearly either high or made these. xD

    October 15, 2009

  43. i actually think Stylist Sims has the best clothing.

  44. "This is actually worth buying." and "Stylist Sims rules! This is the best Sims3 content so far and worth every cent!"

    No Sims content is "worth buying" because it's completely legal to redistribute pay content for free. Paysites like Stylist Sims broke the law with TS2; they do not deserve our money.

    I don't think Stylist Sims clothing has ever been particularly good, but that might just be because I don't care for they style.

  45. Of course these people who take the afford of making pretty clothes should get something in reward. But you also have to know people can't spent money all the time for virtual clothes they need it for their real life clothes.

  46. ^ agreed and btw the first hair looks like they've been burned

  47. LOL @ these comments. I'm Rofl!

  48. @katana: Exactly! People need to understand that pay content shouldn't be pay at all.

    My two cents on this set is that while the clothes are detailed and all right (not my stlye, though I may place them on a few neighboring sims) the hair is downright awful. It looks like she got right out of bed and singed the edges.

  49. It´s not terrible and I actually really like their clothing. But that hair just makes me want to get a comb, crawl into my computer and fix it. At least the bangs. And most of their clothing doesn´t have much dimension and they´re not recolorable. Which is very sad :(

  50. the hair is how mine looks when i come out of the shower without combing it..

  51. It's not a matter of artists' deserving payment. It's not even a matter of may have been at one point, but when paysites stopped respecting players, they forfeited any right to receive respect in return. You got that? PAYSITES HAVE BEEN BREAKING THE LAW FOR YEARS. And now the TS3 EULA specifically says that it is 100% legal to redistribute pay files for free. We are not disrespecting anyone by reappropriating content that was ILLEGAL in the first place, and distributing it in such a way that IT IS NO LONGER ILLEGAL.

    Let's pretend this is a children's storybook, since people don't seem to get the idea.

    Mr Raincloud tells the world that everyone has a right to drink all the water they want without having to pay a cent.

    Little Bobby shows up and says, "But my water is extra nice water for some reason, so if you want it, you have to pay for it."

    Little Billy shakes his head angrily and says "Water is supposed to be free, douchebag. Didn't you hear Mr Raincloud?"

    And then Little Billy gathers the water and gives it out to thirsty people. But Little Bobby doesn't like that, and oh how he cries and he cries.

    Then Mr Raincloud comes down and says, "Look, I'm not going to stop Little Bobby from selling water to stupid people, because stupid people deserve whatever they get. But Little Billy has every right to freely share the water he has bought from Little Billy, if he wants to. So quit your bitching, Bob."

    And Little Bobby stomps his feet and pouts, and sends his sockpuppets into blogs to stand up for him. Some of the stupid people are duped once again, and start to stand up for Little Bobby, but anyone with half a braincell knows that Little Bobby is a liar and a cheat who does not deserve anyone's support.

    Silly Little Bobby. Won't you ever learn?

  52. HA. Fantastic analogy, Anon!

  53. At the risk of sounding like a certain "FLAT"-spammer, I have to agree. The turtle-neck dress and the male turtle-neck both get away with it and look pretty nice, but otherwise I don't see what the fuss is on this set.

  54. ^ I agree. I've never liked SS clothing for that very reason.

  55. to the person who referred to it as Skinny people stuff I don't really get what you mean, There are no belly shirts or short shorts. A fat sim could easily wear these, I love everything except that jumpsuit.

  56. Anon, dude. None of us like flat clothes either. The reason people dislike you is because, instead of saying 'these clothes look flat' and, maybe, explain why it looks bad and then move on, you scream about how everything is flat, even things that *do* have meshes and bump maps, complete with cuss words that only serve to make you look even sillier.

    Lemme tell you about a guy named Pescado. He *definitely* doesn't hold back on his opinions. However, he gets mad props in the community because he actually tries to *fix* the problems.

    Sometimes, the best way to show your anger is to show em' how it's done, not cussing on a random finds blog.

  57. Oh yeah am I the only one who thinks that hair looks just like many of the free ones from XM for TS2?

    IMO this is hardly an original hairstyle let alone should anyone have to pay for it.

  58. I love Stylist Sims' stuff but I will never pay for anything except the actual game software. I have both of the donation packs plus all their freebies.

  59. i just don't get why everyone is sayin "buy" this shit. why can they just get it off of paysites once it's uploaded on there?

  60. "Little Billy shakes his head angrily and says "Water is supposed to be free, douchebag. Didn't you hear Mr Raincloud?"

    ROFLMAO!!! Love it!!!

    And yes - Paysites are the ones who broke the law. It is NOT stealing!

  61. they have a really good idea for clothing and so forth if only it didn't look so real.For cartoony sims I just don't think clothing like that looks right on them but thats just me.

  62. why is there so much drama going on here

  63. i think that these clothes are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got them from sims cave for FREE!


  64. Why does everyone make a big deal out of these sims clothes? it's a game! end of! i only play it once a week or so and if you're that concerned about clothes go out and bug designer then, just stop moaning they're flat and anorexic because... they're computer people, not real people!
