
October 31, 2009

Tokyo Bathroom Set at Stylist Sims - 12 New Meshes

This is available at Stylist Sims for donation.


  1. Very elegant, I like it.

  2. donation??:(...NOOOO!!D:

  3. Ha! I've been to tokyo (actually I half live there right now), And the bathrooms look nothing like this! XD Oh well, it's a really nice set, and I can't wait till it's free!

  4. Honestly, I like Stylist Sims' furniture way more than their clothing and hair. Hopefully this'll be up for free soon. :)

  5. i love the bamboo shoots in the glass display case! altho i have to wonder why there is a lounge chair in the bathroom..

  6. I wish Stylist Sims wasn't a pay site. I would happily donate to them if they were a free site and held voluntary donation drives to pay for site costs. I will NOT however give any money to a site that forces people to pay for content no matter how nice it is. That being said this set looks awesome and I can't wait till its avaliable for free.

  7. A bathroom set with no toilet... and it's not very Japanese either... It looks more like a Hollywoodesque spa.

  8. OMG i want it! It's so modern! I hope its up at PMBD soon...

  9. There hasn't been an update at PMSD in awhile... But yeah..this is totally hot!!! But wheres the comode?

  10. Anon, you're the second person to say that PMBD hasn't been updating, and I'm not sure why. They just updated yesterday, and the longest gap they had in updating was not quite a week. They do the delay in order to protect the people donating to the booty, but the delay isn't THAT great.

    Keep an eye on the forum to see the posted updates:

  11. I love stylist sims, but I hate "donation" packs.. I mean seriously, think about all the donations you would have to make for hair, or clothes or furniture, jesus it costs as much as the game itself!

  12. love the sleek recliner.. hope this set comes out at simscave..

  13. Man, I live in Tokyo and my bathroom sucks. This is what they give to high ranking diplomats. I need a new line of work.

  14. 3.95€ - hilarious!
    For what? A bath without toilet, without shower, some ordinary shelfs...
    The only innovativ thing is the bamboo glass divider.

  15. I've noticed PMBD is not updating very often either. At least, nothing that I really want. A lot of the TSR stuff I've had to find other ways to get, like anything by riccinumbers, who doesn't even have a SECTION on PMBD under TSR.

  16. PMBD seems to be posting on their forum that there are updates but here, nothing new:

  17. Pony up with the money you cheapskates.

    Just kidding.

  18. It's up on simscave!

  19. yep. just downloaded it. It says its tracked which makes me a little afraid to extract it

  20. what does tracked mean? i just downloaded it now i am scared

  21. I plan on tiling a bathroom soon so are there any useful tips out there to help it go smoother? Also what should I do when re installing the toilet? What needs to be done with the tile going along the side of the bathtub as far as grout or sealing it? I'm going to be keeping a step by step dairy on my blog if anyones interested, it's one thing writing abour bathrooms, its quite another re-modeling one yourself!
