
October 17, 2009

Two New Hairs at XM Sims

Download these two conversion female hairs at XM Sims - teen - elder

File names:



  1. I adored this hair in TS2, but it doesn't look the same in TS3 -- maybe it's just too big? I guess I won't be downloading it. :(

  2. Finally XM is uploading!
    This hair looks beautiful, but it should be lower...

  3. I love updos. Yay for different hairs.

  4. i really don't like that face, it bothers me for some reason.

  5. Like Anon said, it looks different in The Sims 3. Of course, it's inevitable that this happens, but the big difference I notice is that it seems too high on the head (like Anubis360 pointed out).

  6. Gorgeous hair. Downloaded!

  7. OMG THESE ARE TOO GIRLY TO PUT ON MALES oh wait I guess there won't be any frantic tardscreams this time, false alarm.

  8. Eh, the idjit spams 'flat' on anything now. Guess the poor sod got kicked off 4chan for having nothing of note to say.

  9. It looks better without the beads thing..

  10. ugh it still look like a short bob to me. Kate Gosselin hair updo?

  11. @Jym

    I don't really like Flora's model either, nor can I put my finger on why. Obviously it's extremely subjective, but I can never really tell if I like the hair or not until I see it on a different Sim.

  12. She looks like a fairy shat on her face.

  13. It's a pity it is to high, I loved this in s2. Not downloading this.

  14. doesn't XMSIMS have trojans? ive never gotten an alert but everyone says their pc gets shat on by XMSIMS

  15. I've been downloading from XMSims for several years I've never had any problems with trojans at their site.

    jym & actonthat: I couldn't agree more, her model is not very pretty. I think it's the combination of dead eyes, narrow mouth, small pointy chin and chipmunk cheeks that comes together for a creepy-looking total.

    That said, I often like Flora's hair, so it's a shame that this sits too high. I really like the unbeaded version: dramatic but just a little sloppy looking. I'll probably download just to see what it looks like in-game.

  16. I don't think there is anything wrong with her sims face.. it's just the makeup she puts lol...

  17. I used the hair last night, yes it sits too high. The pinned up part in the back is at the top of the head or more so the top of the hairstyle.

    Doubt anyone will fix it. Sigh.

  18. it's a shame.
    it was really good for sims 2 and now its been ruined

  19. I hate this girl's face too, happy to see i'm not alone...

  20. @ actonthat and anon above...

    i can't tell if I like the hair because the face is just... well, unique...

    i don't know why i don't like it, i just don't.

  21. katana, the way you described this is the exact way i would.

  22. Does anyone know if they've started making hairs with real accessories yet? Instead of having to color the roots white for the pearls? I like my sims to have different hairstyles for swimming etc. but then of course with the XM hairs you must also have a hair from them with an accessory or the sim ends up with white or pink or whatever roots when they switch to a new hair. I don't get why Peggy is one of the few people who does accessories right. I mean if Peggy can do it why can't Rose or Flora. I think we all remember the Rikku hair by Rose. The excuse I've heard from a few creators when I asked was that it can't be done right now. Which is strange since quite a few people are doing it. So anyone know if the XM hairs are fixed yet or if someone at simscave or somewhere fixed them? I love some of Flora's earlier hairs with the headbands.

  23. Yes, the hair accessories have been recolorable for quite some time. They had an entry about it on their front page for a while.

    I saw this in-game, and I actually didn't hate it the way so many people seem to. It's an odd shape, but I think it's well done for a beehivey type style (just a little odd because it's so much narrower from the side). If you're making a unique-looking Sim, this hair might be perfect.

    Eh, to each their own.

  24. Thanks for the info, I didn't see the front page because I stopped going because I was sick of the really cute hairs not having proper accessories. There's one hair from them I love but I wanted to use the un-accessorized version for sleep and swimming but then my sim ended up with neon pink roots when she switched hairs.
