
October 19, 2009

Two New Shoes for Females at Stylist Sims

Download at Stylist Sims


  1. i'd say the texture could be redone but, i think it's fine...

  2. These shoes are gorgeous.

    No flaws.

  3. Stylist Sims has posted this on the main page. What is it all about?

    "Lately I've been thinking of closing Stylist Sims due to some destructive behaviour of the Sims community."

  4. Oh no it's closing?

  5. Please. "Destructive behavior" my ass. Sharing TS3 content is 100% legal and paysites know it. Since they can't threaten filesharers with legal action, they'll threaten to take their toys and go home instead. I don't want them to close, but if that's how they're going to behave then good riddance.

  6. ^I agree 100% with katana's comment.

  7. I really love strappy shoes, my big sis have them and they look so good! Sadly they look uber fuzzy... but I'm willing to sacrafice this ugliness for now for some stylish shoes.

  8. I really love strappy shoes, my big sis have them and they look so good! Sadly they look uber fuzzy... but I'm willing to sacrafice this ugliness for now for some stylish shoes.

  9. i know i am prob the odd one out, but every time i see these shoes on girls i just go 'ouch' rather than 'hot'. thank goodness my girlfriend shares my views, it would hurt me to see her in one of these...yikes!

  10. Please say good things only so SS don't close or are you too stupid?

  11. OMG...I can't believe how heartless some of you guys' are! These folks don't have to do a darn thing for us and yet so much of the time I come here I see such negativity!!! If you don't like the item...DON'T DOWNLOAD IT...that's a very simple solution.. If you can do better then do it! No...I'm not a creator but I applaud those that are and YES I do DONATE when I do use a particular site. It's called kindness for work they don't have to do!!!!!!!! I'm so sick of all the hate! Oh how we love to hide behind the internet!!!!

  12. It's called an opinion. Of course i don't download, but i also state why i don't, because this is a comment application meant to comment the content of the posts, so i comment whatever i feel like.

    If we don't like something, we say it. If they will close because we admit we find their stuff wonky, then that's lame. If they, however, are going or thinking about closing because people download their pay only stuff from other sites instead of donating, even though we don't have to since their asking for money in exnchange for sims stuff is already pretty illegal, then well, it's quite lame too.

    A lot of other better creators won't be seen threating us with closing just because they aren't really whorshiped.

    And this is my opinion. Right here.

  13. @^ Donating is fine when it's not coerced. The Sims, and making things for it is a hobby. There's certain agreements you sign when you install the game... like.. not making money off the game, and that anything you create for it belongs to EA.

    And if you don't like the comments, no one is forcing you to read them, so take your own advice.

  14. Wth. If i can't reply to a comment because i don't agree, then when am i supposed to reply to something and say what i think about it? Unless you were referring to a previous comment and not mine.

    But whatever. Donations set. You pay and then you get the stuff. I see that as making money out of the game because you even said: There's certain agreements you sign when you install the game... like.. not making money off the game, and that anything you create for it belongs to EA.

  15. OH HOW WONDERFUL! They deleted a comment at their Guestbook that was asking which kind of destructive behaviour they were referring to!

    HAHAHA i can only laugh at them now.

  16. I meant a new one on top of the other comments, i know there's another one asking the same.

  17. i know the people of stylist sims come on here. Donations should alawys be optional, no one puts a gun to their head and forces them to make sims 3 custom content and we shouldnt be forced to pay for that content. I personally like most of the stylist sims fashion choices but of course its flat, a lof of 2d Stuff is flat..big fucking deal

    im not expecting an academy awards formal gown for my sims game lol.

    and this just goes to content is useless, the people at stylist sims are obviously looking to stir the pot since they are being so vague

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't understand what you are talking...the comment is still at Stylist Sims, and there is an answer to it. Have I missed something??

    And...I think they have every right to write their opinion on this topic. People here have an opinion and they at Stylist Sims have too. I am a Painter myself and I know how artists feel...

  20. "What kind of"destructive behavior" are you referring to?
    I meant that there is no more joy in creating. People do not appreaciate what we make, they try to be negative and harsh, because that's the new fashion.

    I'm fed up with al the negative comments, site, server problems, and I need some rest.

    Creator's and our work are no more respected. This make me sad and I would quit, but there are a few people who like and appreciate our work... I haven't decided what to do, but currently I lost all my interest in Sims.

    Sorry about this. "

    So she can't take criticism/feedback if it isn't all praise and good? Ok, then close your site.

  21. Honestly, if I'd create things for hours, days, pay site fees, and all I get is FLAT FLAT and ugly, I'd stop too...

    Just my two cents.

  22. Nina are you the one who keeps saying FLAT to every thing on a daily basis??

    an anon commenter keeps posting FLAT

  23. ^ yeah, i was wondering that too...

    Nina are you the one who says flat in the mornings? Just wondering...

  24. @Anon and Jym: Read the part where Nina says "and all I get is FLAT FLAT". As in she is RECEIVING those comments, not spreading them.

    And about SS... pfft, please. If no one points out the flaws in your product, how would you know what the public wants? If everyone acted so butthurt over criticism, there would be an extreme lack of art and whatnot. So all I have to say is... suck it up SS, and reflect on the comments that offer specific criticism in order to decrease the amount of negative comments you get.

  25. Wow, as a creator I need to chime in here.

    Let's put it this way ... as the old adage goes, put yourself in that person's shoes.

    To begin with, before I started creating, I was the cheapest, stingiest, non-grateful downloader on the planet. I'd click and run and would not even bother to say 'thank you'! I figured other people would contribute or donate and that the site probably made hundreds of dollars for what? A little virtual 'nothing'. I look back and think: what an idiot! Why? Because now I can appreciate how much it takes not only to create something, but to test it, modify it if need be, retest it, upload it ... AND THEN ... have to read if someone finds fault in it. Do you want to know how much I have made in donations? $7.55. (more than half of that from cecesaun, above. Want to know how much I've put INTO my website? No, you really don't. To be honest I don't even want to think about it.

    In any case, it is amazing what a little difference in perspective will do. Today? I donate. Not large amounts of money ... but some. Thanks? I overflow with sincere thanks. Negative comments? Not on your frickin life. Why? Because creator's DO get tired of them. Some nice creators stick around for their loyal members. Me? As soon as it stops being fun, there will be no hesitation in closing down the site.

    Now, why am I posting this? Just so that anyone that reads it takes a second to actually think about it. If every creator out there got tired of it - would the game be half as fun? HEEELLLL no. So, have an extra $2 or $3 laying around? GIVE it (not to me unless I am your fave creator :o)), but why not give it to those that supply you with nice things for you to enjoy yourself with? Think a cup of coffee is more lasting? Will it break you to do so? MOSTLY though ... be lavish with the praise and easy with the criticism. It will in turn reward you, because someone who loves what they do and feels it is appreciated WILL turn around and give more back.


  26. If people can't take honest feedback from the community, then perhaps it is in their best interest to stop creating. I appreciate that there are people willing to put their time into making things for the rest of us, but if you're going to ask for donations and put out less than quality work, expect to hear about it.

  27. I, for one, am glad that people are able to express their opinions on something that is not free. These creations are subjected to the same critiques as any other piece of art, especially if they must be purchased to actually utilize. I don't pay for anything online until I read what other opinions and experiences are first. I would hate to blindly waste my money on something that only looks nice in a picture. Negative feedback make me a better artist and helps me learn.

  28. A creator should know when to upload/share stuff and when not to. If most people think it's flat, it IS feedback on the item and won't be less flat if we want to be nice and say "it's good ^^;;;;thanks".

    What i mean is that we don't automatically dislike things just because. There are reasons. Some comments are harsh, but others aren't. I design websites and take a lot of criticism, and that helps me to decide what i should make public and what not.

    In the end, there's people who don't really care about blurryness or flatness, but i wouldn't download something that looks wrong to me, nor say it looks good when it doesn't, and let alone paying for it.

  29. Here's the thing: Sims creators should be creating for fun, not for money. If it stops being fun, they should quit. If money is the only reason they create, they should quit. If they cannot take criticism, they should get off the internet altogether, because 50% of the internet is people insulting one another through a veil of anonymity. The other 50% is porn and Twilight fanfic. It would be a shame to lose out on seeing what she'd create next, but if any of those things apply to SS, she should close her site and get a new hobby. Simple as that.

    Yes, downloaders should *think* about what they say and not just post any inane bit of prattle that pops into their heads every three seconds, but that goes for positive commentary as well as negative. I don't need to read 500 "thanks so much it's so pretty! bubble bubble smiley face" comments for every Sims teeshirt and lipstick I see. There are already plenty of sites for that. There are far fewer sites where people can honestly say "I really don't like this"...and sometimes that results in what sounds like bashing.

    There's a difference between bashing something and giving negative feedback. Unfortunately, most people don't think about that when they express dissatisfaction, which means that it often comes across as an insult. In some cases, it was meant that way. In many cases, it was not. If creators cannot understand that, they're not going to survive the harsh world of online interaction for long anyway.

    I feel for SS in the respect that it can be hard to hear what people dislike about your work. But, given her track record as a paysite, I feel considerably less empathy for her. As an artist, a business, no.

    So SS, if you stop in and read these comments: you make nice stuff. It's not all to my liking but that's just a matter of taste. It would be a shame for you to stop creating, but don't expect everyone to fawn and drool all over you every time you release something. Do you like every Sims download you see online? I very much doubt it.

    And if it IS about money rather than "respect"...get over yourself. Sharing Sims content is legal. People aren't going to stop. And considering how blatantly you and other paysites flaunted your own illegal activities in the past, those of us that remember aren't going to forget anytime soon, and we will not be supporting you with donations. You made your own bed.

  30. @14th Anon, sorry, I was referring to the 13th Anon, (the one who accused people of being heartless.) we must have both been typing our essays at the same time. :( Sorry!

  31. I've recently started creating stuff. Nothing released yet, I plan on making a larger 'pack' of things before I do ... I'd NEVER think of charging for my stuff. I've started doing it for me, because no one's making exactly what I want, and I don't like harassing people with requests, unless it's something impossible for me to do.

    I may get rude comments when my work gets posted, but eh, I'll learn to get better at it eventually. 20+ 'OMG, thank you!' comments are not exactly 'helpful' when you're a beginner and trying to improve at what you're doing. And I've had worse said to me in public than anyone could ever say to me online anyway.

    So, Stylist Sims should suck it up. They don't like the criticism? Well, tough, they are not total 'pros' and if the item has visible flaws and the creator releases it anyway, they should expect to be criticized. Especially if they wan to charge for other sub-par items. Why should anyone donate to a paysite for non-recolorable outfits, when one can get a few totally new meshes for around the same price from EA's store? xP

  32. there is indeed a fine line between constructive criticism and just screaming "FLAT" at every item of custom content you see. The point of custom content is to make the game more interesting/ better etc...
    I do agree some of us get selfish or greedy but if you arent doing this because you like creating things for the sims then need to not be doing this in the first place.
    lol the blog admin must really be in a wtf mode ...30+ comments for stylist sims.

    I do agree some people can be assholes but know that there are people who do appreciate the work offered by stylist sims but sadly cant afford custom content...

    (especially after fishing out 50 dollars for the base game and having to fish out another 40 dollars for the expansion pack in less than a month)

  33. i would hate for ss to close, one of my fave download sites for ts2, but she needs to do what makes her happy and its not for me to judge her choices. i wish her all the best!

  34. I really like the shoes, the file size is not big either.

    Norbi is quite sensitive to what the community say or do with his creations. When his first set came out, he got upset when people critized or made unflattering comments. With that said, maybe he was upset with the community sharing his objects that was mean't for donation, but I suspect that he may want to close once he becomes a FA at TSR.

    If he wants to close, so be it. Creators come along everyday, some that maybe more talented. Since Stylistsims is a favorite in the community, some may be hurt if it is gone, but it will not destroy the community.

  35. Sorry, I'm french, I don't understand: what does it mean "FA" at TSR???

  36. I didn't want to get in an argument, but again...

    Of course, feedback and criticizm is welcomed. If someone emails me and says this and that is not right, I try to fix it, make it better and thank him for feedback and that he took his time to write me an email.

    But what's going on these forums is of course not helpful criticizm. I could write to every second item that I don't like it, but I don't do.
    There are people there who's only purpose is to bash every site and every item and I am tired of these.

    If no one appreciate what we make, than why make it? I'd create to make people glad, not to disappoint them.

    For those who are wondering...Stylist_Sims at TSR is NOT me, and I don't plan to move there :-)

  37. @^: Featured artist.

    What's the point on closing and then becoming FA at TSR?

    Anyway, if he(/she?) got upset at the comments he got when he first released things, and still does, he needs to look up the word criticism in a dictionary, or learn to suck it up and get better at what he does.

    Because he's even asking for money for some of his items. I find it very silly of him to think everyone should like his stuff or not tell him what's wrong with it, then donate and download his stuff (when making money out of the Sims is illegal to begin with).

    It would be a shame for SS to close, but if the creator is really that way, then he's better off too.

  38. @Norbi:
    It IS helpful to know -why- people doesn't like your stuff. Even if it sounds harsh sometimes, and i bet most of them don't mean to be that harsh.

    Also keep in mind the nature of your site, donations wise and stuff. And you could try to improve instead of closing your site?

  39. "But what's going on these forums is of course not helpful criticizm."

    No, it's people who can say whatever they want without feeling like they have to stand behind their comments, because it's anonymous. Why would you take anything said here personally? IGNORE IT.

    There are a lot of unhelpful, uninsightful, unenlightening comments flying around the blogs. People often just say "ew" rather than giving a detailed description of what they dislike. Okay, fine. Maybe it's just not their style. True, it would be nice if they expressed themselves better, but it seems incredibly silly to get butthurt about it.

  40. quote from Norbi:
    "For those who are wondering...Stylist_Sims at TSR is NOT me, and I don't plan to move there :-)"

    Sorry if I was misinformed, but I thought it was you by the style of clothing. Someone is biting your style.

    I love, love, love the shoes! My self-sim is a fashionista now. :)

  41. Geez, don't get your panties in a wad. Maybe some people would stop criticizing if your site weren't a PAYSITE (oh, hehe, woops, I mean "donation site") Maybe if you stopped giving head to the almighty dollar for just one second then you would realize this is just a fricken game. And if you can't afford to pay for your site, than boo effin hoo... upload your stuff to a community site then! Geez.

  42. my husband looks over like "what are you doing w/ your sims?! what is she wearing? sexy!"

  43. Hey Anonymous, why don't you STFU? lol xD

  44. Apparently your husband has never seen high heels before.
