
November 03, 2009

'Daffodil' Bridal Gown by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun


  1. Simple and very pretty!

  2. Lovely! And I'm eagerly waiting for the H&M conversions...

  3. Seems to be nice as her stuff usually is, but I'm afraid it doesn't really stand out to me enough for me to download it.

    If it had corseting along the lines of her teen lolita dress though, I'd probably get it.

  4. ^ I believe Anubis is a he XD

    Great work!!! : )

  5. I beg Pardon then... But a lot of those whom are called 'he' in the sims creation world are shes.


    Says on his profile that he's a well, he. :)

  7. I did the same thing for a while, anon, until I was corrected. And yes, he's a he. ;)

    Again, gorgeous dresses. Looking forward to the conversions, too. XD

  8. Boys play this game? LMAO!!!

  9. Yeah, I'm a he! XD
    I like simple, maxis match, non-photoskinned clothes for my sims. This dress used to have a ribbon, but it looked a tad flat, and I'm afraid of the "FLAT!" monster :P

  10. Yay for not letting your cloths be flat! Thanks Anubis360 and MS3B!

  11. This is perfect, methinks. :D Personally, I adore this simple, gorgeous style, and think we've got enough overly-detailed dresses out there anyway. (Liana, anyone?) Definitely downloading!

  12. It's nice. Very classic looking, and I'm happy that it isn't flat :)

  13. Boys play this game? Ha ha. Ha.

  14. ^ Really now, if girls play it, why not guys? If YOU play it and love it, (I'm assuming your either a girl, or your a guy trying to hide that fact that your a guy that plays sims) why can't everyone else? We all have our own opinions of which games we like, or even if we like them at all. It shouldn't be something to laugh at.

  15. ^ I get the feeling they were joking. You have to admit, females seem to make up the vast majority of simmers.

  16. Just because there are more clothing for females, that doesn't means that just women play the game, even in real life there are more clothes for women. I'm a man, and I find all the male clothing very similar, for sims and for me :P

  17. Almost every Simmer I know is female. I personally know 2 guys who play, and probably three or four dozen girls (RL, not online). So yeah, in my OWN experience, 95% of Simmers are female. I'm sure those are not real stats, but you know what I mean.

    I'm not the person who made the original comment, so it really doesn't matter to me. But I agree with last-anon that the person who DID make that comment was probably just joking based on the player demographics. Nothing to get butthurt over. ;)

  18. There are loads of guy simmers at MTS. What's wrong with a guy playing this game? You go, Anubis!

