
November 19, 2009

Paris Hilton by LadyFrontbum

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. It's good, for TSR o.o
    I can see the resemblance.

  2. Hahahah that's quite good!

  3. Oh god, I knew it was her immediately. Props to the creator, but Paris Hilton? Gah!

  4. lady front bum ?? o_O thats a er funny name... x-0-x-0-x- - Marie♥

  5. Puddingface deluxe, but her features are spot on and she doesn't look awkward, like the other available Hiltons.

  6. "Lady Frontbum"?
    More subtle than lady FrontAss.

  7. Wow! amazing job!! Not crazy about Paris..but you recreated her beautifully! :-)

  8. I showed it to my husband and his response was, "Of course it's possible to make a Sim that looks like her, she's half fake to begin with."


  9. It is good considering it's default CAS.. honestly, anybody attempting to make sims with this program & even with extra sliders are in for a world of hurt from many of the commentators out there, fair or unfair, until somebody manages (if that's possible with the EA restrictions in place) to make similar progress as they did with sims 2..

  10. ^ not that criticism of the type here is deserved in any respect - I simply mean that CAS in sims 3 isn't gonna cut it for many people out there...

  11. Really looks like her..

  12. no paris fan, but this sim is made pretty well.... will love to toture her in game!

  13. oooh i need her, my male sims need affairs xD

  14. "Lady Frontbum"?

    Call me immature but I think it's kind of funny.

    This is one of the best celebrity Sims I've seen, in terms of being instantly recognizable. I can't stand Paris Hilton but it seems that her features lend themselves well to being Simmed.

  15. I may have to download her just so I can set her on fire... and then bring her back to life... and then drown her... and then set her on fire again. (The sim is great. I just can't stand Paris Hilton.)

  16. haha i was making a sim last night and it started looking like her and i was like AHHHHHHHHH! NO! so it must not be too hard BUT this is pretty good.

  17. ^ You accidentally made a sim that looks like Paris Hilton so it must not be tough to do it on purpose? That's asinine. I bet if you tried again with the *intention* of making it look like her, it wouldn't be as easy as you think.

  18. She is instantly recognisable. Props to the creator. Audrey

  19. lol plastic pudding

  20. Lmao. Glad you guys like her. ;)
    (re my username it's my xbox rockband character name, I was too lazy to think of a new one)

  21. Not that you deserve a response after being such a dick, but I uploaded a non cc version of her to tsr a long time ago as the hair was making her crash.
