
November 17, 2009

Porsche 911 by moschino_K

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. I lol'd at the hooker looking sim with the red car.

  2. omg that's exactly what I ws coming here to comment about too! she looks ridiculous! and i only dl cars from fresh prince, only way you cna be sure they'll work right!

  3. she stands! physics-defying.

  4. I would rather have fresh-prince's version of this car.

    LOL @ the hooker XD

  5. ^ it's a car-model thing...i'm guessing none of you have ever seen the mags?

    she does look ridiculous, but that's how most of them look/dress.

  6. ^ I read car mags all the time (I know, I'm a freak), never saw any hookers. Now that I think about it, never see ANYBODY standing by the cars.

  7. The funny thing about it to me is that usally the point of scantily-clad ladies on cars is to make the cars seem "sexy." The old, "if you drive this car, a hot chick will come dance naked on it," thing. But because this is the Sims, all the hooker can do is awkwardly stand there and look ridiculously out of place. XD

  8. Lol Sakaki, we must be seeing very different car mags. Several years ago I worked at a store that sold around 15 different car mags in our magazine section, and all but one or two were full of bikinis, waaaay too much eyeliner and giant silicone breasts. Even the covers looked like wank-mags.

    I hate you, New Jersey.

  9. ginomous heavy boobs. check.
    shoes on a skinny sticks. check
    gust of wind...

  10. maybe she drives the car? if she can afford a fancy pair of headlights, what is to say she won't pay for another...

  11. if she owns the car, it would be so easy to mug her, she can't even run after you lol

  12. The car is sexy. Downloading right now.

  13. "The car is sexy. Downloading right now."

    This car is so unsexy..look at the's like shiny playdough..tis car got loads to improve on..

  14. I'm to loyal to Fresh-Prince to even consider ever downloading anyone else's cars.

  15. Agreed Katana! Every magazine I've seen had chicks all up on the cars & at car shows too.
