
November 18, 2009

[Testers Wanted] Sims Height Slider - Tall Version by Delphy

Download this at Mod The Sims


  1. This is so cool! I have to admit I'm very sad that making Sims shorter might be out of the realm of possibility...we shorties need realistic self-sims, too. I guess I'll have to content myself with making all the other Sims taller. XD

    I'm so excited that this is out!

  2. Sweeeeeeeeeet! Love this <3

  3. lol i can finally make short adults like myself

  4. xD, Katana, that's exactly what I did. I made everyone in my selfsim's household except for her taller. Problem is I can't make them too much taller or they become freakish.

  5. Lol, I love the pic off to the right where she's hugging him with that monstrous expression too. Yay for the slider, of course, but the picture is worth a giggle too. ;o)

  6. It actually looks like animations line up very well, based on the pics, which was one of the main concerns regarding whether height sliders would ever be possible. Has anyone using these noticed any animation-related weirdness or is it really as good as this looks?

    Now that I have 2.2 and WA installed I'm afraid to try the Chaos painting, otherwise I'd just plop it in and have a look at more of the anims myself. I'll have to do at least a cursory check, though, because this is too good to pass up.

  7. hm i tested this out along with the body slider cas where you can give bigger butts and boobs to your sims and she did not look that much taller than my sim...i dont kno if thats just me...but i did like the height difference. i wonder how this would affect elders or teens or kids hehe

  8. Woooow! But i can't do anything until i get this latest patch crap straight.

  9. OMG. Wonderful mod!!!!

  10. lol thats mean, pickin on the wee man with the side burns :D


  11. That's my pic! lol XD
    This slider works wondeful, even though it needs some changes that were pointed at the MTS thread.

  12. thats pretty cool i must say..wish i had enuff patience to do this stuff lol..or the knowledge =p
