
December 03, 2009

Eight Studio Set by Desdren

Download at Desdren Sims 3 Paintings


  1. Like that modern style! Looks very nice! And it´s available as sims3.pack...I´m forced to prefer them since I´ve installed WA.

  2. There's been some updates at the store, and Parsimonious has an advent calendar for TS3 up.

  3. I love this, but when I tried to DL it Mediafire came back to an error page saying the files were missing or removed...

  4. Impressive.
    I usually do not download paintings, but those are awesome!

  5. Well i hope this would not be the bad content as many package files or such downloads are becoming to be bad content in WA so i wanna make sure by adding this cool looking set i am not messing anything up!

  6. Oh you spoil us so!! Thanks for giving your time and talent to us. Of course...I am going to download this!! I love office and study furniture...I have so many writers in my game and it's nice to see something different for each home.

  7. All the stuff I have in .package format is working just fine, and I have a LOT of stuff...

    Love the set, Desdren. Thank you.

  8. ^ Sorry, that was me...the first part wasn't intended to sound so smartassish, I just think it's weird that my packages are working and many people's aren't.

  9. ^^Me again. Investigated, and I some of my loading lag WAS the result of .packages...but not because they were packages. There are other issues with some files. Look into the Process Manager in the forums at MTS.

  10. I just downloaded the set with no problem. I also downloaded the process manager thing...all I have to do now is figure out how it works! Lol!!
