
December 23, 2009

High Boots by Kiara24

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. way to big my sims feet arent that incredibly huge and they are way wider than the leg. I will pass on these

  2. ew why do they flare out at the thigh????????????

  3. That's the way some real boots are made...that way they don't squeeze the air out of your thighs. :-) These are made a lot like a pair of Anne Klein boots I saw last year...and the pointed toe makes the boot look longer than the foot. These are quite fashionable.

  4. Fashionable or not, they aren't to my taste. She looks like she has clown shoes.

  5. i see these everywhere. im surprised so many aren't familiar w/ this style

  6. @anon 'clown shoes'...the pointed toe is in itself a fashion so with that being can't have that kind of toe on any shoe or boot and not elongate it. If in real life the toe would be seriously cramped if they fit exactly on the toe. This creator actually made them very realistic. I do think if they had displayed them with better clothing and more fashionable model they would have gotten the point across a little better. ^pardon the pun^ Lol!!

  7. ^ I understand what you are saying, but it doesn't change my assertion that she looks like she has clown shoes on. Just because something is 'fashionable' doesn't mean I have to like it. ;)

  8. You call that fashionable? I call it deformed. And I wear this kind of boots, and the tip is not THAT long, it looks ridiculous

  9. Although this looks realistic to some, the toe is just too long for me. I wear pointed heels all the time and when it's combined with a high stiletto, it actually makes the foot look smaller rather than larger (at least on me). Besides, there are no cramped toes in the Sims, so I'd rather the feet look cute than comfortable. ;)

    Overall they are nice boots, though. I just wish they were a bit smaller.
