
December 30, 2009

Mystical Living Set Converted by Lit

Set includes the sofas, armchair, ottoman, tarot cards, kettle, end table, suitcase, magic ball and more.

Download at Lit Sims3 Stuff


  1. Is the magic ball interactive or just a decorative object?

  2. magic ball is decorative object

  3. These are actually all conversions of an ATS2 set.

  4. sooo genie in a bottle haha

  5. I'm pretty sure the "maps" are supposed to be Tarot cards. :) But, I digress! Beautiful conversion. :)

  6. I would be so pissed off if someone else converted items I created for TS2. But I guess that did happen with Holy Simoly.

  7. Yeah, that's Sandy's from ATS!

  8. It's not ok to convert objects by others, but it's ok to convert hair by others? Where's the line?

  9. This does look gorgeous and tbh I'd rather get it from Sandy's site if she's going to convert this too: she does such nice work :)

  10. I tried to download it but it seems doesn't work :(

    first link didn't work
    second link,
    I typed the code and waited 60 seconds and clicked "Скачать файл" but this message showed up:
    Скачка файла при помощи менеджера закачек или другово браузера доступна только для Premium пользователей

    I don't know russian so I had to use google translater

    I tried about ten times...
    but I gave up.

    mediafire or 4shared would be more easier to download

  11. I would say that as long as the set (or hair) is clearly labeled as a conversion and the original creator is credited, it's fine.

    I'm unclear whether or not this site is crediting Sandy, though, as I can't read the language.

  12. @ Lit. Hello and thanks for this set. I want to download it but can't read the language. Can you make your site a bilingual with English, please? Thank you^^

  13. I can see it says above the Sims2 picture something about "aroundthesims2", so I am sure they are crediting them.

  14. Yes, she gave credit to Around the Sims along with a direct link to their site and the original set. Google Translate is your friend..

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a list of languages. Find yours and then click and drag it to your browser's toolbar. In the future if you are on a website that isn't in your language you can just click that button in your toolbar and the page will be translated.
