
December 17, 2009

New Conversions by MK

Download this and more at MK's Stuff

Just choose the free option when you get to the download page.

Thanks, Rhiannon:)


  1. is dat sum blythe? :9

  2. i cant read the site =c and my translators awful x
    love the handbags and shoes though x

  3. This is great stuff.

  4. that sofa looks like it can be used to make some really nice sectionals. i like it and am going to try it out

  5. "is dat sum blythe? :9"

    Those do look a lot of like Blythe dolls, hahaha.

  6. The clutter fiend inside of me just got high. Thanks for the update!

  7. Oh yeah, loving the chair in the bedroom set and since I love bedroom sets, must go satisfy my obsession. Nom nom!

  8. They did Blythe dolls! That's awesome! And since I know some moron is going to say "they're creepy" ... Blythe dolls are supposed to be a little creepy. That's why people like them.

  9. Couldn't use the download site at all- for some reason, the timer just keeps resetting, and I set Noscript to temporarily let everything through. :(

  10. Awww, Blythe dolls!

  11. Those dolls are creepy x10.

  12. What the hell is a "Blythe Doll" and why am I going to have nightmares about them?

  13. I like everything except the Blythe dolls...

  14. NO WAY! I just finished converting that vanity. Oh well, I bet theirs actually works as a desk. Mines just deco T_T

  15. Can somebody upload these to another host? The time keeps resetting and I can't download at all :(

  16. Sakaki, theirs is a dining table actually.

    And I have all the sets except the modern looking one. I'll upload it in a bit. ^^

    *loves these*


    There's the link. I hope this helps everyone who can't get it to work.

  18. Thanks so much MS3B! Such lovely work should not go unnoticed or without anyone commenting. I really appreciate you including MK Stuff in your updates. And you're welcome. :-)

  19. MK had the beautiful bathroom and livingroom suite at TSR. Glad they went to their own site to upload, although the sly way of getting donations is clever. Hope everyone seen the "Free" button. *giggles*

  20. Whitney

    I discovered the timer kept resetting if I tried to download more than one file at the same time. I tried again one download at a time and didn't have a problem. It's a bit of a pain to have to wait in between file by file but her stuff is so lovely the wait turned out to be worthwhile.

  21. i can't get the timer to stop reloading. all i was downloading was one file. anybody have a clue as to how to fix this?

  22. am I the only one who can't get it to actureally let me download the files, the count down just keep starting over

  23. Am I the only one who got naughty ads at the bottom of the download timer screen when using the "FREE" tab? Holy cow! That was a bit um... disturbing! LOL

  24. nope. i don't think it's a working link

  25. I've never been a fan of Blythe but I think it would be great for my simmys :)

  26. For those who are having trouble with the timer reloading are you navigating away from the page as the time runs down and going back to it? Try staying on the page without going anywhere else or doing anything else and let the timer run down. If the link appears and you can download then I have a feeling it might be a traffic glitch in the html formatting. If it still won't work then it likely is a corrupt link. Either way if you could report back I would appreciate the update. I am curious now to see if this works for you.

    And Candyapplegirl:

    No, you're not the only one who got the naughty ads. :-) A bit of a shock yeah but given how much money those ads generate it is one sure fire way to keep the free option available.

  27. i was able to download when i didn't do anything else and waited for the countdown the dl link appeared and worked. however, and this may just be a launcher problem, the package items i installed via the launcher didn't show up in my game. none of them. im going to restart the game a second time and see if they show then. never had this problem before. i'll report back

  28. *continued

    yeah must just be my launcher b/c im missing other things iv downloaded from other sites as well. ugh wish i could see this items in game but guess i'll have to wait until game is fixed. thanks anyway these items are really nice

  29. Anon

    Excellent. Thanks for letting me know. If were able to get the link and download it by doing nothing else then it is a traffic glitch in their coding and not bad files.

    As for it not installing have you updated your game with the most recent patch? If so that's the problem. The latest EA update patch has borked the launcher from installing Sims3Packs. No one knows why yet, but there is a work around until they fix it. If you run the Sims3Packs files through Delphy's Sims3Packs Multi Installer found here:
    then install them as package files to your package directory they should show up. They did for me.

    IMPORTANT: In the Multi Pack Installer make sure the "Rename files on Save" box is ticked. It renames them with an actual name rather than one of those ten digit numeric names. The numberic names are a pain because it is impossible to know what each item it is if you ever want to remove it from your game.

    I hope this helps.

  30. nope. don't have the latest patch. still too scared to get it at the moment. i'll just wait for ea to get that patch to fix the last patch to fix the...well you get it. take care

  31. Does anyone have a working link to these downloads, please? Trying desperately to get hold of the Blythe dolls for my Mum and it's just not working for me at all. :(
