
December 01, 2009

Rose 106 Converted by Savio

Download this Hair for teen - elder females at Savio's Stuff

File name: Rose 106_TF-EF_Savio-1.3b


  1. In before people complain about the float.

    It's a cute style, but I already have tons of styles like it in game, so I'll pass.

  2. The floating hair is a legitimate issue though, in my opinion. But yes, it is a cute style.

  3. I don't mind float if it at least curves in a way that obeys the laws of physics, but this is a bit much.

  4. I actually like the back.. if you're going for an "anime" look.

    But all those strays in the front need a lot of work.

  5. I think it would be hard to avoid the float, with that many strands.

    The back/top are beautiful. The floaty bits are a bit annoying but as I'm not a creator, I'm not sure if it's even possible to avoid them. It looks very pretty, either way. Thanks!

  6. 'the floaty bits' are only there to accomodate the size and shape of the sim, aren't they? I was under the assumption that that was why, and so it wouldn't be the fault of any creator/convertor. If I recall the evolution of S2 hairs, we can expect hair to conform to body shapes at some point, but I hardly fault the creators and convertors with 'the floaty bits'. (Although yes, it does look especially odd with this hairstyle due to the front tendrils).

    btw, lol @ "floaty bits"

  7. It needed lots of adjusts... I tried to avoid the floating thing, but it did look weird... It was not smooth as before. I'm really sorry for that, and it does float. I can't do anything.. =/ Sorry again.

  8. *it was not SO smooth as before [sorry :x]

  9. ^ Aw, no need to apologize! I think it looks great!


    They're doing a Sims 3 advent calendar.

  11. Oh, I wasn't complaining. I was just predicting the amount of whining about the floating.

  12. No need to apologize, Savio. The floaties aren't actually that bad. It looks really good in game. I like it quite a bit! You did an excellent job on the conversion <3

  13. Savio, this is 3rd anon. I didn't mean to seem insulting or anything, but I do find the floaties offputting. I do appreciate the effort, though, and I think the rest of it does look nice.

  14. Nicole, that's ok! :) I was already waiting for this. (It does float a bit much)

    Thanks, CalicoTiger (good name lol)! =) Glad you like it. ^^

    Anon above, I know you didn't. :) And yea, it is really annoying. I'd fix this if I knew, but as I don't, it shuold be this way. =/

    Anyways, thank you everyone! =)

  15. I actually don't mind the floating too much. I guess I'm used to it with TS3 hairs by now. :)

  16. Awesome!!! Downloading!!!

  17. omg her tendrils are reaching for us, ahh!

  18. It's absolutely cute. I couldn't do even a half of such a good work, thanks Savio! lol I just love savio's conversions! And we all know that criticizing is really important for the creator anyway. It floats, but I still like it! \o/
