
January 03, 2010

Ashley's Makeup Bag by Traelia

Download at Garden Of Shadows


  1. its really not that different from anything else thats out.

  2. ewwwwwwwwwwwww what an uglyyyyyyyyyy sim!

  3. I like the shininess of the lipshine.

  4. This set would entice me if the Sim was actually pretty. The whole point of make up is to enhance someone's beauty. All this download tells me is that 1.) this Sim is too ugly to be beautified and/or 2.) the make up just sucks.

  5. I actually like the shapes of the eyeliners and shadows, and having an actual intense color lipstick and shadow is a nice set of options. I'd guess that the creator chose some very bold colors to be very clear about how exactly the colors lay.
    However, bright red is often an unflattering color for eye makeup.

    The color palette may not be to my taste, but that's a second to change, the shapes and contrasts themselves are the important thing and these look solidly put together.

  6. The Sim doesn't look ugly, imo. Just the choice in makeup colors make her look odd. It looks like nice makeup, but it looks like about all the others I have as well. Not really anything new.

  7. I too look at the shape of the makeup and how it covers than looking at the model. I guess some things are more important to some other than to me.

  8. Look. once you are advertising makeup, you have to get a fine sim, not a monster to model it....
