
January 11, 2010

Coconut Island by ProfPlumbob

Download this new Neighborhood at MATY

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. This Island is orgasmic. thank you. ;]

  2. that last picture is stunning

  3. I downloaded this world last night and I love it!

  4. I got this a few days ago. It's great.

  5. Absolutely astounding work! I'm playing this map for the past 4 days and has no problems with it.

    Other maps available for download yet???

  6. Absolutely astounding work! I'm playing this map for the past 4 days and has no problems with it.

    Other maps available for download yet???

  7. Ooh so nice, though I won't be downloading since I want my world to have jobs and schools.

    Just curious if it's possible to travel from island to island over the water, or is everything just on the big main island?

  8. Ruthless K from MTS has posted a Victorian Themed Neighborhood at the Exchange. It is called Victorian Bay and it is absolutely gorgeous and filled with gorgeous lots plenty of homes for all income levels and great community lots. It is unpopulated as well so you can have fun making your own pre-made families. You can get it here

  9. Sorry forgot the link -

    She provides a mediafire link as there have been problems for people downloading worlds from the Exchange.

  10. why have they posted it to the exchange? theres a section on mts for towns now.....

  11. They posted it prior to Delpy adding the CAW section for TS3

  12. Dumb question, since I'm still getting my downloads sorted before updating to WA, but are you able to send sims from your original neighborhood to other neighborhoods/worlds? Or can you only do that for the worlds EA provided? I'd love to add this to my list of possible vacation places.

  13. I am playing the Victorian Bay world by Ruthless K right now. Daisy (my Sim) has had no problem visiting WA locations and so far has been to China and Egypt.

    You cannot visit other worlds like for instance Sunset Valley or Riverview. You only have the ability to visit the EA created vacation worlds at this point.

    I am unsure at this point if there is the ability to add a custom vacation world like there is in TS2- this island would be great for it especially if a way was found to customize vacation themes which is something we did not have in TS2 or TS1

  14. D'aww. Talk about wasted potential! It would be awesome to visit different neighborhoods!

  15. This looks nice and far more interesting than the other worlds shown on the blog so far.

  16. oh my gawd thats cool

  17. This is breathtaking! I'm loving it!
