
January 31, 2010

Kelly Osbourne by LadyFrontbum

Download at LadyFrontbum Sims & Stuff


  1. I don't see it......

  2. I see it. It looks JUST LIKE HER!

  3. It looks like her. :]

    But I don't like how she looks. ;p

  4. Hm, I see the resemblance.
    Good job. :)

  5. in my opinion it look exactly like her! look at that massive jaw!

  6. in my opinion it look exactly like her! look at that massive jaw!

  7. ugh this is too much like her, lol, ive seen kelly in real life and shes fug least her face

  8. The blond one looks like her especially :)

  9. Well done, but I'm downloading that woman.

  10. Great job...I knew who this was :-)

  11. She looks like her, but why are her eyes cross eyed?!?!?!

  12. Kelly Osbourne is beautiful

  13. I think it is a very good likeness of Kelly. Her eyes and lips are really well done.

    I don't understand why some of you feel the need to make fun of her looks. Not everyone in this world is going to look like a supermodel. In fact I'm sure that those of you bashing her don't either. Jin-Ah

  14. I definitely see the resemblance, although I think she needs to be a bit fatter xD

  15. Probably one of the best celebrity sims I've ever seen!!imo! Great job!

  16. What has been seen... cannot be unseen. O_O

  17. I agree with Jin-Ah. Kelly Osborne is probably prettier than the average person, but since she's a celeb who's not 100% perfect-looking, people make fun of her being ugly. It's so petty and shallow.

    Aaaanyway, this sim is lovely. It's a very good likeness in the face, and the body looks a lot like Ms. Osborne now that she has lost weight. Thanks, LadyFrontbum!

  18. she can be pretty if she does her makeup right...but often she looks just horrible and sometimes creepy. I'm not making fun of her or saying that im so much prettier than she is therefore shes ugly and blabla, just before somebody goes on about how low i am to say that shes not pretty or whatever blablabla.

  19. OMG! I see the resemblance! Great job LadyFrontBum! You are really great!!

  20. Thanks for your comments everyone! My original one was slightly chubbier than this one, but I figured I would slim her down a bit since Kelly did slim down somewhat in real life.
    I think Kelly is really quite stunning in some of her photos, but yeah there are some where she doesn't look quite so good... then again the same can be said of pretty much anyone :D

    Anon, i'm not sure why she's crosseyed, I think it happens occasionally with the replacement eyes - depending on the shape I make the eyes n stuff. Like if I lengthen them, the whites on the outside get a bit longer. I have to be careful when I do that.

    If you don't have slider hacks etc, you can still use my old kelly, she's slider-free. You just have to tweak her a little, but I wrote some stuff about that at the bottom of the blog entry :)

    Thanks again!! <3

  21. YAY! I wish you could see my happy dance. Like Snoopy but girlier. :-)

  22. Why don't make a Nick carter's sims???

  23. Wow she really looks exactly like Kelly! Very good job!
    ..I don't like her though xD

  24. Thanks guys :)
    Anon do you mean why don't I make a Nick Carter sim? I can add him to my list of people to try.

  25. I think it looks a lot like her but, and I am not trying to be mean, she appears to be a bit more idealized than the actual Kelly. That's okay since the Sims are about fantasy anyway. Good job!

  26. I hear ya. I admit I was definitely basing her off her more glamourous photos. She scrubs up quite nicely, Kelly :D

  27. I think it looks just like her! I find Kelly Osbourne to be very ugly, but that's ok. Not all humans are attractive.

  28. good job LadyFrontbum !! really like her (:

  29. Amazing, looks just like her

  30. good job! you made her look prettier than she is
