
January 23, 2010

Men's Briefs by LadyFrontbum

Download at LadyFrontbum Sims & Stuff


  1. looks a bit like female pants. speaking of which, wish there were boxer shorts or male briefs for the girls, i always found them kinda cute.

  2. i hate peggys skin for men!!!!!!

  3. yah its sooooo fake a fat guy culd have abs lol

  4. ^ I hate it on fat Sims but it looks great on thin/athletic ones.

    Nice undies.

  5. ewww, that's too much...

  6. aserrors male skins are pretty good btw. Realistic, but they suffer from toned-fat-man syndrome.
    But better than inexplicably-ripped-fat-man disease.

  7. I just use the moonlight skins for men. I liked some of the more toned skins, but I don't want my larger men to look odd with totally ripped abs.

  8. Aikea's skin is good. So is Subaxi's. I also love the moonlight skins. ^_^

  9. Thanks for the recommendations :) I didn't even realise Subaxi had a skin.

  10. I like the ass XD I'm a perv, a total ass-fan...

    Subaxi's skin has an eight-pack, but it's a bit more subtle than Peggy's.

    Most of my Sims are based off super-athletic video game characters, so Peggy's male skin suits me fine. It is usually good for a laugh when one of my chubby Sims (or my elder Sims) has washboard abs, though.

    I wish we could have more than one skin :( It'd be awesome if someone could figure that one out...

  11. I'm pretty sure people are working on that as we speak, Anon. :)

  12. This gives him a crotch like Barbie...even Ken had more of an illusion of genitalia than this. Other than that it seems quality.

  13. *hates both of peggy's skins* ... the shading is off, the butt-crack is too high on both, (obvious on girls when wearing the low-rise jeans).... and of course there's the gross fake abs.

  14. Does Peggy Skins really show up like this in game?

  15. Yep sure does. I just installed the hairy male skins from GOS. They are similar to peggy's but with less muscle and they are hairy :D
    Gonna try them out for a bit. Are there any body skins that match peggy's face skin?

  16. I can't use any skins in my game or the basement and pool tools crash my game. I wonder how they are connected, but that seems to be the problem in the game for me. Wahhhhhh!

    Anyway, I love Subaxi's male skins and faces and moonlight skins on females by M Calero.

  17. I like the moonlight skins too but I hate the shadowing around the nose. I tried them out on my males but they made them look too young.
    My wip vamp diaries guys have changed heaps with the new hairy skins so I might have to go back to peggy and then change to hairy after they are done. Unless the peggy faces work with the other skins. Sigh.

  18. Most faces work ok with other skins the exception being the asian skins, and the super pale ones by cutthroat dolly.
