
January 19, 2010

Navel Piercing - Male Version by LadyFrontbum

Download at LadyFrontbum Sims & Stuff


  1. go get a shower then.

    no seriously tho....a belly button piercing for men? thanks but no thanks

  2. This was so badly needed, I love navel piercings on men, haha.

  3. Lol, it was requested after I posted the female one so I figured i'd make it. :)

  4. Thanks LadyFrontbum! ;)

  5. I don't think I've ever heard of a man with a naval piercing. Really?

  6. i've only seen one guy with a naval piercing. oh wait, make that two. the second was a guy i went to school with who is now a transvestite. and i'm from a small town too! haha

  7. They aren't exactly common, but let's face it, neither is the six pack that guy in the picture has, either. It'll help add personality to some Sims. :)

  8. haha sims 3 has become a 'what if i could dress up my boyfriend with impunity' fantasy for many gamers.

  9. ever seen lenny kravitz his tummy :P?

    and 2 guys I know have one :)

  10. I've never known a guy with a naval ring (most people consider them to femmey for guys) but hey, there's nothing wrong with it! It's kind of silly that we associate certain types of piercings with certain genders; I've never seen a guy with a monroe, either. Never really thought about it before.

    I don't think I'll download just because I don't think I'd be able to use it on very many sims and I need to start conserving space. It looks very well made, though. Very realistic. I'd somehow missed the female version before so this brought it to my attention, and that one I think I WILL download. Thanks!

  11. Oh noes! A belly button piercing for guys! WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE POOR SIMS?!?

  12. I've known one guy with a navel piercing. I don't think they are all too popular with males, but it was requested so... *shrug* :D

    I think I might change skins for my males, maybe asian skins, not sure. I'm getting sick of the massive abs, though.

    Thanks for the comments everyone. :)

  13. Just ignore the people who keep whining. They only wish they were half as talented as you, LFB. :)
    I don't think I'll use it on my sims, but it looks very realistic and detailed. And I agree with the person who said there's no point associating certain piercings with genders.

  14. I'm sorry, this is just not right for males.

  15. Lol maybe I'm a minority here, but I'd like to see some nipple piercings for males.
    My boyfriend has one of his done and his self sim just looks strange without it when he's in swimwear/pj's. xD

  16. ew... i have never seen a man with a navel piercing. and from looking at the model they shouldn't!

  17. where are the nipple piercings for guys?!
    now THAT is really hot.
