
January 09, 2010

Flora Hair 20 & 21 for Females

Download for teen - elder females at XM Sims

File names:



  1. Um, I dont like them that much..

    XMSims SHOULD let us convert their hairs. They are too slow at converting them. =/ Or maybe they are too busy at creating new hairs, and not converting thm into sims3. ._.

  2. I agree, they are very slow, but i absolutely adore this hair! so cute, and simple. Love it :)

  3. Another triumph for free hairs. BRAVO!

  4. Looks like the store hairs we JUST got, only not as nice IMO.

    I agree with Savio.

  5. Meh. They're good, but I wont be downloading.

  6. the pony tail bit is so... straggly. i love the bangs and stuff but theres just not enough hair coming out of the pony tail for it to look decent

  7. I agree with Savio. I wish XM Sims would let us convert their hairs.

  8. Savio's creations aren't all that great either. -_-

    I like this hair. :]

  9. It's okay. The textures leave much to be desired.

  10. The style is cute, but I never like XM Sims textures. I took all of their hair out of my game because everything else looks better. Even EA hair. :x

  11. someone should retexture this

  12. "Savio's creations aren't all that great either. -_-"

    LOL. I bet you have a dozen of Savio's conversion in your game. I will say that he isn't perfect, but many of his conversions are better than these hairs.
    For these hairs, the textures are pretty bad and, even if they are pooklet'd, the meshes themselves are undesirable (to me). The second's pony tail just looks like a mass of squiggles. The first hair's curls looks very thin and paper-like. But I find that most curly hairs have that problem, so this complaint isn't only confined to this particular hair. I like about half of XMSims' hairs. Some are good, while others are nice styles but are badly executed.

  13. With a good retexture these would look a lot better.

  14. "LOL. I bet you have a dozen of Savio's conversion in your game"

    I'm not the same anon btw. I don't like them either. I downloaded some of his conversions and when I saw them in CAS, I took them out. One of his lastest conversions looked even worse than the curls in the first hair... the spiked one, it was really scary.

    Just because his textures are better doesn't mean his conversions are too.

  15. At anon above:
    Savio, really, can't be blamed for the meshes since he just converts. If you dislike the style, then the worst you can say is that he has bad taste. P: Of course, his conversions do have flaws (ex. floating hair) but since many other hairs also have most of those flaws, I don't think it's Savio's fault, but rather a result of Sims 3 CC being in its infancy. Really though, a lot of his conversions are pretty well done.

    I'm not sure how the spiked hair was scary to you since I haven't seen it ingame yet. The worst flaw it has is that the slicked back bangs are just sort of floating there and not actually touching the head. But I digress.

  16. I'm also not the two anon above. I just want to clear this whole 'which is better and which is not'.
    For the "first" anon, maybe he/she is just pissed by savio's comment up ahead, maybe he/she thinks that savio meant to say that "I am better than XMSims, let me convert their hair", but actually "first" anon, it's not what he meant. He just saying that XMSims is too slow to convert so he likes to help. So I bet it's all just a misunderstanding.
    Okay, back to the topic, I love XMSims hair, maybe their texture aren't that good, but I'm getting used to it and still enjoying my sims game with every beautiful hair I've got. So thank you!<3

  17. I like these hairs, as I liked XM's hairs for TS2, but I agree on the texture thing. It needs a bit of improvement.

  18. "The first hair's curls looks very thin and paper-like"

    Aren't you hair like that when it was curled? or...maybe you want curly hair that came out like a wavy stick of cinnamon with more width?

  19. and also it was curled layer by layer, so it MUST BE thin and paper-like. Can't imagine a hair that shows up in my sims game with curly-and-stiff-wide-"stick".

  20. xm sims hair is great. icant beleive the new hair in sims adventures. its crap. the egyptian style is just pathetic makes me wanna puke.

  21. Personally, I like XMSims hairstyles and their textures both.

    I like them better than Peggy's usual textures, that are way too dark.

  22. I'm so glad Flora is converting/making TS3 hair again!!

  23. I like the hairs, but since they're about the same, i'll only keep one of'em. BTW, they have some new eyebrows and make up as well.

  24. Yeah, I'm only downloading 1 of them too. I think I'll pick the 1st one.

  25. i absolutely loved xmsims for sims 2, it was near enough the only place i went for hair.
    i think they are amazing for sims 3 too, i just wish theyd convert quicker/more because as you say they dont want anyone else converting ther sims 2 hairs....
    lovely creation, thankyou =]

  26. i absolutely loved xmsims for sims 2, it was near enough the only place i went for hair.
    i think they are amazing for sims 3 too, i just wish theyd convert quicker/more because as you say they dont want anyone else converting ther sims 2 hairs....
    lovely creation, thankyou =]

  27. I was not saying 'I am better than XMSims', but I only think they are slow at converting their hairs. And I would like to convert them, cause I can't think of any GOOD hair to convert by now.

    And I know my conversions aren't perfect. ;D None of those conversions are, actually. (even Peggy - I oly use her conversions in darker colors, cause if you see some of them in light blonde, they look so crappy. (Imho :))

    Anyways, XMSims has some good hairs, but hey, how long will it take to them to convert all of their hairs? They convert about one hair in a week.

  28. Ah, floating flaws are NOT our faluts. (nor mine, neither even Peggy's) No one has still found how to make the hair fit in thin sims, and also in fat sims. (look at some long hairs, and make your sim thinner/fatter ;)) Until someone finds that, we have to do that. :)

  29. Oh hey Savio! Love your work! I have almost all of your hairs :)

  30. i cant wait for the day someone learns how to make hairs fit fat and thin sims while at the same time not having them float weirdly on thin sims savio!! thats what stops me downloading a lot of hairs, im sticking to short ones like this. :C x

  31. i just wish that she changed the bangs on one of them to make them look a bit different. i couldnt even tell at first they were two different hairs

  32. Since I'm overly picky, I'm waiting on custom hairs until the thin/fat clipping/floating issue is figured out and long hair can be made to hug the body like EA's and not clip into the sim when they move. I realize that for the creators this is a learning process and we cannot expect all of this right away. For those who started with Sim 2, remember the state of CC at the beginning of that game and how far it has come?
    I appreciate that creators are even trying to create and improve their stuff. As I cannot create myself I would not dream of telling someone their stuff "sucks". I would think most creators are well aware of any issues their content has. Most of us have no idea the amount of work/complexity that goes into creating CC.

  33. Savio have you ever contacted the people at Xmsims and offered your conversion services? Even if they get rejected at least you have asked. As for not knowing what hair to convert Im still waiting for Nouks ethnic hair conversions and general curly hair

  34. I have finished Nouk's happy braids, but I don't know when I'm going to upload it. (I still have to try it out in game, on my laptop :s)

    Karen, thank you so much! :D

    Yep, I hope someone will learn how to fit hairs for both, thin and fat sims, bun it may take longer, cause hey, neither peggy knows that! And she owns the first non-replacement hair, created with her own tool. =/

    Hm, anon^, I havent contacted them yet.. I will try that, thank you. :)

  35. I liked XMsims sims 2 stuff but I'm not to keen on their sims 3 hair textures, its a shame because the hair styles are really nice. But then every ones had trouble with hair textures for sims 3, guess time will tell.

  36. we waited that long for THIS?!

  37. I like the second hair better, but the way they have the side bun fitted onto the head, it looks funny. :\

    Miss BonBon updated with a new CAS replacement

  38. i like the second :D

  39. Savio, if you're looking for ideas for future hair, here's a good place to start:

    It's an archive of abandoned Sims 2 sites. Maybe there's a few hairs that look interesting to you in there?

  40. These are gorgeous, I really like the second one especially, reminds me of a hair I used back in Sims 2.

    I think it's best to respect XM's wishes if she doesn't want other people to convert her hairs. She might not be pumping them out at at the speed of light, but for the most part, she does a very nice job and it's worth the wait. Anyway, I, personally, am not in a rush for her hairs to be converted, I don't know where this sense of urgency comes from.

  41. Sussi's hairs are so great for TS2...

  42. These are so cute! They look great in the game too!
