
January 06, 2010

Neytiri (from the movie Avatar) by @Stefan

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. best avatar yet in comaparison to the several being made.

  2. This is so cool :-)

  3. Really nicely done!

  4. Ugh, these trends are starting to annoy me. Avatar, Twilight....fml.

  5. Ugh, Avatar.

    The sim is fairly spot-on, though. It looks nice.

  6. Only saw the film yesterday, this is pretty amazing!

  7. She needs a tail!
    Someone PLEASE make an all ages & genders Avatar tail!

  8. Avatar was amazing, and this sim is one of the best custom sims ever. It really shows the capability of the game (thanks to modders and their hacks.)

    Twilight is so much lining for the bird cage compared to Avatar.

  9. Needs a lion tail.
    Like this:

  10. is the film good? i saw the south park about it but i failed to see the film :C

  11. is the film good? i saw the south park about it but i failed to see the film :C

  12. I'm so tired of this Avatar crap. The movie wasn't even that good... I mean, aesthetically, sure. It looked great. But there wasn't really anything else there. I don't get why people have such a hardon for it.

  13. The movie is amazing dude, I mean, special effects, they are so fucking cool. The story? I admit it isn't something new, but it's great anyway, Nowdays it's what it works, that something old and make it new and original

  14. But there wasn't really anything else there. I don't get why people have such a hardon for it.

    taste is subjective

  15. Looks great! Don't expect nothing less from Stefan.

  16. Not something I'd download but it's well done.

  17. I agree she needs a tail. But the rest is fantastic! The movie has made a billion dallors or more the last time I looked. The technology in making the movie was out of this world and it was great love story.

  18. Someone should make a new hair mesh that's a combination of the Cleopatra hair and the long braid. All the Na'vi have that long single braid for mind-melding.

    It would be nice if @Stefan made the face mask for children and toddlers too.

  19. Avatar was the best movie I've seen in a long time. The hype is really worth it. It did not suck one bit.

  20. It's pretty good except she has green eyes, not gold. :)

  21. Its very good!
    I'm not an avatar fan because I don't like where movies are going. Nothing is real about it anymore. I mean I know thats what movies are, fantasies in which you escape to, but its nothing like the golden age of HW to-stops ranbeling-

    but this is very good!

  22. I have no intention of seeing Avatar, but this sim is incredible. I have a very hard time making unique sims. I've been reluctant to update from the 1.4 patch and of course, nothing works with it anymore as far as facial sliders. This has convinced me to just go ahead and patch the thing and work with it until I can get it so it doesn't crash.

    Anyway this sim is amazing. I'm really blown away. Fantastic work!

  23. i didnt want to see this but is it really that great? whats the big deal about weirdo blue creatures living in a forest? boring sounds like something i can find on the disney channel. anyways juding by previews id say this is a good likeness

  24. The storyline is not new. Dances With Wolves inspiration(Kevin Costner's oscar movie) but the great effort, the dedication and teamwork on this movie are AMAZING!
    It's worth every penny you paid for one movie, dude.

  25. ^ 100% agreed. I rarely see big box blockbusters, because they are all predictable and boring. Avatar IS predictable. It's heavy-handed, and you'd have to be braindead not to understand the messages it presents. As for the Disney comment...naw. It's definitely not a little kid's movie.'s absolutely stunning visually. It looks a million times better on the big screen than it did in the commercials, much more realistic and less cartoony than I expected. I saw it in 3-D and it was completely worth it.

    Aaaaaanyway, very nice Sim. I don't play with character and fantasy Sims, but this is very nicely done. Thanks!

  26. Can someone create a lion tail for a real good an realistic avatar costume/neytiri??
