
January 20, 2010

Nouk Anime Hair Conversion by Annihilation

For teen - elder females:)

Download at Annihilation's Sims 3 CC

File name: Annihil_NoukAnimeconv


  1. perfect for a character im making

  2. Not liking it either. I understand it's supposed to be Anime but that texture looks like Kim's nylon wigs from "Real Housewives of Atlanta".

  3. haha i really like it!
    each to their own hey ;)
    why were the below posts comments closed? i was away at the time so didnt see the commotion, stab in the dark - racism?

  4. I think MS3B closes comments either by request or because of suspicion of possible negative comments towards race, gender and such. I think it's a good thing. I don't want to have to come here and see people insulting racial groups because of a damn sim -_-.

  5. Above anon, though I agree with you on certain aspects. I think that comments should be allowed until discrimination or hate is shown. I'd hope for a Utopian society where we can embrace each other's cultures, but it's being failing my expectations. (Maybe it could of been proven wrong by allowing the comments though)

  6. Wow i cant believe people would cause such negative drama because of a hair that is actually a veil/hood?I dont know what you call it. Really?? Grow up people! You know you guys are getting bad when a laid back guy has to make you guys shut it.
    As for this nouk hair......i'll take it just cus its different. I hope it looks nice.

  7. I was one of the people who requested that comments be disabled. Trust me one of the comments was really really stupid. Something about going back to Iraq/Iran and bombers. Nothing good was going to come out of that thread (for lack of a better word).

  8. Nouk was one of my all time favoriate hair creators for Sims 2. Unfortunately, this style was probably one of only a couple I really didn't like. Oh well. A ton of other people loved it for TS2 so I'm sure lots will love it for TS3.

  9. Thanks for closing the thread. If that was the comment, I am glad I didn't get to read it. Do people realize that folks come here from all over the world? Shame on them.

  10. It's okay with dark colors, but the shadows + highlights are too much with bright colors.

  11. I love her cretions. Although
    i have no use for this one.she has site now? about time. i think i might just browse through it.

  12. thanks for clearing that up, im here all the time so im guessing i would have seen it but i went to see avatar last night :D
    anyone took any screens? of light n dark hair? think ill just download anyway....x

  13. That's pretty fricking ridiculous about the Hijab.. I downloaded it before it was even posted here because I really wanted it for my game. I kinda wish it was under the hair with accessories section though so it could have patterns instead of just being the hair colors...

  14. Love new hair usually, but I'm so over anime hair tbh.

  15. It's a cute hair for the style, but I don't really do anime hair in my own game...I tend to prefer realism. I also agree that the lighter colors don't take the texture very well. Overall, though, it's still pretty nice.

    As for the hijab comments...I can't see them. I thought when comments were closed, you could still read what had already been posted but just couldn't post more? I must be mistaken.

  16. This looks better than it did in Sims 2!

  17. I'm sure a lot of people will be excited about this
    i'm starting to get rid of my anime hair :)

  18. I used this hair a lot in TS2 but mostly on toddlers and children, never teen or up. Hopefully someone will make this available for the younger ones.
