
January 01, 2010

Recolored Xylophone by Helaene

Download at Helaene


  1. Cute, but I don't think I care enough about the colors to download a new xylophone.

  2. I guess I'm just anal, this is a must for my little girls room.

  3. ^Just because you don't have a use for it, that doesn't mean nobody does.

  4. agrees with anon above anon above me. there pretty much the same.

  5. Not that I have a problem with Helaene making this, I'm more questioning why this deserves attention on this site? Like others have said, there's barely any difference between the recolor and the original and I'm sure there must be other barely interesting new things out there to focus on.

    Maybe because Helaene was a "name" back in TS2?

    She needs to convert her little girl outfits. I've been waiting for those!

  6. wow - its hard to believe so many people felt the need to comment negatively. I wanted this for my own game, so I made it. I thought others might want it too, so I released it. Is that so wrong?

    Thank you to those of you who were supportive!

  7. I like it, and I'd like a pastel lego box too (er ...or whatever that other toy is). Sometimes I do up a nice baby blue or pink nursery and I hate putting the tacky primary colored toys in it. So thanks

  8. ^ lol

    I agree with olomaya. she can make whatever she wants but I don't understand why it was featured when there is so little difference from the original

  9. (Almost) everyone here is an asshole. Honestly, this is a very busy blog and I don't always like all the stuff featured here, but guess what? Somebody DOES. It takes literally just moments of my time to scroll past something I don't like. Try it sometime.

    I don't use vampires in my game, but I don't bitch about Aikea's vampire teeth. I don't play historical hoods, but I don't bitch when people create (and share) period clothing.

    I think this is cute. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who might find it useful. So it's not groundbreaking. Oh, well.

  10. This is so cute! Thank you!

  11. I actually like it. And find it useful. Because those bright colored xylophones bother me.

    I think people who bitch about kids stuff are the ones who don't play them and realize what a difference it makes.
