
January 24, 2010

Selena Gomez by emmzx

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. it looks exactly like her
    dont like her in rl though =p

  2. Great resemblance, and yay for no masks!

  3. I could tell who she was before I even saw the name :) Excellent job!

  4. best celeb likeness evar!

  5. Geez I'm dumb, I got confused and thought this was supposed to be Selena Quintanilla.

  6. Wow! Looks like the real life Selena! you are talented!

  7. I don't like this actress, but it's a nice looking sim so i'll DL anyway :-) thanks for your hard work!

  8. Great job - looks just like her!

  9. Wow, this is some really good work. The sim is good looking, it looks like the celebrity AND no face masks. Wow.

  10. VERY talented work. Finally a celebrity sim that doesn't have a mask or is creepy.

  11. This is very good :) I'm glad they didn't use a face mask, they're pretty creepy when they're walking around with your normal sims

  12. Wow. This is really well done. The resemblence is uncanny. Great work!

  13. Wow. Wow, amazing work, especially without those HIDEOUS face masks. *shudders*

  14. I didn't know who the celeb was until I saw the real pics at the end, but I still thought it was a very pretty sim. Now that I've seen the celeb, I have to say that the resemblance is very good, with or without a facemask (and it's even better that it doesn't have one, IMO).

  15. She looks awesome!!! And nice that you didn't use a facemask, for me facemask users are failures with no skill

  16. I think they favor a little bit.
    None the less I will be downloading the sim and playing with her often.
    She is gorgeous.

  17. She looks better as a sim :D

  18. Very nice work! Should i know this girl? Because i never heard of her :S

  19. "facemask users are failures with no skill"

    That's a bit of a stretch. It still takes a lot of work to get the resemblance right.

  20. Well just wanted to say i dont really like her but shes from my hometown shes from grandprairie TX she went to Danny jones middle school and her desk is on display I cant wait to go there in 7th grade :D Idk about Demi shes not as special XD but I hate them both :P

  21. Well just wanted to say i dont really like her but shes from my hometown shes from grandprairie TX she went to Danny jones middle school and her desk is on display I cant wait to go there in 7th grade :D Idk about Demi shes not as special XD but I hate them both :P

  22. I adore this actress. It Perfectly well looks in a reality and in game. Very much it is pleasant to me =)) (I live in Ukraine)
