
February 08, 2010

Bella Goth Top and Skirt by Kiara24

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. As much as I appreciate the idea behind this, the textures on the bustline are very cartoony. Maybe I've just been spoiled by CC, but it looks even more cartoony than EA-match stuff...maybe because it's a TS2 conversion? Either way, it's nice, but I don't download things that are this low-detail.

  2. ^I know what you mean, but I'm sure the hardcore Bella fans will love this. :)

  3. Goodness give this whole bella goth thing a rest, that is so the sims2 its time to move on and play new characters and make better story lines its wack already!!!

  4. ^That's your opinion. I personally never really gave a crap about the in-game storylines, either, but some people do. :)

  5. Erm.... Bella Goth is from Sims AND Sims 2.... Shes also in Sims 3 as Bella Bachelor as a child.
    Maybe you should be telling EA to give it a rest? IMO the whole sims characters & storylines are very interesting.

  6. ...Oh and the dress adds to that.... lol

  7. I'm not a xcore bella fan but I def. love the goths :)

  8. "Maybe you should be telling EA to give it a rest?"

    If I thought they listened to a single word their customers ever said (or if I thought there were enough people like me who dislike the pre-created characters), I might just do that. ;)

    I've been playing since TS1 and I never cared even a tiny bit about the pre-created Sims; whenever possible I killed them off or played towns without them. For me, it's about making my OWN characters. But that's just my opinion. A lot of people love the Goths and other EA/Maxis characters, and they have every right to feel that way. Just like the rest of us have every right to dislike those characters.

    As for the dress, it's got a certain nostalgia about it that is adorable, but like firstanon said, it's too cartoonish for me. And since I don't care about Bella and making her look like her earlier counterparts, I have no use for it.

  9. I totally agree if someone doesn't like the whole bella Goth thing SO WHAT!!! its just a dam opinion u pplz get so defensive over a pix elated non living breathing thing is so stupid, so just let ppl say what they want.
