
February 09, 2010

Fashionable Girls Dresses

Download at Lemon Leaf 'Sims Creation House


  1. I hope that with girls she meant teens. Even if it's not the best dress out there, my teens need some normal dresses.

  2. I LOVE Lemon Leaf's designs but her new website makes it impossible for American me to download. I might have to buy a translator.

  3. ^ Why not just use google translate?

    I really like lemonleaf. She does such a great job on her stuff : )

  4. ^It doesn't look like a teen Sim to me and I couldn't determine the age group using Google Translate, so I was going to run it through the Unitool to see. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to download it, even though the download page is easy to locate. None of the links I tried on the download page started a download, and even with Translate enabled I can't decipher it.

    The floral version pictured on her blog looks really cute. :) I don't recognize the pattern, it one from the game that I just missed, or does someone know where I can find it?

  5. You have to click in the link at the end of the post and it goes to the download page.
    There are 3 orange squares, click the middle one with the "(50K/s)" on it.

    I don't know why you think is that difficult. I just clicked until I found the right button =/

  6. Someone posted japanese kimonos on some russian forum:

  7. ^^Haha wow, that was my fault. I found the download page no problem, as I already said. Apparently I tried all the links on that page *except* the middle orange button (oops), so nothing started a download.

    Thanks for the help, even if you were kind of an ass about it. ;)

  8. Oh, forgot to add: the Unitool says it's for young adults and adults. Sorry, firstanon.

  9. lol an ass, thanks.
    Anyway, the flowers are not a pattern, they are part of the dress.

  10. ^Eh, I thought you'd be able to tell I was just playing around since I used an emoticon. If not, sorry. I wasn't trying to offend.

  11. No don't worry, I wasn't. I actually laughed.

  12. Thanks for the update on the "pattern"...I liked it a lot but I dunno if I'd use if if the flowers are always is really cute though, so maybe. :/

  13. I can't find this in my game.....

  14. eh.... I tried clicking on the middle orange square with the "(50k/s)" on it. it just brings me to a blank page with a "403 Forbidden" written on it.

    It's frustrating especially when your desperately trying to download a file that you really crave to have.

  15. I just want to know if these are for teen or adult. Asian sites always make it difficult to decipher, and I know that's just an aesthetic. Would be excellent for teens as it has that girlish childish look, though.

  16. ^READ THE COMMENTS. There are only 14 of them before you, and this has already been discussed. It's for adults and young adults.

  17. ^^^ I'd try it again in a bit. It downloads just fine on my computer.

  18. Doe anyone know where i can find her models or any sims that are similar to her models? :/

  19. ^Your best bet is any Asian site, ever.

    There are also a lot of similar sims (usually from Asian creators or creators who happen to be anime-junkies, be they Asian or not) on the Exchange...but it's scary there. The Exchange farts marshmallows and stupid.

  20. ^Farting a marshmallow sounds like it would be uncomfortable, and probably sticky.

  21. ^It is. It really is.

  22. the model is so prettyy.. like a doll!

  23. The exchange is a really bad place. Can you give me the link to site that has sims that are simmilar to these?

  24. There's a pretty model in this page, scroll down. It looks more or less like her.

  25. Hey, read the comments asshole. Only ONE comment says "It doesn't look like teen". None of them confirm it and that's the only one that talks about it. No reason to be so unnecessarily snippy. Geeze. :I

    "It doesn't look like a teen Sim to me and I couldn't determine the age group using Google Translate, so I was going to run it through the Unitool to see."

  26. Ah, oops. She added that it was for Y/A/ A up there. So sorry for that, but excuse me for missing that one comment. Still a bit rude.

  27. Could anyone tell me where I could get the necklace ? It's sooo lovely!

  28. "Ah, oops. She added that it was for Y/A/ A up there. So sorry for that, but excuse me for missing that one comment. Still a bit rude."

    Lol, I'll admit my use of all-caps was a little rude in internet world, but calling me an asshole is certainly not any more polite. Just sayin'. ;)

  29. ^^The necklace is part of the dress.

  30. ^^^ Nope, the necklace in the last picture is a Peggy necklace. It's either free on PeggyZone or donation on Sims Cave. :)

  31. ^ Actually, I lied, only the second and the last necklace is Peggy. The rest, I have no idea.

  32. Anyone know where I could please find the straight hair in the second picture and the one in the fourth??

  33. Every time I come to this site now, there's nearly always at least one click-jacking attempt whenever I view the comments pages.. Is this the action of the site owner because if it isn't she needs to do some urgent security maintenance on her blog!!...

  34. "Every time I come to this site now, there's nearly always at least one click-jacking attempt whenever I view the comments pages."

    I don't get that at all. Maybe it's just you?

  35. I use "noscript" which verifies what is there & shows it. If you don't have a similar program in place you simply won't see it - If you're saying you have, but don't get the alert, then either you've deactivated clear click-jacking from options or you're probably the person responsible for it...

  36. ..other possibility is it's a false positive - but I'm extremely skeptical!!

  37. ^^I don't get that at all either.

  38. Staying on subject of this creation...

    Anyone know where I could please find the straight hair in the second picture and the one in the fourth??

  39. ^^How is that on the subject of this creation? These MODELS, but not this CREATION. ;)

  40. These dresses are too cute, I've been needing some dresses I can use as an everyday outfit. I adore lemon leaf's stuff, but I have a little trouble finding the download link on some of her creations.

  41. "Nope, the necklace in the last picture is a Peggy necklace. It's either free on PeggyZone or donation on Sims Cave. :)"

    Oooooooops, my bad.
