
February 01, 2010

It looks like this will be the last update for a while.

I knew this day would come, and even though I tried to pretend my father wouldn't get worse, he is in a very bad way right now. None of the treatments have worked and yesterday he was hospitalized. Three months ago, he was given three months to live, so I really don't know what to say right now.

I just want to thank all of you for visiting my blog, and I want to thank all of the creators for making our games so much better.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I added a small list of update blogs and forums to the right:)

Bye for now



  1. Oh God bless you! I wish only the best for you and your loved ones. That's fine if you need to take a break, please do. We care more about your R/L than some silly blog. Again, god bless!

  2. Wow. I'm really sorry about your father. Please do not worry about the blog. Your family comes first.

    Sending prayers your way.

  3. I hope your father gets better! Don't worry about the blog, god bless your family.

  4. I am so sorry to hear this, and hope you are able to spend all the time you can with your father. Thank you for all the time you spend hunting up all the good stuffies for us, I check here several times a day, and will miss you. Take all the time you need, and I'll be sending good energy to you.

  5. Take care of yourself and your family, and don't worry about us. We'll all be thinking of you.

  6. My players and thoughts with you and your loved father....

  7. blah blah blah blog! who cares! get better, joe and father!

  8. Bless you and your family, Joe. I know that all of us really appreciate what you have done, so don't worry about us. Life comes first, not a blog. We'll be fine. (:
    Sending lots of love and prayers your way.

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your father's illness. I want to thank you for all your time and effort you spent to make it easier for us simmers to find things for our game.

    We will be keeping you in our prayers and thinking of you during this difficult time.

  10. Take your time.
    Be with your father for however long God sees fit.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this extremely hard time.
    You have friends all over the globe thinking about you and your family.

  11. I am so sorry. I am going through something similar tight now. Good luck. I hope you come back, if you enjoyed it. <3

  12. Oh wow, i am so sorry. My great uncle bob passed away this morning as well.

  13. I hope you daddy will be O.K! We'll pray to God for him! Don't worry for the blog and stay together with you dad first!

  14. Bless you and your father, and I pray that he recovers .. don't worry about this blog, real life is more important. You've given us a lot of really wonderful Sims stuff. This is the only blog I go to for sims content! Come back when you feel up to it, and take care in the meantime.

  15. Stay strong, Joe. We'll be thinking of you and sending wishes and prayers your way! Take the time you need and don't worry about us.

  16. Take care. I'll be keeping you and your father in my thoughts and prayers. Take all the time you need, we'll all be waiting patiently for you when you come back.

  17. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. :/ .. I don't really know what to say, but I lost my father to cancer too. I think everyone knows someone who has died of it. I hope he isn't suffering, as little as that is. Best wishes.

  18. Having just lost my wife on the 2nd and my oldest brother just this Saturday, both to cancer, I know what you're going through only too well. My sincerest hopes and prayers to you and your family. God bless.

  19. aww....i'm sorry to hear that.I hope your father will be ok. I know how hard it is to lose someone you care about. Take as long as you need, real life is way more important than a blog. I pray that everything will be ok for you and your father.

  20. God bless you and your father, honey. I know how it is to have your whole life flipped around with those words. I'll pray for you and your family. Take all the time you need away to be with your father.

    You'll be in my thoughts.

    God bless.

  21. Joe my thoughts and sincere prayers are sent you and your family! This has to be a truly hard time for you right now. Even though we all have experienced serious illness and loss I don't think 2 people can ever truly say they felt the same way. pery49...I lost my Grandmother to cancer and bad surgery...cancer related...I'm sorry for your losses. My prayers for you and your family as well!

  22. There's not much to say at a time like this that will help, but I hope you know we're all thinking about you, your father, and the rest of your family. Your family is first and the Sims and the internet don't compare, so don't even think about us. Thank you so much for all you've done. Many many many positive hopes and prayers coming your way.

  23. and dont you DARE worry about this blog. Your father that may be dying is much more important than video-game content. Love and hugs, Alexis.

  24. My prayers are with you, your father, and the rest of your family. God bless you. (Big hug)

  25. Oh my gosh. :( Don't worry about us! I really hope your father is doing okay and your family as well.
    Thanks for the blog, you're a great person! We'll miss you, but family comes first always!

    habe vor einem halben Jahr meinen Vater verloren,kenne den Schmerz und die Angst,weiß wie Sie sich fühlen!!Alles Gute für Sie und bleiben Sie stark !!

  27. MS3B- your dad is more important than this site right now. While everyone loves your finds sites and you do a lot to keep the community informed about what is happening with TS3 content and we appreciate your work but you only have one dad and he is more important right now, the site will still be here when you are able to come back to it. My prayers are with your family right now .

  28. hi joe as an agnostic i can only say that you have my sympathy and best wishes. your blog has been a social glue for all the different people who play this game as well as being a place for updates. admire ur stand on censorship even when some comments have gone wild. the regular and quick updates suggest that u r a conscientious little fellow and likely to succeed in what you put your mind to. all the best!

  29. It's okay Joe , so take care and come back soon !

    we'll miss you !

    God Bless .

    `min from Singapore .

  30. Joe please consider holistic methods along with your family, i dont even have cancer and modern medicine is failing me in ways i can only imagine. May God be with your father and guide you and your family to better solutions and blessed health. i feel really bad for your suffering

  31. So sorry to hear that. My mum almost died last year, shes still recovering and im her full time carer. Im so sorry I know what its like to almost lose someone that close.

  32. We're thinking of you and your family!

  33. God Bless you and the family take care!

  34. I am so sorry to hear about your father. While you provide a very valuable site, your family is far more important. Wishing you and your family the very best!

  35. I am so sorry to hear about your father. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

  36. I haven't been here lately because there have been a number of deaths in my own family, so I'm very sad to hear this news about your father. Don't worry about your blog followers; we'll be waiting as patiently as possible. ;) The important thing now is to spend time with your loved ones, and treat yourself well.

    Stay strong. You'll be in my thoughts.

  37. Don't worry. Great things will come. My grandfather was given 6 months to live in October 2003, he lived until late December 2005. He had almost every type of cancer and yet he still was fighting it. He is in a better place now without any pain. I wish you the best! I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  38. thank you for keeping us informed joe
    im praying for you nd your family

  39. Oooo, I am sooo sorry! I realy hope you get throught this as best as you can, in sitations like this. I wish you and your family all the best.

  40. We will miss you, Joe, but you need to spend time with your family. I am sorry the treatments didn't work. I have watched my step-father go through cancer and treatments and I know its not easy.

    Take care of yourself and if you come back, we will be here.

  41. God bless you and your father.. I hope he will get better.. Amen.

  42. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family! God Bless!

  43. Bless you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

    Please take care and know we appreciate all you do.

  44. How awful, I'm so sorry about your father! I'm sure he'll be comforted in knowing that he's raised a kind, compassionate and loving son. I wish you and your family all the best in this intensely difficult time *hugs*

  45. Family first and Always. I'm so sorry to hear about your Will be sending good thoughts your way for the next couple days in hopes he gets better again. Hope to see you back when you are ready.

  46. your Blog was the best,that´s one thing
    .....but your father needs you and your support now.....and this is more importend...

    god bless you and your Family.....Elke

  47. This is terrible news. I really enjoyed your site so much and fine it so useful and convenient that just like most of your followers here I visit it several times a day.

    We have become so used to your blogsite that oftentimes we take it for granted that there is a real person behind it all. Bless you Joe and other kind hearted soul like you.

    Attend to your father's need and think nothing of us. We pray for you and your family. God Bless You and your father.

  48. Dear friend, much to feel his absence, but 1st in the family .. better estimate for your dad
    Improvements will ask the creator for his health ..

  49. this blog is nothing compared to your family... take care, wish you anr your family for the best

  50. bye for now always thinking of you hope you can come back my friend God Bless good byeee

  51. I'm sorry to hear about your father's cancer. Do what you need to- family is family.

  52. I hope he gets better soon<3

  53. *_* my thoughts to you and your family.

    and thanx to you !!

  54. This is only my first time in visiting this sims 3 blog, but god bless your dad and you and your family. Take care, both of you and your dad. Hope he will be better one day :) There's always hope , (I guess?).

  55. Oh my! I'm so sorry about your father.

    Don't worry... I know your father won't give up and he will continue fighting his sickness. Just always believe in God and your father will soon be healed completely.

    We are here to pray for your father's recovery.

    I hope you'll also come back soon and write some latest TS3 updates again. I also hope that you won't leave us here.

    I also thank you for this awesome blog. Without this, I think we will have difficulties in finding TS3 items that we currently have today.

    God bless you & your family especially your dad. ;D

  56. I am so sorry. I'll be praying for you, your dad and your family.

  57. Thanks for all your effort. I'm sorry about your Father.

  58. I'm sorry about your fathers health. Our thoughts are with you. Jin-Ah.

  59. Joe, your latest post is heart-breaking to read. I remember what it was like to go through what you are experiencing now and my heart goes out to you.

    Sending much love and strength to you, your Dad and your family.

  60. I'm so very sorry to hear that, Joe. Please take all the time you need - spend as much of it with your father as possible. We will be here when you return. *hugs*

  61. Joe,

    I am so sorry about your father. I will be praying for him and your family.

    Thank you so much for all the Sims 3 content you have posted on your blog.

    God bless you, your father, and your family!

  62. Im really sorry for ur father...
    thanx for all the great work u have done...

  63. Take care of last moments with your dad. Tell him that you love him so much. Surround of love so that he leaves for peace. Come back when your sorrowful will have a little become blurred even if the sorrow will always be present, your dad will always be in your heart. Ange

  64. I'm so sorry for you and your family, I am in this spot you are now with my grandfather and I know how difficult and painful is. Take care of yourself and your beloved, and forget this blog until you're recovered, there are things more important than videogames and this is one of those. I'm truly sorry

  65. I am so very sorry to hear this, I will hope and pray for you and your family at this very difficult time.

  66. Dear Joe, I am so sorry that your fathers health has got worse, i think of you and your family often, my prayers are with you all. god bless

  67. It´s very sad, I´m so sorry for it, by strong, Joe.

  68. i am so sorry, we will miss you. i hope to see you soon, take care. Johanna, kisses from France.

  69. I am so sorry about, Joe. :( I wish you strength. Bless you and your family.

  70. OMG :S sorry, i'm sad about you, i hope that your dad is better.

  71. I would just like to say thankyou for working on this blog, even through your time of need!
    Be strong and all the best for your family xx

  72. thank you for the updates so far! best wishes to you and your family.

  73. I'm so sorry for your father. Don't think about us. Best wishes.

  74. you shouldnt be posting this its okay your family comes first.. thank you for everything you shared, our prayers are for your father and you

  75. I'm very sorry to hear your bad news. Having lost my gran quickly to cancer I know how heartbreaking it is.
    Stay strong, and if you ever need any cheering up you know all of your dedicated followers here will be waiting to give you our heartfelt and warmest wishes.

  76. Hi

    Keep strenght, our prayers are with you and your father.. we'll wait for you (and pray for you) as long as you won't be able to come back.. Thank you for all your wonderfuls updates during these last months.

  77. I am sorry for you father! Take care

  78. I'm very sorry...You must be strong, we're with you.

  79. I'm so sorry about your father. Take care of yourself. xoxox

  80. I'm so sorry to hear about this, Joe. My thoughts are with you and your dad at this difficult time. Take care.

  81. I'm really sorry about your father. Do not worry about the blog. Your family comes first. I hope you are ok. Be Strong.

  82. I'll be praying for you :)

    (And completely unrelated I thought you were a girl 0.0)

    God bless you!

  83. All my love to you and your family. Joe you now, all you need i'm here.
    Big hug!!! <3<3<3<3

  84. God bless you, your father, and your family!

    I will miss you every day.

  85. Thank you for all your updates, i wish you all the best and strenght to get through this.

    Take care

  86. i look every day over here, thanks to you i have beautiful downloads in my game, i love this... but your private life go first... you are great that you wanted to do this for us, god bless you

  87. Thanks for all! love your blog. Good luck! I'll hope the best for you :)

  88. You, your father and your family will be in my prayers. Losing a loved one can be a difficult time leaving us feeling helpless and lost. I know that this is of small consolation, but I believe you have been one of the greatest assets to the Sims community in years. Additionally, the kindness, openness and persistence you've displayed here enriches us as people.

  89. my heart goes out to you :C xxx

  90. I come here everyday and really appreciate all of the effort you put into your blog, but your real life is a lot more important then us so take all the time you need and I send many, many wishes your way.

    Take care.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. I hope you have lots and lots of good memories with your dad that can comfort you during this time. The same goes to your dad.
    See ya when you feel ready to come back :)

  93. I'm really sad for you and your family.
    I know how do you feel, my father have a cancer...

    Take care.

  94. Your father is in hundreds of our prayers, I can't imagine what you must be going through! God bles you Joe!

  95. Oh my God! I'm so sorry about this! I want only say thank you for your work and I know I'll miss you! I hope that things go better and I give you all my best wishes. You'll be in my thoughts everyday. And if you'll come here I'll be waiting for you! Bye and... be strong.

  96. Oh I'm soo sorry for you.
    I'll definetely miss this blog, but your family comes first, of course. Don't push yourself and just forget about this blog for the time being. I wish you a happy time with your family.

  97. I'm so sorry to hear that Joe!!
    May god be with your father and you. we will all be thinking about you and praying for your father.

    I will still be checking your blog everyday and waiting for you to come back with good news!

    Take care!

  98. God bless you and your father,
    love x

  99. ok, but please don't leave your blog.. i visit your blog everyday; (((.

    love ;((

  100. aha, and good wishes for your father and family

  101. I am so sorry about your father's health. I will miss this blog, and need to find another place to visit a million times a day!! But I understand, you need to be with him right now. My thoughts are with you. Good luck.

  102. I hope the yor father getes better but if something else happens I pray to God to give you the stenght I lost my mother 7 month ago and I know first hand that is a painfull place to be , my prayers are with you and your family , may God blessed you both in this hard time.


  103. I will pray for you and your father. My grandpa had cancer and he recently got cured. I know that your father will get better, but if the worst situation happens, you know he'll be in a better place.


  104. Sorry to hear about your father. Wish you and all of your family the bravery to move on from such a terrible time.

  105. I want to wish you and your family all the best. I hope you can enjoy eachother for as long as time permits.

    Thank you for a wonderful blog.

    Best wishes!

  106. I'm sorry to hear about your father. Best wishes to you and your family.

  107. I'm sorry to read this...
    God bless you and your family...


  108. i'm sorry to hear about your father.. i hope all the best for you and your family.. i really wish everything would turn out fine.. be back when your ready ^______^

  109. I'm so sorry, Joe. Thank you so much for everything, and when you do come back we'll all still be here for you. Good luck.

  110. :( i am so sorry to hear this bad news!!! i really hope everything works out for you and your family <3 stay strong!

  111. I'm sorry to hear about your father.. God bless you and your family!

    I do hope your father gets better very soon, Joe. You're going through all this, and I hope you and your family will be just fine. :)

    You've done too much for us with your blog. That's the first place I visit everytime I'm looking for somthing new. ^^

    I feel so sad right now.. I loved everything you're doing for us and can't even imagine how bad you feel.. Please,, don't I SAID DONT LOSE HOPE OKAY?
    I'll pray for him darling.. <33

  113. i'm so sorry joe that you have to go through such a troubling thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. thank you so much for all that you have done for us through your blog and when you're ready to come back, we'll be here waiting for you. =)

  114. i so sorry hear about this...i hope your father get better soon and i really like your blog.come buck when you feel ready and stey strong!!!! <3

  115. I am really, really sorry for you, your father and your family. :<

  116. Spend as much time with your father as you can. Be there every second. I lost my father 1 1/2 years ago to cancer. You will never regret spending as much time as possible with him.

    Best wishes,

  117. Hi Joe,
    I visit your blog everyday, so I will miss it. Don´t you worry about your blog. Spent every precious minute you can with your family in this harsh times. I wish you and your loved ones wisdom and strength. Frann

  118. Thank you for putting this blog together! I wish you and your family all the best.

  119. I'm very sorry, Joe. I do understand what you feel like, I felt the seam a while thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for everything. Rememeber we will always be here for you

  120. Hi. I'm the person who lost my father to cancer 1 1/2 years ago (I just posted something up above). I want to say one more thing, though. I hope you don't lose your father, but if you do, don't torture yourself with "what if" scenarios like I did. You know, like "what if I had done such-and-such" or "what if he had gone to a better doctor" ... those types of questions. You will just be torturing yourself for no good purpose. A lot of people who lose family members do this to themselves.

    Love and best wishes

  121. I just wanna say that I love your blog and appreciate what you do here for us simmers. Best wishes to you and your family.

  122. I lost my daughter a mounth ago and I know what you are felling,it's hard,but you will get better soon,the pain keeps,but you will be ok...God bless you =)

  123. You take care of what you need to take care of, as well as of yourself. I am so very sorry to hear about your father and my thoughts are with him, you and your family.

  124. Take as long at you need, you are in our thoughts.

  125. Love, comfort, and support to you, your family, and your father. Take care of yourself, Joe.

  126. S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2

    Joe, my condolences about your father, I just wanted to say that I hope with all my heart that he get better .I Know that is difficult,but always believe in miracles and never, never lose your hope.I'm sure that many people now are praying for him.

    I hope you understand me because I am Brazilian and my English is not so good,
    I hope your father better,
    God bless you,and your family,

    Alice W.,Rio de Janeiro.


  127. S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2-S2

    Joe, my condolences about your father, I just wanted to say that I hope with all my heart that he get better .I Know that is difficult,but always believe in miracles and never, never lose your hope.I'm sure that many people now are praying for him.

    I hope you understand me because I am Brazilian and my English is not so good,
    I hope your father better,
    God bless you,and your family,

    Alice W.,Rio de Janeiro.


  128. wow.. i don't know you, but i'm deeply moved.
    i wish your father, your family and of course YOU only the best :/

  129. Aww Joe im so sorry. Do what you have to do don't worry about the blog. You are in our thoughts.

  130. god bless you, your father and your family i hope he gets better
    all the best

  131. Sorry to hear your news. Don't worry about us here, concentrate on you and yours, I'm sure everyone here more than understands.

  132. Be strong, God bless you.

  133. Oh my, I'm sorry to read this. :(

    I come here everyday to check out your blog, but please, just take all the time you need with your father and don't worry about updating it.

    Take care and be strong.

    Best regards.

  134. I'm really sorry for father, you did alot for us sims fans by keeping up this blog, don't worry your family always comes first, stay strong sweetie, always stay by your father and family's side
    thank you alot for what you did for us, god bless you.

  135. There are more important things in this life and in this case your father is more importan than anything. I send my prayers and best wishes. Don't worry we'll be here when you return in the meantime don't lose the faith.

  136. I'm very sorry for your father, I now what you feel, I have lost my granfather in june for cancer. Stay strong ! Sara from Italy

  137. OhMyGod! :(
    I feel so bad for you now.
    Don't worry about this blog.
    I love it, it's my daily source.
    But your family is much more important then a DAMN blog.
    Take time to live your life, and i hope so so so so much for you that your father will be good!
    Keep strong! I know you can!
    You have the power to make this AMAZING blog, so you have to power to survive this hard period!
    I don't want to stop this comment.
    Good Luck!! I really hope you & your family will keep strong.

    Many Hugs, JS.

  138. Hang in there, Joe. You're going through a tough time, take as much time as you need, we'll all be here when you get back :) I'm very sorry for your dad, don't think twice about the blog since that's not important on the big scale of things. Stay strong :)

  139. Love, comfort and strength to you and your family. You're in my thoughts.

  140. I'm so sorry to read this... You're not alone, all of the people who visit your blog will keep you and your family in their prayers and thoughts! Be strong!

  141. Joe i am so sorry about everything thats happening to you and your family, i hope with all my heart that your dad gets better and i wish only good things for you and your family. take a break from this blog and i thank you for running this even though things are hard. sending love and best wishes your way. xxxxxxxx

  142. Gosh I'm overwhelmed by the fact that so many people left you such heart warming messages.. I too want to wish you all the strength in the world, and you and your family will also be in my prayers.

    Many hugs, and do NOT worry about the blog at all, focus on your family 100% and stay strong!


  143. God bless you and yours through this troubled time.

  144. We love you joe :(

  145. God bless you and your family. Kiss from France

  146. Best wishes to you and your family, Joe. Spend every bit of time you can with your family and don't worry about us. Your well-being is infinitely more important than this blog and Sims. Take all the time you need.

  147. I am sorry about your father. Spend your time with him instead. It is important for you and him, as well for your family. Take care.

  148. I'm so sorry! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  149. We all want you to stay strong and spend as much time with your family as possible, this blog is of no importance right now. We'll be thinking about you and your family.

    xoxoxo Joe & Family


  150. Don't worry about the blog, it's just a game. We'll manage to find the downloads by ourselfs and viewing other blogs.
    I hope your dad gets well. Stay strong.


  151. My heart goes out to you at such a difficult time.

    My game owes a lot to your blog but don't give it a thought. Your community will still be here when you are ready to come back.


  152. Courage pour ton pere toutes mes amites dans cette epreuve que tu traverses

  153. Thank you for your dedication to this blog. Real life comes first though. I'm sorry to hear about your father and hope everything goes alright for your family, you'll be in my thoughts.

  154. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time, and you have all my best wishes for your father.
    Thank you, like I have said many times before, for the best blog in the entire Sims community. Only site I check every day several times.
    When that is said, there's nothing more important than family, so that always has to come first.
    Best of luck now!

    - Lea

  155. I hope the best for your father. I am so, so sorry. :(

  156. I wish your father, you, and all of your family the absolute best. I'll pray for all of you in hopes that things will turn out well. You've put too much time and effort into this blog. I can't thank you enough. :)

  157. I'm so sorry to see this, Joe... we will all be thinking of you and your family. Strength to him and peace to you.

  158. No offense to your dad, but I NEED MY FICKING CC COMPILED!

  159. I didn't even know you had an ill family member :( Thanks for all the work you've done even during the rough times, best wishes to you!

  160. I'm so sorry. My father died 2 years ago form cancer. I'll pray for your father and you.

  161. I'm really sorry about your father. Family come first. I want to right more but my english is not good so I will say on my language, maybe someone traslate: Eu desejo tudo de bom para o seu pai e para todos que o rodeiam. O teu blog foi sem dúvida o melhor que já vi, mas como tudo na vida acaba, parece que chegou a hora do blogue.
    Mais uma vez desejo tudo de bom para o seu pai e vou rezar por ele. Um beijinho Mini_estrelas

  162. I am so very sorry to hear about your father. Thank you for everything, and I pray for you and your family in this very hard time. God Bless you

  163. Never mind the blog or us; spend as much time with your dad as you can. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now so its obvious you won't be fussing about who's converting what. ;)

    Take care, you'll be in my prayers. :)

  164. All one can do is pray for the best. I know how difficult it must be for you with a sick relative. Thank you for everything you've done for the community Joe! But we understand that family is FAR more important than some game.

    And the Anon 3 up from me (right below Helaene) is a dickhead.

  165. Best wishes to you and your family.

  166. I'm so very sorry for your family's pain. I will keep you in my prayers. I know no words can comfort you, but I wish your father peace.

  167. I'm so sorry! God bless!

  168. So sorry to hear this. I am wishing you all the best.

  169. I only recently started watching the blog, and haven't said anything, so I can't say I know you well, but I'm so very sorry and wish you well.
    I feel for you, and best wishes at getting through it.

  170. I'm sorry to hear about your father best luck to you and you family. :(

  171. "No offense to your dad, but I NEED MY FICKING CC COMPILED!"

    Go look at another blog or find it and compile it yourself, thats sooooo incredibly rude to say to someone at a time like this. It's a very hard thing to go through and people pushing you around and demanding that they get you unnecessary content for a video game doesn't help.

    Hope everything works out for you and your dad joe. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.

  172. Please take care of your father! Prayers for him...maybe a miracle would occur?
    And thank you for ALL you have done for us!!!

  173. I'll keep your family in my thoughts. Hope things get better soon!

  174. My prayers are with you and your family. Take each day and moment as they come, forever special. May you be surrounded by angels for strength.

  175. Joe, all my prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. We'll miss you and thank you for all you do, but it's time to take care of yourself and yours. Much love.

  176. Thank you so much for doing all this for us despite what's been going on. Take a break, don't worry about us. I hope for your father to get better. Best wishes go out to you and your family.

  177. Joe,My heart goes out to you and your family.I hope your father isn't in any pain and in his last days he knows you love and care for him.I hope your not going through this alone with him and you know you have the whole sim community behind you.(Forget the inconsiderate jerks,their immature)I love your Blog,but Family and Friends ALWAYS come first.Best wishes and God Bless.marymoon74

  178. God Bless your Father and you and your Family .My prayers go out to all of you,like alot of people have said on here Family comes first.Take care.

  179. I am sorry about your father! God bless you and your family! We will be praying for you!!!!!!

  180. on no, i'm soo sorry! you & your family are in my thoughts and prayers hun!

  181. sorry to hear about your dad. All the best to you.

  182. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this difficult time. Thank you for all you have done for the sims community and the many selfless hours you have put into keeping it updated for us.

    Peace be with you.

  183. I am so sorry to hear about your father. Trust that the Sims community will be thinking of your family and wishing you well.


  184. I know how you feel. I wish you and your family all the best. Thanks for everything you've done!

  185. I feel your pain, sister, and I want you to know that you will always get through it. You will be victorious, and overcome your grief. It is what your father would have wanted.

  186. I'm really sorry about your father. I hope that he ends up okay. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into this blog.

  187. Yeah! Take care of your family first :] We'll manage w/o the blog. Your family is more important n.n

  188. You have been beyond amazing but now it's your time to share with your family. My heart goes out to you and your father. God bless and take care.

  189. I'm so sorry to hear about your father....I know how you feel since my dad.....
    Family thing are 1st!! Take your time,Joe.
    Thank you so much and god bless you!

  190. Hi there,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your father.
    You shouldn't have to worry about your blog, you've already done such a great job here; so it can wait. Take your time and spend it with family.

  191. We hope your daddy will be better xxxxxxxx a million kisses

    xxxxthe twinz
