
February 19, 2010

Mens Metallic Swimsuit by LadyFrontbum

Download at LadyFrontbum Sims&Stuff


  1. i just want to laugh....really loudly..

  2. I seen this earlier on her blog. I hoped it was just something she was messing around with.

    This looks nice, and is executed well.. But I'd never even consider putting it in my game.

  3. Lol... I just want to laugh too. XD

  4. Good job on these, but I would not dare put it in my Sim, unless he's gay and I did not knew..

  5. Doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it? lol

  6. I'm sorry but, I honestly would never use these. >_>
    But they look well done and I love most of her stuff. ^_^

  7. Come on people! Don't be so old fashioned, LadyFrontbum is giving us options! Its more than EA would ever give us! Thanks to this creator and all the other incredible people who even consider to share content!

  8. This may be a stupid question, but what skin is that? I haven't seen it before... but I don't really go looking for them either...

    Anyway, like others have said. It's good, but not something I'd make my Sims wear.

  9. I think it's Subaxi's newest skins.

  10. Here is a link to the skintone.

  11. Woot, cutie pie sim. Very shiny.

    Are you sharing the sim?

  12. *is anon that asked about to the skintone* To the anons above: Ah, thank you =) I have seen them... just didn't look at them close enough apparently.

  13. O.O

    Well done, but, no thanks : )

  14. lmao.....!!
    i love how shes incorporated the male belly bar into the pics too!

  15. I saw this today.
    I was shocked!

  16. Cleanly shaven, and quite small I see.

  17. i actually find this quite sexy on men but only if the guy is into grooming/pruning

  18. "Americans are such prudes and fat and stupid!"

    First, how do you know ANY of the above commenters were American? Second, that phrase is a HUGE sterotype. I am no 'stupid' nor 'fat' unless you consider being 4'10 and 80 lbs fat. (I'm 15, just short xD) So stop being so racist, and open your eyes.

    Apart from that, I just find this a little wierd, none of my sims will be wearing this (not for being a 'prude' but because I don't really care for guys in skimpy bikini bottoms in my game kthx)

  19. ^i agree,
    im english and if finding this hilarious makes me a prude then i guess im a prude :)
    this is clearly for a certain type of sim/sim player and no they aren't necessarily gay, body building competitions spring to mind ;P

    anyway, this isnt for me ....
    i find it a bit creepy

  20. Well I, for one, love these and will be using them! Man-thongs don't make a sim 'gay', that's ignorant and stupid. I use them for my manwhore and silly sims. :)

  21. Americans are so fat! Praise the Lard!

  22. ^Have I missed something? WTf is the business with gay sims?

  23. Look at his tiny little bum! I love the skin...I might have to check this out!

  24. Lol, I don't think my Simmies are exhibitionist enough for this : p

    Nice work as always though, just not my cup o'tea.

  25. "Americans are such prudes and fat and stupid!"

    I'm an American, and I can honestly say that this statement is probably true for a lot of Americans, but you still look like an ass for many of the reasons already listed.

    I don't personally care for this style; that doesn't make me a prude, it just means that where I come from, this style is not considered fashionable for the average man. We all take on the tastes of our environments, to a certain degree.

    BUT this is very well done, as usual, and not all my sims wear clothing that I would actually like to see on a RL person. I have sims whose personalities and tastes are very different from my own.

  26. PERFECT.
    Heh. Poor Mrs. Crumplebottom married a total ho several years his senior, and none of the EA swimwear and undergarments were right for him.

  27. Lmao, thanks for all the comments, you guys rock. I love getting up in the morning and checking out ms3b :D

    To the anon who mentioned his small bum: I KNOW!! Isn't it sad?! I tried so many non default skins for these mankini's and ALL of them had these sad little bottoms. Poor male sims.

    To the anon who mentioned his little package: Yeah, heh, I tried to make him appear larger with the shading/highlighting of the base texture but I could only do so much without actually making a new mesh - which I have no idea how to do :D

    And yep the skins are subaxi's and I will share the sim once I have tweaked him and given him a little personality.

    OH OH and re the groomed thing... omg I tried the hairy skins on him and he looked incredibly scary. I was thinking "where do the pubes end and the hair begin??". It was crazy.

    God help me the bottom of my foot is itchy. On that entirely unrelated note I will end this insanely long comment. <3

  28. PS: I also made a new sim, she's in the post under the swimsuit on my blog :)

  29. Okay, will be waiting on the male sim. :)

  30. LadyFrontbum! You have a very refreshing sense of humor. Thanks for making me chuckle. Nice...panties?...on the guy, by the way. I like my guys a little more rugged..but still, very well done.

  31. I was the very first commentator for this, its just not my style hence my first reaction would be to laugh. (Just like i laugh at the french guys in their speedos at the Baleine in paris) .

    But in general i like Lady Front Bums custom content, she always creates refreshing things and her celebrity sims are dead ringers for the real people themselves.

  32. Thanks anon. It's all good, I laughed while I was making it then again when it was finished. I still chuckle every time I see that perpetually clenched arse. ;D

  33. Haha, luv it..... downloaded... THX!

  34. It's very nicely done, your work is always very high quality, you can never please everyone, but in that you will always make something somebody wants. It would be boring if we all liked the same styles.

  35. Ooooh, me likey! Thanks for sharing, LadyFrontBum! On a side note, I think your alias is kinda cute :3

  36. make mine a double! lol

  37. What............the..............*snickers* Oh my......

  38. Just what I was looking for,great for my bodybuilder man 'ho

  39. OK now these gave me a big hard ON! ....LMAO!

  40. LMAO.

    Just what everyone needs, a bodybuilder man ho.

  41. lol, i'm gonna put this on my hairy sims just to see what happens

  42. Haha. Good luck. Hopefully you come away unscathed ;)
