
February 18, 2010

Peggy Hair Conversion At MTS

Download this peggysims hair conversion by Lunararc at Mod The Sims.

File name: Conversion


  1. This doesn't look bad. I'm just not into the hair covering the eye too much.

  2. I don't like covering the eyes on a sim I am playing, but some of the EA generated sims could use some face hiding. LOL

    Hair like this I use on the non-active sims. Diversing the hood.

    I was surprised that MTS allowed a Peggy conversion, maybe it's a free hair.

  3. ^ I thought the same thing. It must be free, because I'm pretty sure they allowed recolors on her free TS2 hairs.

    The hair looks nice. It doesn't bother me that it goes over the eye, but the way it falls over the eye looks a tad unnatural. That's not the converters fault, though. Overall I like it.

  4. wow, this is a peggy conversion?
    what happend between sims 2 & 3 to make peggy so .... bad?
    i LOVE this :D

  5. ^ I actually don't like this as much as some of Peggy's TS3 stuff (the natural-looking styles, anyway). This is very nice too, though, so I don't want to offend the converter. Just goes to show that it's all a matter of opinion.

  6. "I don't like covering the eyes on a sim I am playing, but some of the EA generated sims could use some face hiding. LOL"

    So true, lol!!!

    "but the way it falls over the eye looks a tad unnatural."

    I agree & I think that is why it just doesn't look right to me. I'm still going to try it out though.

  7. Lol depth perception fail :D
    Thanks for the conversion, lunararc! I'm all for more hairs, even crazy eye covering ones ;)

  8. Has anyone else lost their custom thumbnails after installing High End Loft? All my Peggy hair thumbnails are now standard EA.

  9. ^ yes, for some reason some of them come up as a yellowy blonde colour too, all of the custom thumbnails for hair accessories still work though.

  10. Hair covering the eyes is SEXY!!!

  11. like it, thanks jess for the find!

  12. The thumb nail thing for hairs happened to me as well. I don't have the High End loft expansion - but I did install the latest update. Whatever EA did, that's when it happened.

  13. New hair by Peggy and now available at SimsCave:

  14. It looks weird in game for me.
    It's a little jagged, I'll try to post a picture later.

  15. Actually ignore that ^^^^^

    I didn't turn the settings up, so that's why it looked weird.


  16. The last patch changed the thumbnails, not HEL.

  17. ^yea i forgot to mention that it was the update with mine, i installed it before HELS and thats when it happend, im not botherd by it though. not sure why the accessory hair thumbnails are still the custom ones though...

  18. I installed both HEL and the patch at the same time, so I wasn't sure which one caused it to happen. Makes more sense that the patch caused it.

  19. I've updated my blog ^_^

  20. Ooh hair. Nice anubis :) I updated my blog earlier too.

    I'm so bored right now. I should go to bed. :D

  21. Why is EA torturing us for having CC?

  22. I dl'd this and tested in CAS the gap where the part is looks really terrible. Looks like someone shaved a chunk of her hair rather than a part. Very disappointed since it's a cute style.
    Just a note I don't think that the gap is the person who converted the hair's fault. Peggy is known for those grand canyon gaps and parts.

  23. "Why is EA torturing us for having CC?"

    If not having custom thumbnails in your Sims game is your idea of torture, I recommend you take your next vacation in a third-world country, and do something to piss off their government while you're there. Maybe it'll give you some perspective.

  24. this looks awful in game, and my graphics settings are all on high :/

  25. i want these cool hairstyles bt cant
    download dem ..guyzzz plzz tel me some awesum sites for download hairstyles for free ........
