
February 20, 2010

Sims by Kittehbomb

Download these Sims and more at Kittehbomb's sims


  1. ^Oh, knock it off.

    Some of these sims look a bit... deformed, particularly the redhead. OTOH, some of the guys look nice.

  2. These would be great if they weren't made with default replaement skins.

  3. they all have really long noses. all except for the ginger one.
    i like numbers 7, 8 & 10,
    the rest are either meh or really ugly/creepy looking IMO

  4. They're supposed to look creepy...LOL.

  5. theyre suppose to look creepy? well in that case, they did a damn good job! ;)

  6. I actually like them a lot. 4, 7, and 10 are all amazing. Nice work!

  7. @Mya

    They are made with non-default tones if I'm right. Some with papercat's, kanno's but, I'm not sure about the last one.

  8. I like more the male xmsims,is so handsome!!!

  9. Not to mention, that even if these are default skintones, default eyes and skintones do not download with Sims, the game will use whatever default content YOU personally have in YOUR game-- so if Kittehbomb is using Cutthroat Dollies Staring at Your Soul Defaults, and you are using Shady's Brilliant Eyes Defaults- YOUR game will use YOUR defaults on that Sim- not HERS. The same thing goes for clothing, default hair textures, and default replacement objects.

  10. I find these sims deeply unattractive.
    However beauty is subjective and someone will like them, which is nice.

  11. I don't think they are supposed to be particularly attractive..just interesting. I do think that so of them are oddly attractive though..More artistic than regular Sims.

  12. I like them.
    They may not all be pretty but if all your sims in your game are pretty, it's kinda boring and they all start to look the same.

  13. "They may not all be pretty but if all your sims in your game are pretty, it's kinda boring and they all start to look the same."

    I agree with anon above. And I like them too. Especially 9 and 10. :)

  14. I love them. I love that sims are different and have interesting facial features that makes them unique. That way the descendants are unique and you can see what family they belong to.

    Thanks for creating and sharing, Kittehbomb. Will be visiting your site and downloading. :)

  15. Can you add my site in your blog?

    thank for your answer!

  16. I like these a lot (except the redhead). Love the slightly cartoony, supposedly "creepy" look.

  17. Ah! I go on SimsCave and I love Kittehbomb's sims. Her noses may be long but I tend to make long noses too, so it works out perfectly~.

  18. number 6's eyes are gorgous. I want to eat her up then download her into my game

  19. number 6 looks like a bunch of my sims...... with the cute unusual face but shes still cute...

  20. i think they all look silly, and none of them caught my eye. some of them are seriously deformed.

  21. Sim no3 is very nice, i almost had a pleasant explosion.

  22. "i almost had a pleasant explosion"

    OMG LOL. Is that a PG way of saying you orgasmed? lololol.

  23. What is up with the freckles? Everyone has freckles!

  24. cute, cute, cute.. Did I mention cute?

    I love quirky sims.

  25. Aww, I can't see the creepiness :(

    I think some of them are attractive, some are cute and some are simply cool looking. I like them all! 8D *snatches*

  26. Where can i get the top from Sim 6?
    I Love the 6th Sim !!!!!!!!

  27. Wow, I think they're beautiful. o_o

    I love them because they don't have perfect features, unlike some other sims that are uploaded.

    I love;

    1,2,3,5,6,8, and 9 the best. o_o

  28. Definitely grabbing 5, 7, and 9.

  29. All of them are unique! Great job!
    I don't like baby-faced, perfect looking sims at all.

  30. Good job. I like to play reality and real people are not so "perfect" like all those sims faces that we can see everyday all around.

  31. and where can I get the patterns from Sim6's top??

  32. I absolutely love every sim here...except that redhead. Maybe she's just supposed to have plump cheeks, but it looks like she has bizarrely low/prominent cheekbones. It looks like some kind of deformity to me.

    Other than that one, I LOVE THESE!

  33. the redhead is a no-go. i like the others. i can tweak them a bit for my game and make some really lovely and unique simmies

  34. The redhead looks like she's been beaten across the face with a shovel, allowed to heal, and beaten again. WTF is up with those cheekbones and the sunken-looking jaw?

    The rest are nice. Some of them are REALLY nice.

  35. I have to agree about the ginger. I love unique and "imperfect" sims but there's something a little disturbing about her face shape.
