
February 28, 2010

You take the breath right out of me- New non-replacement skin tone by Missbonbon

Download at Garden Of Shadows


  1. It looks good but she says it has some seam issues, so I guess I'm not downloading.

  2. These skins don't look very different/

  3. Looks good, but I wish she put back views on the girl. I use Peggy's skin and want a replacement because of the ridiculously high crack.

  4. I don't really like it, I feel there isn't enough shading on the nose.

  5. What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get my chi chi's to look like that on my sims? :-( Oh...nice skin!

  6. ^ Why, what do your chi chis look like? Or, uh...something like that...only less creepy and suggestive. ;)

    The skins are nice. They look like they would work well for a variety of body shapes. I generally prefer a tad more detail, but that often gives a lot of sims an odd appearance so I appreciate simpler skins too.

    I really like the area around the eyes.

  7. I like the female body. The super super super brown nipples on the males creep me out a little, and the noses look kind of blobby. With a little shading they'd look great, though.

    Also, 'chi chis'? Are we six year olds who can't say 'breasts'?

  8. LOL. You realize there's nothing shameful about the term "breasts", yes? It took me ages to even figure out what you meant.

  9. "Looks good, but I wish she put back views on the girl. I use Peggy's skin and want a replacement because of the ridiculously high crack."

    I did. :) They are in the thread, it's just that MS3B didn't post them here. ;)

    Maybe I should add previews with different types of noses? Generally my sims noses nowadays fall more on the blobby side of the nose mass/nose definition, thus probably attributing to the blobby look of them. :P I promise, whatever definition you guys saw on the Aikea noses, my noses have those, just with HP's nostrils and some shading added in by me.

    And thank you guys for the comments. For the ones who don't like them, maybe my next set in the future will be more to suitable for you guys. :)


  10. I'm going to test these out now, Missbonbon, thanks for the extra info :)

  11. Please make them defaults!

  12. I can't speak for CeceSaun1, but when I use words like "chichis" I'm doing it because it's funny to me. Of course there's nothing shameful about the word "breasts."

    Grow a sense of humor, or at least lighten up when other people goof around even if you don't find it funny.
