
March 16, 2010

Blown video whatever

According to my computer expert roommate, my video card has blown. So I'm on my laptop right now and as you can tell by the changing font, I'm hitting all the wrong buttons, so I'm not great at typing on this useless thing.

My computer is only a year old, so I have no idea why it blew already. I guess it will make a good backup.

Anyway, I'm off to buy a new computer and will update later:)


  1. Sure hope it wasn't those "self-destruct" Nvidia drivers, that would be the lamest.

    But all the best with that!

  2. MS3B do you have an Nvidia Graphics Card ? According to this report the 196.75 driver upgrade can fry your graphics card the drivers were recalled so if you have an Nvidia card and upgraded to this driver, maybe you ought to contact Nvidia support

  3. I just got this computer for christmas and I'm always terrified it's in the process of exploding.

    I am veeeeery careful to use FPS limiter with everything I play, just in case. Sims 3 especially.

    Without it, my FPS was 3000. Humans can't even see past 60, and the game only renders internally at 30! So it was going 100x more than I needed to.

    If you play The Sims 3, I hiiiiiighly recommend using FPS limiter, even if certain morons on certain sites claim it makes no difference. ;)

    It may have been a contributing factor!

  4. Joel, it's about time to use FPS.
    I have NVdia card too and I discovered FPS from Pescado site.

    Hope you enjoy shopping for a new computer now (if you don't plan murdering your expert friend all the way to the computer store. LOL!)

    Wish you a good day!xxoo

  5. I am sorry about that. I know FPS is higher when playing the game. I use FPS limiter. Use that when you get a new computer. Why can't you get it fixed rather than buying a new one?

  6. Oh no...that's a pain for you. Hope you can get a fab deal on a new one!

  7. OMG!!! I have a Nvidia too!!!

  8. darn, sorry that happened to you. I hope you find a new one!!

  9. If it's not the 196 driver that caused the issue, then it's the Sims 3 game itself that fried your card. The game has serious issues with causing high framerates that will literally fry your graphics card as it continually overheats. EA has refused to address this issue because they don't want to admit fault (they don't want a million Sims players wanting them to replace their graphics cards ... it's a liability thing).

    When you get a new graphics card, get an Nvidia, then right-click on the desktop and go to "Nvidia Control Panel." Scroll down to "Vertical Sync" and do "force on." This will limit framerates within your games so your next card won't overheat and die.

    The framerate limiter mod you can find on More Awesome Than You is for people who don't have Nvidia cards. I highly suggest an Nvidia card, because other types of cards don't have this "force vertical sync on" option.

  10. I'm on the new computer and it's incredible. yes, I updated Nvidia a couple of weeks ago and wasn't able to play any games, without problems. I checked back a day later and saw the notice, so I rolled back, downloaded the previous drivers, uninstalled, then reinstalled, but, I think the damage was already done.

    I could play The Sims 3 fine after that, but, as soon as I went into CAS it usually froze after a minute or two and the whole computer wouldn't respond.

    Anyway, after I transfer all of my stuff over to my new computer, I'll be back. And I'll definitely contact Nvidia about this, so thanks:)

  11. I have Nvidia laptop overheats if I spend too long in game...may have to try that sync thingy.

  12. UPDATE: One of the best looking macbooks I've seen yet here:

    On a more related note, so sorry to hear about your video card, Joe. Hope you're able to get a nice, new one soon. :)

  13. Yeah, TS3 is known for killing your graphic card. Be sure to use the FPS like the rest said if you don't have a Nvidia card.

  14. Why buy a new PC when a new graphics card is way cheaper to buy than an entirely new system. Besides your PC is only a Year old, no reason to replace the whole thing.

  15. Because I was planning on giving this one to my niece anyway, so now she gets it sooner, as soon as I replace the old one.

  16. Can i ask how old you are MS3B?

  17. Well, new computers are always fun. Congrats on the new computer, in any case. :) But sorry about your old card.

  18. Dude! My computer did the same exact thing AND the fan blew out. Just the other day i bought a HP touchsmart 600xt. Games run beautifully on it with 6G memory. You should get it! Its lovely.

  19. Agghh... I hope something like this doesn't happen to my computer. My mom would kill me since I have a pretty new computer.
    Hope you fix your computer up soon.

  20. I can't find this: "Vertical Sync" and do "force on. Help!

  21. i have vista so heres what i did:

    right click on your
    nvidia control panel >
    adjust image settings with preview>
    use the advanced 3D image settings>
    take me there>
    manage 3D settings>
    VERTICAL SYNC and click APPLY, this is how it is on my desktop i HOPE its right for you guys, if its not i apologize.

  22. That sucks...but at least it gave you a reason to get something newer and hopefully even better.

    I've never had any problems with the game frying my graphics card. The game runs amazing for me without causing any sort of problems on my computer. I don't even know what i have for graphics though, whatever came with my laptop but it seems to work really well.
