
March 13, 2010

New Clothing at Skysims

Download at Skysims


  1. i really would like some elder clothing - theres a big lack ;)

  2. Photoskinning... But yet nobody calls it out on sky sims. Liana's clothing looks better than this.

    Those jeans look like someone rolled them in a ball, stuffed them in a corner till the week after and then decided to wear them. .__.

  3. I absolutely agree. I don't like the photoskinning either and Liana's does look better..but not by much.

  4. I'm glad someone feels the same way! Sky sims clothing is just AAH! the wrinkles are just huge and eek! Liana does photoskin but her clothing actually looks good!

  5. Skysims clothing is always colorless, wrinkled and ugly.

  6. I've always disliked Sky Sims clothing. I always thought it was just the style I didn't like (since I don't mind photoskinning), but the wrinkles ARE really dark...

    It's a really odd mixture of super realistic and super cartoony, neither of which is done really well.

  7. What is that suppose to be between her legs on the outfit with the white pants and black top. It looks weird. You are right their clothing is always wrinkled and drab. And I don't like it because it is all made together usually. I like separtes so I can mix and match.
