
March 12, 2010

New Conversion by BettyBoop

I tried this in game and the ends stay pink when colored blond or white. Not the bright pink shown, but a light pink. See the second and third pictures from my CAS. And the package file is like 22mb, the sims3pack is like 8mb, but doesn't install for me.

Download at Sims News - Registration required.

Thank you, Elena:)

File name: c410625f_SP_sceneNEWConversionbyBetty


  1. So all we get is one crappy picture? Not impressed.

  2. I hope you're not blaming Joe, because the fault is BettyBoop's. She did not post more pictures of the hair with different angles, and such.

  3. ahhh this is nice, shame its registration :/

  4. here it is:

  5. ^nice thanks!!!! :D

  6. If anyone gets screenshots of this in-game, could you link for us? Really hard to judge by the faded pic the converter person posted.

  7. I was gonna download, but the file size is enormous. No thanks.

  8. does anyone know why newly downloaded hairs wont appear in game?
    the last one that has appeared in mine was xmsims latest, any i download now just dont appear :/ in either format, including this one! can the bin get full?....

  9. the file size is 1.5 mb, not sure how you got 8.85, then it contains 2 files, the sims3Pack which is 9066KB and the package file which is 22631 KB

  10. ^ read what Joe posted, he obv got the same as me :)
    is it fun being wrong?

  11. You´re welcome, Joe. :)

    A few ingame pics:

    The package file is really huge with 22 MB, but I like the style so I will keep the sims3pack file. :)

  12. Well, we wanted to see how it recoloured, too. But thanks for the pictures ^^

  13. Looks like XMSims, but wow, the ends stay pink? REALLY!? That's F'ed up.

  14. Thanks MS3B and Elena!

  15. i love how mature and judgmental the bastards on this site are.

  16. MS3B what skin do you use?

  17. ^ Perhaps you should take yours.

  18. chadgraphix / the FameMarch 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM

    I'll retexture it. SO it doesn't have pink tips all the time.

  19. Forgotten Update?

  20. Newsea has a new hair up at TSR:

  21. chadgraphix / the FameMarch 12, 2010 at 8:48 PM

    That hair isn't even released yet.

  22. I'll probably do a retexture of this as well, since it's the closest to my for-real hair I've seen yet (except my bangs are shaped more like a U in the other direction). Granted, the ends of my hair are neon purple/pink anyway, but still...

  23. that fringe o_O...ew

  24. You´re welcome, anons. :)

    Chadgraphix that would be awesome! Cause the pink or violet (with other colors) tips bother me a little bit.

    I post a few more recolored ingame pics though, ´cause I´ve done it between time. XD

  25. Thank you for the screenshots! <3 I definitely like the style of the hair. And I don't mind pink ends, but I'd certainly prefer that part to be my choice xP

  26. I can deal with the pink ends even since I don't make too many blondies

  27. I use aikea guinea's default replacements.

  28. It looks really nice in-game. I'm surprised ! The texture is not the best but still good :) I was waiting for this kind of cut for the bangs for sooo long, I'm really happy about it :) Yeah it would be better without the pink highlights. With blond its not that bad but with brown it really looks weird. I'm looking forward your retextures aikea & chad ^.^

  29. I really like the style of this. Though I wish the bangs were straighter or even how Aikea describes the U in the other direction. Cute style regardless.

  30. "I'll probably do a retexture of this as well, since it's the closest to my for-real hair I've seen yet (except my bangs are shaped more like a U in the other direction)"

    Could you edit the mesh as well so that the bangs are more like your rl bangs? I love the hair, even though it permanently has pink tips, but I don't care for the bangs.

  31. Yep, Anon! I was totally planning on doing an edit of them.

    Looks like there's a lot of nnecessary stuff in the .package, so hopefully I can cut the file size down as well.

  32. Swell, that means I can wait for yours..

  33. Same here, I can wait for yours if you don't upload it to GOS. I am banned there. :(

    Would really appreciate the edit, I think that the U-shaped bangs would look much better than the ones on it now. ;)

  34. ^ lol, is everyone and their mothers banned from GOS?

  35. Nice style but I to will wait for Aikea Guineas retexture and edit.

  36. I want L-O-N-G-E-R Bang.

  37. am THRILLED to hear that several of you are going to retexture this hair. It looks like a great hair - but DEF. needs the texture re-done. Will be waiting anxiously for it :).

    And thanks ahead of time for doing so to both of you!

  38. You´re welcome, Calico Tiger. :)

    "Yep, Anon! I was totally planning on doing an edit of them.

    Looks like there's a lot of nnecessary stuff in the .package, so hopefully I can cut the file size down as well."
    Aaaw, that would be great! I´m looking forward to your retextures, Aikea and Chadgraphix. :) Thx!

  39. Thanks for taking your time in retexturing this hair aikea. I really like it but the ends staying pink bothers me a lot.

  40. It's kind of lovely, but I hate fringes : (

  41. "Same here, I can wait for yours if you don't upload it to GOS. I am banned there. :("

    You should still be able to download things from there even if you're banned; as far as I'm aware you don't need an account to access files.

    Having said that, when I get this fixed it'll be going up on Club Crimsyn. ^_^

  42. Thanks aikea-guinea!

  43. Does anyone know where I can get the faded sims shirt?

  44. you can get the shirt here

  45. "You should still be able to download things from there even if you're banned; as far as I'm aware you don't need an account to access files."

    Nope, Jenfold completely banned me. I did make a comment about not being comfortable with pressure to not make another mistake. So go ahead and ban me. When I clicked on the site, I have a message that I was banned and not able to access the site. I just shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well" to myself.

    I had been a member there since 2007 and mainly posted in the TSR sharing areas, helping out. I made 2 posts outside the area and made a couple of mistakes, just two, and now out the door. Wow, I got banned from TSR just a couple of weeks before this when I got caught helping and then banned from GOS. Never banned from a site of any kind before, but now I am sooo bad. LOL!

  46. oh dear..........who cut her hair with their eyes closed?

  47. I'm sorry for pushing the issue but why were you banned? I have about a hundred posts over there and haven't even gotten a warning. It seems like it would be really difficult to be completely banned from GOS unless you're a complete dick or a total idiot. I'm not accusing you of either, I mean the mods are asses sometimes. But yeah, just out of curiosity.

  48. Bangs is shorter than XMsims one, original style is better!

  49. I like this one best. Its like messy inn a way. looks great
