
March 29, 2010

New Paintings by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher

Also, if you want Claeric to make a custom painting of your Sims, then go here for more details.


  1. How egocentric...
    That's not a bad thing though.

  2. "How egocentric"

    Why? Is one of the sims his self-sim? Otherwise, there are plenty of people that make paintings based on their sims.

  3. lol that sim is so ugly, i don't wanna see that in my game too, its bad enough its here every time he posts

  4. Well, they're ALL my sims, but I don't know why I'd be making paintings of other people's sims for my game.

  5. "I don't know why I'd be making paintings of other people's sims for my game."

    No, it's pretty common to use your own sims for paintings. I was just wondering if the first anon thought that one of them was a self-sim, meaning a sim based on yourself. Otherwise, the term "egocentric" wouldn't really apply. :/


  7. No, none are self sims. I just went to my screenshots folder and picked a few pictures I thought would make cool paintings.

    I like the screaming one and the "band poster" one the best, making paintings is pretty easy and fun. :D

  8. They are very funny! :D

    Tough, I don't intend to use them in my game to be honest, maybe you can make a tutorial for noobZ like me to how we create that? =)

  9. OMG I LOVE these Claeric!!
    Very funny.
    I LOLed so hard when I saw it.
    I think I'm gonna make some for myself.
    Kudos for the great idea!

  10. I've made some more paintings, these ones are more traditional and less personal (They aren't pictures of my sims :p).

    Two posters, a photo, and two paintings. :D

    I am loving how easy it is to add more wall art variety.

  11. Wow? Claeric does it again with his arrogant self!

  12. Look, some people seem confused about what the words "egocentric" and "arrogant" mean, neither of which apply here. It's very common to use your own sims for paintings. Lilli, for example, has done it, and nobody bashes her for it, nor should they.

    If these were pictures OF HIMSELF, calling him "arrogant" and "egocentric" would be justifiable. They aren't, so calm down.

  13. i think there awesome

  14. What a great idea!!

  15. At least people seem to be catching on to the fact that the Claeric-bashers in this thread are trolls (or just tards, but either way they shouldn't be taken seriously).

    Thanks, Claeric. ;)

  16. Hey claeric, no one likes you. Didn't you get the hint when you were bannned form modthesims? NO ONE LIKES YOU! If you had half a brain you would withdraw altogether from the sims community.

  17. "Hey claeric, no one likes you."

    On the contrary, what no one likes is whichever troll(s) insists on rambling on about something completely unrelated. Knock it off and grow up.

  18. "Intelligent people don't generalize"

    Pretty ironic statement there, seeing as how you're making a generalization.

    Go troll somewhere else.

  19. ^Am I? where?
    I'm not the other anon, just so you know. Lmfao calling me troll.

  20. That guy is downright the most creepiest looking sim ever LOL!
