
March 14, 2010

Newsea Jelly Dance Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only

Other re-released Newsea hair here


  1. It's not bad, though it's not exactly an example of Newsea's best work, either.

    I'd be interested in comparing the ratio of hairs produced in the past to the ratio of hairs produced now that Newsea's at TSR. Generally, TSR encourages their creators to crank out new material as often as possible, regardless of the time put into it.

  2. ^^ Fact. I think this is the first one Newsea's uploaded to TSR that's actually new, though.

    This looks okay, I'm not too big on these bangs though. They seem to sit kind of weirdley on the forehead.

  3. I really don't like those bangs. It also seems to sit a bit too high on the head. But that might be an illusion of those bangs or the poofy back. With different bangs, I think it could have been super cute. As it is.... I don't think I'll be trying to get a hold of it :-/

  4. It looks cool in the game.
    But a little high on the head!

  5. jordoosims, please post the download link

  6. ^Hey don't demand everything of Jordoo, get it yourself you lazy thing.

  7. Cute. Too bad I hate TSR. :( Maybe I'll be able to find it ~elsewhere~, haha.

  8. Posting download links for TSR stuff here is not generally a good idea, since this is a publicly viewable blog and TSR is known to be VERY paranoid about filesharing. All that's going to happen is maybe 2-3 can download from the link before somebody from TSR tries to get it taken down.

  9. lol! the name of the hair is jelly dance, that made me laugh.

  10. What an ugly hair. D: Texture looks nice but the giant tumor growing out of the back of the head is gross.

    No offense to any tumors.

  11. rofl XD

    It would look a ton better if it didn't have this "poof" around the top of the head.

  12. Lul, jelly dance. How does newsea come up with these names..

  13. I really like this, like, really really :/
    Bah. I hope the booty gets it.

  14. This looks like one of those hairs that you need to create a sim to fit.. instead of.. choosing a hair to suit a sim you already have.


  15. ^
    I agree. But Newsea uses pretty much the same two models, so maybe they always make them to fit their display models

    I like the style. I think the super short china bangs are cute if you can pull them off.

    I don't personally have anything against TSR or newsea except for that list they had on their old site. I just like having nice things in my game that won't 'asplode my laptop :)

  16. I reallly love this.... anyone know where else i can find this that isn't tsr?

  17. Or maybe someone can be my hero and convert it =D I really love this hair

  18. Convert it? Is there even a Sims2 version?
    The hair is... well... cute but wouldn't get it even for free. It looks really cute in toddlers, though.

  19. There's nothing to convert, it's not a TS2 hair.

  20. Okay, the Jelly Dance hair can be found here:

    Please note that I did not purchase this myself, and have not yet tried it in game. I fully expect TSR to get this taken down, and most likely won't reupload it again, as it's just too much of a hassle and PMBD will be uploading it soon anyway, I'm sure.

  21. From the front, it's alright. From the back? Looks like a mushroom.

  22. thaaank you anon who posted the link :)

  23. Mushroom? I don't see it. But from the back, if I look for some strange animal resemblance, I CAN see... a jellyfish.

    Go figure. xD

  24. Be careful sharing files from TSR, they do have trackers and will catch, then ban the person that had the subscription. Take it from someone who knows. :P

  25. Why did i just read that Delphy is a paedophile?....

  26. Delphy is a paedo now? Would never have guessed.
    (I always thought Thomas of TSR was one though. Those crazy swedes)

  27. And Delphy has to do with this because...? Anon, you're so cute when you're trying to intentionally spread slander.

  28. It's true. He does have a thing for the underage girls... & he got busted for it =/

    third screenprint down theres an accusation and a link, copy and paste the link :/

  30. ^Just when I thought TSR couldn't sink any lower.

  31. Oh, that. You do realize the person who is making that claim is supposedly the same that leaked all those addresses of various TSR members, right?

  32. See, this is why I love TSR. They screen everyone they make a FA for being pedophile. See, when you pay for their stuff, you know it's not coming from pedophiles. Or communists. Free stuff? Probably made by pedophiles.

  33. wow that hair is awwwwwesome

  34. who cares who made the thing as long as it's free and well made? -.- ... Did you know that Juice of Newsea has a mullet? I saw a picture of him topless. It's somewhere hidden in pooklet's blog. Very lollable.

    Do you really want hair made by someone who has horrible taste in hair IRL? ...

    Didn't think so.

  35. ^ Post picture and/or link or you can GTFO and never return.

  36. Too Lazy to check Pooklet's blog for yourself? You're lame. But for your benefit:

    The entry.

    Teh picture.

    And my point still stands. As long as it's free who cares about whoever made it, death row, closet gay, whatever. You're not supporting their evil habits, you're just downloading some free thing they made.

  37. "Or communists. Free stuff? Probably made by pedophiles."

    Lulz. I'm assuming (hoping) you were joking.

    In all seriousness, it was a rumour blown way out of proportion by TSR. Not saying anybody is a saint, just that it's exaggerated, not to mention more than a little unrelated.

  38. "Did you know that Juice of Newsea has a mullet? I saw a picture of him topless. It's somewhere hidden in pooklet's blog. Very lollable."

    I completely agree with you and now I know why he has no job and has to cling to the sims and TSR to feed himself.

  39. "As long as it's free who cares about whoever made it, death row, closet gay, whatever."

    Nice work putting gays and death row inmates in the same category there, douchebag.
