
March 20, 2010

Nouk Side Braid ~ Now for Males by Anubis360

Download for teen - elder males at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: NoukSideBraid_Male_byAnubis360


  1. It looks good for elven-type guys. :)

  2. Not to be rude claeric, but is the reason you lurk MS3B so much because you were banned from MTS? If that's the case, you remind me of a leech friend who likes to tag along in a groups but secretly, everyone wishes you'd go away. I'm just saying.

  3. lmao. All I did was say something was awesome.

  4. Everytime someone begins a sentence with "not to be rude" they usually are. :-P

  5. Claeric said...
    lmao. All I did was say something was awesome.

    My Gawd. I expect all hell will break loose if you ever say something really wrong.

  6. ^ I think they are waiting for it, just getting the practice in first.

    I don't know Claeric, but after reading some of comments in MTS community, I guess he has pissed quite a few people off. Just gonna take time for this to blow over.

    If I am irritated by someone on the internet, I just ignore their comments, or if the site have a function, just block all that person have to say. So easy.

  7. I kinda get what anon is saying. I mean, Claeric has been posting practically nonstop since s/he had been banned from MTS. They're not targeting that particular comment that Claeric made, but the fact that s/he made a comment in the first place.

    Aaanyway, more on topic: the female version of this hair is the only one that I liked from Anubis (sorry, Anubis! I like you as a person but I don't care for your hairs) though I don't think I'd use it for guys. I'm sure others will use it; as Mellie pointed out, it could be useful for elven guys or, I guess, Avatar sims.

  8. I comment on new things. I thought that's what we were supposed to do?

  9. Yeah, but if people don't like you in the first place, I think that they wouldn't want to (figuratively) see your face around all the time.

  10. he can write wherever/whenever he wants, give him a break. being banned on mts doesn't mean that you are officialy excluded from every simcommunity :/

  11. What's with people? Are you a herd of sheep?

    Claeric's comment was possitive. He wasn't rude, unlike you. Just because Claeric's manners didn't go well with MTS rules, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to comment on anything ever again.

    This is childish.

  12. i agree. i don't know what when on at MTS but the comments directed at claeric sounds a bit bullying. she or he has every right to be here and comment. suggesting that s/he shouldn't do it because you don't like it is intolerant and childish.

  13. Everyone is being mean to Claeric who says she doesn't have the right to say what she wants to say?

    ''Not to be rude claeric, but is the reason you lurk MS3B so much because you were banned from MTS? If that's the case, you remind me of a leech friend who likes to tag along in a groups but secretly, everyone wishes you'd go away. I'm just saying.''
    How about i say I dont like you lot bugging everyone witth usless coments trying to be mean?
    I really do feel sorry for you, you must have such a horrible life that you like to ruin ours.

  14. Everyone is being mean to Claeric who says she doesn't have the right to say what she wants to say?

    ''Not to be rude claeric, but is the reason you lurk MS3B so much because you were banned from MTS? If that's the case, you remind me of a leech friend who likes to tag along in a groups but secretly, everyone wishes you'd go away. I'm just saying.''
    How about i say I dont like you lot bugging everyone witth usless coments trying to be mean?
    I really do feel sorry for you, you must have such a horrible life that you like to ruin ours.

    Also MS3B is trying really hard to get us some nice things for our game and all you lot want to do is argue and be bully Claeric.

  15. I was the anon that responded to Claeric and honestly, I don't dislike him. Just pointing out that a lot of people dislike him and it's easy to see why they wouldn't want to see Claeric posting around here. I'm not defending them, denouncing them, or saying that Claeric doesn't have the /right/ to comment. I'm pointing out the reasoning behind not wanting to see someone you don't like. Whether or not their distaste for him is 'reasonable' or not-- that's a whole 'nother can of worms that I'd rather not get into.
    Goddamn. I wish the forum would become more popular so that all of our e-drama wouldn't spam up posts.

  16. Claeric: comment on the stuff. Converse with others if they're conversing with you in a polite way. If they're insulting you, IGNORE THEM. I'm not sure how often it needs to be said. If you keep attempting to do what you see as "reasoning with them" then IT WILL NOT STOP.

    The braid is very nice. Probably not something that I need, but it looks good anyway.

  17. He's obviously trying to be part of the blog. He made an account so everyone knows it's him who's talking. He doesn't want to be anonymous, he needs the attention.

    And he also tries to be the one of the first person who comments so everyone notices he's there.

    Now that he can't do that at MTS, he comes here trying too seek MOAR attention.

  18. Everybody have been invited here to comment on the new, shiny, stuff for our games. Even the trolls are here and I haven't seen anything in Claeric's post that was spam or being a troll. He is allowed to comment here or on any forum that he is not banned from.

    Come on now, lets give this issue a rest and continue to enjoy the blog. Joe has made a wonderful spot for us to get info from the Sims Community, and Claeric has a right to this info too.

    I am benefiting from some of his comments, learning new things. Looks like he is tough and will not run from here. If he is taking the heat from MATY (which is much worst than here) and still posts some useful information, then being here is a "piece of cake". Hope he keeps posting.

  19. It's good but Idon't think I'd like this for guys. Maybe for Asians that would be ok , but I prefer shorter hair.

  20. Guys, you really, REALLY need to calm down. If we can deal with the 12-years-old trolls, we can deal with Claeric, and he's a nice person after all, except when he thinks that he's better than everyone, but maybe he's trying to change that? Just saying. All we deserve a second chance.

  21. Oh! And thanks for the comments about the hair! XD (good or not, you know I appreciate them)

  22. Anonymous said...

    I kinda get what anon is saying. I mean, Claeric has been posting practically nonstop since s/he had been banned from MTS.


  23. What the heck did Claeric do to get banned anyway, set someone on fire? It's probably not that big a deal anyway.

  24. B said...
    I think they are waiting for it, just getting the practice in first.


    I don't know Claeric, but after reading some of comments in MTS community, I guess he has pissed quite a few people off. Just gonna take time for this to blow over. that never happens on the Internet.

    If I am irritated by someone on the internet, I just ignore their comments, or if the site have a function, just block all that person have to say. So easy.

    Exactly. It really is that easy. Personally, I have no problem with him, and he is as entitled to air his comments as anyone else here. At least he does it under his username and not anonymously. Besides that, it's not like he hasn't contributed to the Sims3 community. His gaming scripts have added a unique component to gameplay that I am enjoying to the fullest. I see a lot of complaining and not a whole lot of credit where credit is due for his creations. That's high up on my "hypocrites suck" scale.

  25. Here is the problem..Claeric bullied a lot of people on MTS2. When I saw him here the first time, I did not like it. I thought we were rid of him. When you are mean to people, they get a bad taste in their mouth. And since we can post anonymously here, we can say to him what we wanted to say before.

    On the other hand, he has a right to be here. But if he starts making nasty comments to people as he did on MTS2, sometimes simply because he assumes they are not native English speakers, then we can and will let him know what we think of his comments. His problem is he doesn't know when to stop and give up. Hopefully he will grow up and learn.

    Knocking him for saying 'awesome' isn't really fair though. LOL

  26. I didn't bully people. I informed people that they were stupid as hell.

    That's not bullying. Bullying would be doing that when they didn't deserve it. :D

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Here is the problem...

    And everything you said here flows in the opposite direction as well.

  29. "I didn't bully people. I informed people that they were stupid as hell.

    That's not bullying. Bullying would be doing that when they didn't deserve it. :D"

    lol XD

  30. Anubis, this hair looks great in-game. You did a good job with this.

  31. Love the hair. I have a few themed sims this will be perfect for.


    "I didn't bully people. I informed people that they were stupid as hell.

    That's not bullying. Bullying would be doing that when they didn't deserve it. :D"

    As much as some people appreciate that mindset, a lot of others don't. And although I think you are correct in most cases, I have seen you do just that in situations that didn't 100% deserve your level of harshness. In that respect, you have to expect some hostility...especially since you don't always know when to end a conversation, and you always seem determined to have the last (often snarky) word. In cases like that, it ends up looking like you just want attention, and nobody likes that.

    So say what you think. Comment on content. Tell people off for being stupid. But don't respond to personal commentary or create your own, and drag every insult through the mud 500 times and expect everyone to greet you with hugs for it.

    I like you, man, I really do. But you ARE annoying sometimes.

  32. yay im gonna use this for hippy sims :L

  33. I love this hair and the conversion is done well. That said, it just doesn't look right on a male. It doesn't look like it's a man trying to be a bit effeminate or go in just looks like a guy who lost a bet and has to wear a female wig for the day. Something's

  34. ^I disagree. I think it would look really good on a fantasy sim or a Native American sim. Just my opinion though.
