
March 24, 2010

Paintings: Suzanne Woolcott Collection by My Sim-Style

Download at My Sim-Style


  1. Seriously, does EVERY creator who makes paintings take stupid pictures like this?

    D:< RAGE

  2. ^ What's so bad about them? too tiny maybe? there are bigger pictures in sim-style website.

  3. Looks like my bed in rl...tons of pillows! I like the pics!!

  4. Claeric.
    I do not understand why you say you are stupid my photos.
    If you do not like, you do not talk like that.
    As "Anonymous" said, I do them for me that my fans can see them in large format on my blog.
    I take this post, to thank all the people that follow me.
    I'm very proud of my blog. Thanks.

    PD: Excuse my bad English

  5. Omg i love the suzanne woolcott images...especially the gorjuss girls! I use these images on my hand made greeting cards that I sell! x

  6. ^^He just means that the image is mostly of the room. The paintings, which are the actual items being showcased, take up only a small portion of the overall picture. I'm sure he knows he can see a larger version, but when the paintings are maybe 10% (tops) of the preview picture itself, it's a little annoying.

    It's a pet peeve for some of us. I don't know why he gets quite as mad about it as he does, but hey, I get furious when someone leaves the silverware drawer open. :P

  7. Exactly. We don't give a crap if you can decorate a room with some ugly CC, we are downloading the painting, not the room. Nobody cares about the room.
