
March 27, 2010

Peggy Hair 0372 ~ Pooklet'd by Anubis360

This was done here by Peggy

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: Anubis360_peggyzone-sims3-DONATE-FAhair0150-100327


  1. That was fast! Thanks Anubis. ;D

  2. That was fast! Thanks Anubis. ;D

  3. is it kid friendly?

  4. If you meant what I think you meant, no, it's no for children and toddlers. No until Peggy does them (we know she will)

  5. OpenID anubis360 said...

    If you meant what I think you meant, no, it's no for children and toddlers. No until Peggy does them (we know she will)
    haha yea you understood. Ok well, guess we'll have to wait. Thanks for answering

  6. Just looking at the back shot with the blonde hair.. I'll pass :/. Those are some very noticeable roots, and not to mention the double-neck syndrome that's going on. Not your fault I'd assume though.

  7. I... think I love you Anubis. @.@;

  8. ^^ The roots are that color because that's the color Anubis chose for that particular shade of hair in the CAS. The roots are only as noticeable as you make them :) Unlike Peggy's where the roots were enormous and dark no matter what you did.

  9. "Just looking at the back shot with the blonde hair.. "
    As Calico said, is just the roots color I've chosen. You can change them for any color you want :)

  10. I donnt really want these hairs, i really want some more Raon converts. I have been trying to find Raon 81 lately. :/

  11. I'm not sure why this hair was redone. The original by Peggy looked great.

  12. ^ Pooklet'd hair is almost always better. The original had very dark roots that you couldn't recolor.

  13. Thanks, Anubis! I was an anon who wanted a retexture of this hair.

  14. Thank you :) Look pretty great. also! Your model are epic, as always <333

  15. Thanks so much Anubis! I really wanted a retexture of this as well. It's such a pretty style, but Peggy's textures are just tragic.

  16. is the model in the last picture up for download anywhere, anubis? she's so pretty =)
    great job with the hair too!

  17. Last model? The one with the higlights? She's Cindy, and she's at my blog :)

  18. I really like your third model, the blond one, Anubis :)

  19. The blonde model is adorable.

    Thanks for this, it looks great.

  20. I guess I'm actually the only one who thinks the blonde looks bug-eyed and weird. XD

    The hair looks really nice, though. I think I'll wait to nab it until it works for kids, but it looks well done already. :)

  21. "I guess I'm actually the only one who thinks the blonde looks bug-eyed and weird."

    Don't worry, so do I. XD

    But the hair looks great! Definately downloading.

  22. "I guess I'm actually the only one who thinks the blonde looks bug-eyed and weird. XD"
    Haha, I tried to copy an asian site model XD I like to have variety :P

  23. Oh yeah!!! Very happy :D Ty!!!

  24. Anubis's hair looks nice in these pictures, but he must have God's gift to graphic cards installed in his computer, because the hairs look wispy and crappy in my game. I have no idea why this is, I assume my crappy graphics card is the reason.

  25. This hair is perfect for making Amy from soul calibur 4 =O

  26. i never stick with the same sim for more than a week, i get bored very fast.

  27. The hair is cute. Yay for realistic roots!

    I've been playing FFXIII and several of the characters in that have dark roots, too. I saw Hope and thought, "I wonder if Peggy made your hair."

  28. i think this will be my favorite style for girls once it's released for kids

  29. --I've been playing FFXIII and several of the characters in that have dark roots, too. I saw Hope and thought, "I wonder if Peggy made your hair."--

    LOL Poor Hope, not only whiny but cursed with peggy coloring

  30. This would look great on my cheerleading sims :D

  31. did anybody make this for girls yet?!?

  32. i can't download it anymore....D:

  33. I love this game :)
