
March 22, 2010

Rock & Bowl + Rock & Bawl --- Peggy Hair With Pooklet Textures for TS3 by leechjar

This was also done here by Peggy.

Download at Garden Of Shadows

File names:



  1. I like the first shot, for the ridiculous pompadour-ness. Not as fond of it with the bun, but it's still great because of how odd it is.

    Peggy's hairs look so weird on kids, though. It's horrifying!

    Will make for some really cute sims though :D

  2. Yeah I prefer it without the bun. Not my style but does look better retextured. :)

  3. i like this; its funky! good for some unique sims. imo its too much hair for kids/toddlers (as always for peggy) and they look kinda scary (the toddler looks like Chucky >.<)

  4. the kid looks like angry!!!

  5. Hello, this is charade aka leechjar. My hair was removed and I'm trying to see what I did wrong to possibly reupload at GoS. Also, I have a DW, where there are other things available that you unfortunately cannnot see because tinypic ended up deleting every single picture I uploaded. Anyways, I think the downloads still work so if you want the hair, please visit there.

  6. I got a reply back from the mod I messaged and apparently the links were broken so the problem here was with tinypic and my deleted images. I will get to work and hopefully be able to update things at my DW and reupload at GoS today or tomorrow.

  7. WTH is up with the name/description?

    Nice work though, can't wait for it to be back up. :)

  8. It's probably a song reference, judging from the last picture.

  9. Actually, Claeric, it's a random train of thought gone runaway. I was thinking when I saw the hair about rock and roll music and bowling alleys. (Don't ask.) Roll rhymes with bowl, hence the title Rock & Bowl. I did the child and toddler as an afterthought and looking at the title of my first, I thought, now what would the little girls be doing while the big girls were out bowling? The answer I came up with was bawling their eyes out and bawl is one letter away from bowl. Like I said, random train of thought gone runaway. Although a song about it would be pretty cool. Thanks for the comment though. :}

  10. Thanks for the clarification, LeechJar.

    (Just out of curiosity, Claeric, what did you mean by "judging from the last picture"? I don't see anything about a song in that pic.)

  11. It just seemed like the words would be lyrics, or something.

  12. Yes. I have to make the chick from La Roux now.

  13. Nice retexture!

    Does anyone by any chance know where the robot pattern on the walls is from...?
