
March 16, 2010

Some Sims at Garden Of Shadows

I haven't posted Sims from here in a while, so thought I would.

Download at Garden Of Shadows


  1. I wish gloomystar would stop posting her sims all over the place. x.x .. she has a blog... posts them at GOS... and now at the cave too? And she never really specifies all the CC which is annoying. :/

    I'm not really into any of these (Even though the black haired girl is a good likeness to the celebrity she's supposed to be.)

  2. I agree with you.Not to knock anyone's creative ability or discourage them from uploading sharing their creation but to solely make Sims and upload them EVERYWHERE is a little, no scratch that, very very annoying.Wouldn't mind as much if her Sims had something special about them. Not that they may not be special to her but they look exactly the same. Just different hair.

  3. I like the 4th and 6th

  4. Yeah, her sims are all very similar. It gets annoying after a while.

  5. OH WOW,
    I love the fourth and really really love the second one!!!!
    Shes so interestingly beautiful!
    Love it!!

  6. the last one is gorgeous!

  7. I already have the boy in my game (and very pleased with him<3) but the girls are new to me :D *runs off to check 'em out*

  8. I like the third one a lot.

    #2 has tiny nose syndrome and #4 has giant eye syndrome. DNW.

  9. Come to think of it, #4 has giant eye AND tiny nose syndrome.


  10. Because NO ONE in the world can have big eyes or small noses, right? Everyone HAS to be squinty eyed and big nosed... no wait, you people complain about that too... "her eyes are to big" "his eyes are to small"... seriously people, if you don't like it you don't have to download it! Theres no reason for neqative and hurtful comments. And if you complain about EVERY sim you see, maybe here's an idea, MAKE YOUR OWN.
