
March 02, 2010

Velvet Kitchen Set by Desdren

Set includes: Counters, cabinets, shelves, island counter, bar stool, hood, teapot, sauce dishes, kitchen aids, and clutter mugs

Download at Desdren Sims 3 Paintings


  1. oooh nice set. I'll have to check this out.

  2. Kind of similar to that MTS set.

  3. This would be great if it was for TS3 but it's another TS2 set. I thought this was Mysims3blog?

  4. This is a Sims 3 set you twits. It's a sims 3 package and can be downloaded with helper monkey. Read before posting.

  5. Download full Sims 3 with World Adventures and newest patches as well as uncensor patch, Riverview, all store objects etc at:

  6. WooHoo!! Another kitchen set for my simmies!!

    Will definitely be checking this set out.

  7. I love it. The neighborhood I'm currently playing has lots of modern houses and this kitchen set will look great in them.

  8. Wow, this is beautiful! I can't wait to try it out!

    I'm not sure what made anon think this was a TS2 set...

  9. Having read a few more posts about supposed TS2 items, I'm pretty sure that's a troll.

    And I licked it.

    *hangs head in shame*

  10. This is better than any of the crap TSR puts out. Yay free creators!

  11. chadgraphix / the FameMarch 3, 2010 at 12:31 AM

    *cough*My new blog*cough*

    um... *cough*


  12. This is absolutely gorgeous and VERY versatile. Well done!

  13. I hope this kitchen isn't screwed up like every other I've got from TSR. None of my downloaded kitchens recolor properly, or the corner countertops don't recolor at all. Desdren is a pretty high quality though, so i'm sure it won't. Nice work as usual.

  14. Anyone have any experience with this set?

    I have downloaded numerous kitchen sets and my game crashes. It could be a MTS set, a TSR set or anywhere. It is mostly when the pieces go into corners I can't recolor them and the game crashes if you delete them.

    Game is fully up to date.


  15. I started having that problem when EA patched the last time. I did try Plasticbox's kitchen and it does work, although the base textures are black. They didn't crash when I designed them with the tool and made new presets. Now I am trying this one out too.

    My problem is the launcher today. It will not let me sign in or install my downloads. EA sucks at keeping up websites, I cannot post anything there. Sigh.

  16. ^Protip: don't use the Launcher. It's fail wrapped in fail with a nice drizzle of failsauce, and it will shit all over your game.

  17. I downloaded this and used it in my game. It's really nice, but the only problem I had was when trying to make a decorative counter island. When trying to use moveobjects on the counters would turn black as soon as they touched another section of cabinet and I was unable to recolor. I kept the cool overhead counter with the jars and baskets and some of the clutter, but ended up junking the rest.

  18. ^Is that similar to the corner counter issue? I know that one popped up for me after a certain patch. Have you tried doing that with EA counters since patching?

  19. The EA counters work fine for me. That's actually what I ended up using instead of this one for my intended project.

    I'm curious as to whether or not anyone else who downloaded this has had a similar issue. I'd like to work out if it's just my game and something is borked or if it really is the counters themselves.

  20. I ran this set thru Sims 3 Dashboard,all files were corrupt except 3 of them.You can get the Sims 3 Dashboard at MTS.Bummers,I really wanted the whole set.

  21. ^doesn't the dashboard fix corrupt files, though?

  22. My problem with this set is I wish the counter top was a separate recolorable section.

    My dashboard also said everything conflicted with each other. I'm not sure what that means, but deleted it anyway.

  23. ^The dashboard says that about a LOT of things, things that actually work perfectly fine. If you believe the dashboard, half of the stuff in my Buy Mode folder conflicts with the Store stuff.

  24. I just tried the cabinets and had no problems with the corners. It did get wierd for a second, then the base texture kicked in. Was able to design all the cabinets with no problems. Really looks good in game.
