
March 05, 2010

Wish Of Night Bedroom set

Includes: • Bed • Dresser • Lounger • Panel • Plant *Big • Plant *Small • Vases.

Download at Simcredible Designs


  1. love everything sans the dresser.

  2. i love the first and the last style of that set *_*

  3. Is this a conversion? I swear I had this set in Sims2.... but maybe it just looked similar. Jin-Ah

  4. There is a new beautiful male-sim in missimis. Not is a famous but is so hot ;)

  5. Peggy has a ridiculous update. It made me lol.

  6. Lovely set but I have searched the entire Simcredible site and cannot find it.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

  7. Click on bedrooms on the right side of page. Then at the top click on the 2 to go to the next page of bedrooms.

  8. Thanks for replying however I did that before I posted here. When I couldn't find it in bedrooms I then proceeded to click on every room.

    When I click on the link given here it takes me to the 1st page and that says: March 1st 2010
    "Concerning the Sims3pack x Package" (should be March 6th) and the newest set on that page is the Frolic Kids room and that should be Wish Of Night Bedroom.

    I find this so weird as I download from there a lot. I thought maybe my Firefox was at fault so I used another browser but got the same results.

  9. Just click on the pic of the bedroom on the main page. It will take you directly to the download. That's what I do.

  10. That is what I don't understand, there is no pic - only a pic of Frolic Kids Room and if you click on that it takes you to the kids section.

    This is the first time I have encountered something like this at Simcredible.

    The first page should be March 6th 2010 but it is March 1st 2010.

  11. Only suggestion I can make is try clearing your net history and deleting all the cookies on your computer (if you haven't already). The link is working fine for me, first page shows the Wish of Night bedroom.... Seems that the problem is on your end. Jin-Ah

  12. Nice set, like the hatstand. :) It is a little too modern for my taste.

    Newsea is a FA at TSR now.

    Guess he figures that Thomass can protect his stuff better. Haha!

  13. ^LOL, now it'd be even easier to share Newsea's stuff.

  14. Ran CC Cleaner and cleared all history and cookies and internet cache and still no luck.

    Phoned my friend and asked her to try and she is having the same problems.

    Could you perhaps copy and paste your link here and I could click on that and see what happens.


    not sure if it will work, but good luck. Jin-Ah

  16. Thanks for the link.. Unfortunately didn't work either.

    Would love to have the set but I will try again tomorrow.

  17. Here:

  18. Hi Katana, thank you so much for the link. I have just downloaded it and would just like to say that I really appreciate you putting it up on mediafire,

    Thanks also to everyone who offered suggestions. This was such a weird thing and has never happened to me before but then again I suppose when working with the internet one can expect anything lol.
