
April 17, 2010

Anto Female Hair 74 by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: CoolSimsFHair74_byAnubis360


  1. Wooooaaaaah. This is my hair. God my hair is boring! Looks nice, thanks :D x

  2. What's the difference between hair 74 and 73?..

  3. Very sweet and simple! Love it.

  4. As you can see..
    There IS no 74?

  5. Ahhh i see, sorry i just assumed this was a conversion, they look exactly the same to me, just with different textures...

  6. ...does it matter? Maybe Anubis uses a different numbering system, or just typed it wrong. It doesn't affect the hair either way.

  7. Sorry! I typed 4 instead of 3, and as anon above said, does it matter?

  8. Very well done Anubis!

    I wish the mesh creators could at least not make weird floating hairs.. It just looks so.. off.

  9. Anubis, I know I commented on Newsea's hair post how gorgeous this conversion was, but I feel the need to tell you again. This is EXACTLY the hair I've been looking for! It's not too long, it's not too short, it doesn't cover either eye. It's just perfect. I actually replaced Newsea's "Maple" hair on one of my Sims with this one! Thank you so much for a wonderful job!

  10. Yeah, love this as well. It looks exactly like my hairstyle (and the length is almost the same as well). I never do anything to my hair besides part and brush it, and no one hardly ever makes these boring hairs for TS3 :P

  11. "I wish the mesh creators could at least not make weird floating hairs.. It just looks so.. off."

    There is the reason the hair it will not go through the bodies/chests of larger Sims. 100s (if not 1000s) use Delhy's/Jonha's breast sliders and unless all your Sims are created with the EA default small chest size, then the hair will go through their boobs if it doesn't float a bit.

  12. "There is the reason the hair it will not go through the bodies/chests of larger Sims."

    Exactly, and there will always be somebody be complaining about it either way. In another post, somebody was complaining to Anubis because the hair DIDN'T float, meaning that the hair poked through the breasts of larger sims.

    It's just the best solution there is for now.

  13. ^Don't EA hairs distort WITH the body or am I mistaken? (Haven't played in a while) Is there any way to make them do that yet?

  14. You can add morph states with Workshop (wich I hate when it's about hairs), but I'm not sure if it would work with breast sliders.

  15. Hey! I wasn't wrong! This is hair 74, Anto used the wrong number. If you download the hair you'll see is 74 :) (hair 73 is the wavy bob converted by Savio before)

  16. I love it! This is my hairstyle. Same length and everything. It makes me so happy to see pretty, normal hairstyles instead of the weird crap Peggy and Newsea like to release.

  17. Yay, more straight long hair.......... Good conversion though.

  18. "Don't EA hairs distort WITH the body or am I mistaken? (Haven't played in a while) Is there any way to make them do that yet?"

    Not sure if they do with breast sliders or not, since that's not part of an unhacked game. Will have to try it out sometime tonight.

  19. I wasnt bitching when i said whats the difference between 74 and 73, i was confused! Lol confusion over anyway, Sav just used the wrong number :P
    This is nice and simple, im using the last hair you converted at the min though Anubis :D So this one will have to wait xx

  20. Yay, barbie hair no. 3862!

  21. ^I know you weren't bitching, it's ok :)
    I was responding to jordy...

  22. Thank you, Anubis! It´s pretty and well done. Like it very much. :)

  23. omg, this has got tbe be my most favourite hair of all time <3

  24. this hair does nothing, it's boring.

  25. Wow! It´s really pretty!
    Does anybody know where can I download these hairs for TS3?
    I loved them in TS2.


  26. "Anoymous"--hey what a coincidence, that's my name, too! Yes, it is a plain straightforward style. I don't fault you for not being impressed, but for my part, I say "Thank goodness, it's about time". We need more of these!

    Seriously, if you want hair that does something, download one of Peggy's many "busy" hairs. They're always doing something. By the looks of some of them, it's apparent they direct traffic, hail taxicabs, and send and transmit signals to alien spacecraft. Don't forget to look for the ones with spaghetti-like appendages. Those do some REALLY interesting things known only to secret goverment organizations.

    Honestly, the simplicity of this style is refreshing. Even if it weren't, I appreciate the work Anubis puts into converting so many styles for all of our tastes.

    --Not Entirely Anonymous SummerSong86

  27. srly, it needs a retexture.. looks horrible in blonde.

  28. ^This hair is using pooklet's texture, so I don't think someone could retexture it and make something different, since the people who retexture hairs use Pooklet's.
    You can always pick a different blonde, so I don't think this is a big deal at all.

  29. I'm never crazy about this texture as it looks in screenshots, either, to be honest. But in-game, it really works the way it should--YOU get to choose the highlighting and depth of color as opposed to the way it is with some textures that sort of force that on you with the result of artificial shine. I was pleasantly surprised when I first recolored a Pookleted hair. --SummerSong
